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Posts posted by DaDonik

  1. I have 805fps without decals and i loose like 30fps with each of the 10 first decals.

    With 50 decals there are ~200fps left.

    With 200 decals i have ~50fps left.


    I tried it two times, once with all decals on the cube and once with all decals on the floor. Both tests had about the same results.


    On my system there is no additional fps impact when i get closer to the decals.

  2. I started programming with QBasic, then VisualBasic, Delphi and finally C/C++. IMO there is nothing better than C/C++, because of the simple fact that it has more libraries (many of them free) than the other languages i know. Apart from that C/C++ is good for beginners and experts. You can go with C all the way and it will be almost like coding in some Basic language, or you take the object oriented C++ way, or you combine them. Like i said, it's just my personal opinion and there is no way to argue about a personal opinion :P

  3. ryao, you should really not worry about the price. After converting you first model pack you will know what i mean.

    UU3D is also very handy when it comes to rescaling and positioning models. For example on of the Zombie packs

    i bought was way off in scale and the models were not positioned at the origin. It was a matter of a few klicks

    with UU3D to get it perfectly aligned, scaled and exported.

    Get it and your conversion problems are a thing of the past ;)

  4. You think the world will just all hold hands and sing kumbaya my lord? This is a world economy and everyone would feel that effect.


    No, i don't think that Rick, but like most people i know i just hate america for the fact that their government acts like a badass cowboy who

    thinks he has to restore world peace.

  5. I know the shader is far from perfect!


    @Rick: Just open the shaderfile and alter

    float fNormalStrengthDivider = 8.0;

    to for example:

    float fNormalStrengthDivider = 10.0;


    To ged rid of anything but the outlines, you could just remove everything after line 40. That will also save much performance!

  6. The biggest problem with shadowless lights is the fact that their light goes through otherwise solid objects. So you either set the light range to a very low value to prevent things from looking strange, or you use a very low resolution lightmap. Using lowres lightmaps you now have the problem that it looks strange when you set the light range to a higher value. You just have to play with the lights properties here to figure out what works best for your game environment.


    Maybe thats some kind of starting point for you to figure out the best settings for your gameplay, :)

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