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Posts posted by Gabriel

  1. Hello,


    I have a question for the developer of Leadwerk, what version should I use lua to enjoy the functionality of leadwerks?

    in the structure lstate.h lua_State is not the same in Lua and LuaJit


    baseCcalls unsigned short / * nested C calls RESUMING When coroutine * /


    could you in your reponce add the link where you have to download Lua for "LE2.5" ;-)


    thank you



  2. I use LuaJIT-1.1.6


    You can just include the source files into your C++ project.



    I do not understand, you have only included the *. c and h * in your project?

    you must generate Lu51.dll and Lu51.lib to include in the project, otherwise I do not see how linking'll be able to find references?


    I compiled LuaJit in a separate project. For those who would try without success. It is essential to add to the compilation directive the two following define: LUA_BUILD_AS_DLL and LUA_LIB in the definition of the preprocessor section.


    I have lua51.dll Lua51.lib and after compilation. I have include in my project.


    I tried the following code but it does not work?

    luaL_loadfile ((* lua_State) GetLuaState (), "toto.lua");
    lua_pcall ((* lua_State) GetLuaState (), 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0);


    And in my toto.lua


    Notify("Greate it work");


    If you have an idea I'm interested;-)




  3. I have a question for the experts Lua;-)

    I try to convert the script Spline Lua in C + +, and I met before a problem of semantics of the language Lua, even more elsewhere.


    function CreateSpline(p0,n0,p1,n1,mag)
    local spline={} – spline is a table
    – one elements of spline is a function named Interpolate
    function spline:Interpolate(t,v,n) 
    	-self is same as spline here ? or self is area of CreateSplin ?
    	v.x = ((self.A * (t ^ 3.0)) + (self.B * (t ^ 2.0)) + (self.C * t) + self.D)
    	local m=n:Length() – I don’t understand this semantics 
                         -- Length as define bellow, function of spline table
                         -- ‘n’ is a parameters of Interpolate function  ‘Vect3’ and not spline !!!!
    – one elements of spline is a function named Lenght
    function spline:Length()
    	why call spline:Interpolate and not self:Interpolate ?? 
    	return dist


    maybe he has someone who has already converted this script in C or C + +? I like that to better understand this syntax



  4. Hello Rick


    Oh ok, I thought that was very fast for a language interpreted, is is a JIT compiler, now I can die in peace lol;-)


    I was on their site and it offers several versions:


    LuaJIT beta-2










    what is the version with which LE was compiled?


    Tthank Great Rick ;-)

  5. Hello Rick

    I would use this principle followed by the camera, I know how to create a Link Dynamics bypassing the sandbox and LUA and how do the equivalent of SetGlobalString (), I'll assume it is with the function lua_setglobal, but I do not know how it works.


    Thank you for your help




    PS: for the C + + code

  6. That's why I like Xcode.



    I can get involved if you want: D What do you think of Eclipse?

    otherwise it remains the VI editor and good old shell and for the twisteds guys, there's always the commande "ed" ^^


    josh tell me, thy name is Joshua?

    If you have a good memory is the password to enter the "WOPR" of the "NORAD SIOP" ;-)



  7. You're welcome. You might try running your release build using ctrl-F5 (start without debugging) and see if that gets round the issue. Even in release mode using F5 on its own enables some of the debugging overhead.



    héée, that's right CTRL + F5 hoo my gods I had to miss it:)))

    course CTRL + F5 in release I only use it;-)


    Well, For the little story, I started to prehistoric times of C compiler Lattice C, Microsoft C Workbench, Aztech C, Borland TC1 ......


    and I always have the same mental illness, I feel the need to watch the generated code in assembler. difficult to treat this mental illness;-)



  8. I found ^ ^ I'm a big idiot or almost, when I run my programe compiled in release mode in VS2010 environment, loading the scene takes 30 sec.

    If I run the executable directly without IDE, 5 sec.


    I wonder what "micro $" can he do with my particular executable in release mode!


    Again thank you for your help Pixel Perfect,




    PS: you should perhaps an idea to run a script lua in c + +;-)

  9. How to call a script "lua" in C language?


    i like to execute "start.lua" in my main() like this:


    executescript( luahandle);


    why LE removed in "engine.cpp" the function : ( leLoadScript, leRunScript, leFreeScript) ?




    PS: i work with LE2.5.

  10. Hello Mr. Pixel Perfect ;-)


    I am in release mode and it is the Engine.dll that is used and not engine.debug.dll


    I could check that with the GetProcAddress API that is the right dll is loaded.


