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Everything posted by amit

  1. I do not want to be second . Hey, do they have google checkout? i read it in some forum, its just check and cc. I prefer ggl checkout.
  2. Ok, buying now, Does it have something of 30day refund option, just incase ....
  3. Yep, If thing go well, I would buy it in next week. I just want to make sure that i don't wall struck on some show crasher small issue!
  4. Oh, Ok thanks for all. Working on a 2D level editor, after that I would be able to test perfectly the core functionality of the engine (for my requirement). I'll play a bit more with evaluation and purelight evaluation. Hopefully I'll buy it, seems just good and simple.
  5. oh ok, so, if I do TTexture ui2d = CreateTexture( 100, 100, TEXTURE_RGBA ); while( !KeyHit() && !AppTerminate() ) { memcopy( ui2d, buffer_form_2d_gui_framework() , 100000); DrawImage( ui2d, 0,0, 100, 100 ); } This should do the work?
  6. png? I didnt get it. TTexture ui2d = CreateTexture( 100, 100, TEXTURE_RGBA ); so ui2d is a char array of RGBA ?
  7. thanks, I am a bit off on "TBuffer", how to implement custom Buffers. Also if I can implement TTexture structure for being dynamic and use "DrawImage( TEntity texture ..." to draw it, wouldn't that be more logical and easier. There is some thing here "http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/resources?record=19" on opengl drawing, but i am not allowed here.
  8. Thanks for the reply, really helped me. 1) 9 LOD are good enough. 2) 2011Q4 is good, my b'day is in Q4. 3) I bet price of LE is going to be above 199, For Gui, already tried that, in the game loop, 1) setup Ortho mode in OpenGL. 2) made a opengl 2d texture from the GUI buffer, 3) rendered a rectangle, with the above texture. It didn't work, it was just no effect of openGL code. So i searched for more gentle-man way using the provided API, no luck, anyhow the point of using LE is to avoid doing OpenGL . Anyways, maybe I did something wrong in the above and would try it again. (I am using evaluation version) Water bodies are going to be small lakes and pools, hopefully it is possible to achieve good water rendering like those AAA games by some additional work. The terrain is going to be a static mesh, and at near LODs, I would like to replace one big mesh with small detailed multiple subparts. How is that done, using Editor? Not going to to use "terrain generator", hope that does not hit the performance or functionality? Can we integrate the engine as a QTWidget in QT?
  9. Firstly, Great Engine, simple as it should be. I have also used unigine, also great but cost is unbeatable for LE. The LE tree sample and its animationis are the best I suppose! Secondly, 1) I would want to model a 15km X 7km urban area. 2) fly through from the point to see the whole level to through the ground level. 3) 30 types of trees, shrubs and plant. 4) 200 types of building. 5) Own framework for GUI. 6) Have 8600M (Laptop) and geforce 240. 7) Going to have 460Gtx 8) Using C/C++ (if possible with QT4+) Questions, 1) We have our own 2d UI framework, and outputs an array of char*, with RGBA format, where A is blend value. How do we overlay it? 2) How is the waterstuff in LE, is it eye candy? 3) Require LOD for level ground/terrain, from far a single mesh and from near a collection of different mesh, which are nearest. 4) Would be doing lot of light mapping and stuff in DCC (3dstudio Max), would pure light help? Would it let me save a lot in pipeline process? 5) Scenemanager == world() == FrameworkLayer, seems FrameworkLayer betters World system? Right? 6) Using c/c++, i would not be losing on something right? 7) approx time when LE3 launch. 8) Approx cost of LE3 (just to know, would anyhow buy LE 2.0+) 9) Hope pre-baked material is good with LE, without any dynamic light?
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