    I am very bothered by this problem :-(


    who gives a lot of thing in question on the use of 3D engine leadwerk.


    can be found LoadScene a source code, so I can understand where the problem?



  11. log.rarI would have put my project but it was 300 mega bytes compressed with rar.


    so I just upload the log files, a log is generated via the application written in LUA and the other in CPP.


    my compiler is VC10 and the project, but I do not understand there is no diference in the two log files.

    if only one is loaded in 30 sec (CPP) and the other in 5 sec (LUA).


    I try to console app and WinApp, but not better.

  12. there is no access to this information faster than this method?

    Handling a string and a callback is a bit heavy as the process, right?

    TEntity what is it? other than a pointer, of course ^ ^

    it points to a structure? I think hard enough that this information is not available elsewhere as a callback, I know that the processor is more powerful, it's still not a reason build cycle that could be used elsewhere.


    Am I wrong?



  13. Hi, yes I have an idea for the convenience and my laziness ^ ^.


    do not we say that the first quality of a informatician is laziness?


    well then I suggest one menu item "Pack resources", this menu pack only what is used in the scene (sandbox) or they zip the files or copy them to a directory.


    I think it would save hours of maintenance.



  14. Hello

    I have a probleme with LoadScene API, if a double click on file sbx, the editor load "scene" and "resources" in only 5 seconds.

    With Lua LoadScene() same result +/- 5 sec.


    But with the API C++ LoadScene() take 29 seconds ? why ?

    The editor use another system to load scene?

    If so, I like to use this system because 29 seconds is verry to slow to use this in production game :-(



  15. Hello,


    Is it possible to add in the Controller class the member function "IsCrouched ()" ?


    like this :


    //****					****
    //****	LEO - Leadwerks Engine Objects		****
    //****	(c) 1999-2011 Leadwerks Corporation		****
    //****	http://www.leadwerks.com			****
    //****					****
    #pragma once
    #include "leobase.h"
    #include "leoBody.h"
    namespace LEO
    class Controller : public Body
    	Controller( TEntity ent = NULL, flt height = 1.8f, flt radius = 0.4f, flt stepheight = 0.5f, flt maxslope = 45, flt crouchheight = 0 );
    	Controller( const CreateMode& rCreateMode, flt height = 1.8f, flt radius = 0.4f, flt stepheight = 0.5f, flt maxslope = 45, flt crouchheight = 0 );
    	virtual void Create( flt height = 1.8f, flt radius = 0.4f, flt stepheight = 0.5f, flt maxslope = 45, flt crouchheight = 0 );
    	virtual void Update( flt angle, flt move, flt strafe = 0, flt jump = 0, flt maxacceleration = 0.5f, int iterations = 1, int crouchmode = 0 );
    	bool IsAirborne( void ) const;
    	bool IsCrouched( void ) const; // GKV modification de la source ajout du menbre IsCrouched (16/11/2011)
    //	=== inlines ===
    Controller::Controller( TEntity ent, flt height, flt radius, flt stepheight, flt maxslope, flt crouchheight )
    					:	Body( ent )
    	if( !mIsReference )
    		Create( height, radius, stepheight, maxslope, crouchheight );
    Controller::Controller( const CreateMode& rCreateMode, flt height, flt radius, flt stepheight, flt maxslope, flt crouchheight )
    	if( CREATENOW == rCreateMode )
    		Create( height, radius, stepheight, maxslope, crouchheight );
    void Controller::Create( flt height, flt radius, flt stepheight, flt maxslope, flt crouchheight )
    	Assign( CreateController( height, radius, stepheight, maxslope, crouchheight ) );
    void Controller::Update( flt angle, flt move, flt strafe, flt jump, flt maxacceleration, int iterations, int crouchmode )
    	UpdateController( m_entity, angle, move, strafe, jump, maxacceleration, iterations, crouchmode );
    bool Controller::IsAirborne( void ) const
    	return 1 == ControllerAirborne( m_entity );
    bool Controller::IsCrouched( void ) const // GKV modification de la source ajout du menbre IsCrouched (16/11/2011)
    	return 1 == ControllerCrouched( m_entity );


    Thanks ;-)



  16. Hello


    if KeyHit(KEY_E)==1 then
    	if pick~=nil then
    			if pick.entity:GetClass()==ENTITY_MODEL then
    		until pick.entity==nil
    		if pick.entity~=nil then


    make same of this code in C++, but i cannot find in documentation this function GetClass() in prototype.header



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