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Posts posted by ChrisV

  1. Hmm, this works for me smile.png :


    function App:Start()
     self.window = Window:Create()
     self.context = Context:Create(self.window)
     local font = Font:Load("Fonts/Arial.ttf",36)
     return true
    function App:Loop()
     if (self.window:Closed() or self.window:KeyDown(Key.Escape)) then return false end
     --Draw text on screen
     local text = "LEADWERKS"
        local text2 = "IS"
        local text3 = "AWESOME !!!"
     local font = self.context:GetFont()
        x = 0
        y = 0
     return true

  2. Try this:


    function Script:Loop()
        self.context:DrawText("Ammo ",92,92)
        -- Add these two lines
        return true


    Also, in your start function, be sure to set the font. I'm not sure if that's needed, but just in case. wink.png

  3. I agree. It would be very very usefull to get more advanced shaping done in the editor, without having to create these 'simple' shapes in an external 3D modeling program. It would also increase the speed to create the basic shape of your environments.


    As an example...if i want to create a wall with a door opening in it, i have to create three cubes for this one wall, and then also tweak the texture scale on each face so that there's no seam (to make it appear as one whole mesh and not three seperate boxes).

    So, yeah...a big +1 for such a commonly used game engine feature. smile.png

    • Upvote 2
  4. 1) Can I use my Rigify animation/rig or not?

    Hmm, i doubt that's a good idea. I know from experience that rigify has a lot of unnecessary bones (for the widgets, etc...) upon export. Even when i got rid of these widgets, there were tons of other bones/attachments when i exported the rigged character. I must admit though, that i'm not a blender expert, so i'm sure there are ways to get rid of all these things, and only have the necessary bones exported.


    I personnaly think that creating your rig from scratch is easier/better. Not saying that rigify is a bad option, though. wink.png


    2) Do I select the armature object to export?

    Haven't tried using a rigged character in blender and import in LE yet, but i'm pretty sure you need to select the mesh and armature to be exported.


    3) Does bone naming affect anything?

    No, i don't think so.


    4) I've seen something about unchecking Default Take and Optimize Keyframes in the exporter settings and did that, but could someone post a shot of exporter settings that work for them?

    No idea on that matter. Sorry. wink.png


    5) Do I need to do something on the Leadwerks model editor end to make animations work there?

    Haven't tried it myself yet, but soon i will, because i'm working on some free 3D character models (rigged) to upload for LE. tongue.png

  5. Hey Leadwerkers,


    Been working on free texture/material packs for LE today, and i'm quite happy with the results! smile.png

    The pack i'm creating now, has textures for ground/wall, suited for a variety of game genres, such as horror, fps games (half life, doom, unreal and similar), realistic environments, industrial, and space/tech games!!

    It's not finished yet, but so far i already have 9 materials (each with diffuse, normal and specular maps)!

    Once finished (probably tomorrow, as now i'm off to bed, getting some sleep), i'll upload this free texture/material pack! You can use these textures/materials for free, as long as you don't sell them or tell others that you've created them. And of course, credits are appreciated wink.png. Thanks!

    I'll also work on free skyboxes and upload them as soon as they're finished.


    Here are a couple of screenshots of the texture pack i'm working on. Hope you'll like what you see.





    • Upvote 4
  6. Hey guys,


    Here's a couple of screens of a new character model i created in 3DCoat. Some sort of a weird looking alien guy. biggrin.png

    This character will get uploaded as soon as the new assets feature is available.

    The model is 4.3 K, so not too high, not too low. Next up will be to rig the dude in blender, and optimize him for LE. wink.png

    I might probably create some weaponry and additional cloths (armature, gadgets) as seperate meshes, so that people can customize him a bit to their liking. wink.png


    Anyways, i hope you like what you see. Any suggestions for 3D art are always welcome.





    • Upvote 2
  7. Well, here are a few suggestions for future tutorials, which i think are important for (almost) every game you'd create.


    - The first one (maybe not really related to 'gameplay'), would be GUI/HUD integration. Pretty much every game needs a HUD or GUI, and i haven't seen any tutorials on that yet. What about a tutorial that explains the basics of setting up a HUD/GUI which then people can expand upon? Also, if possible, both in C++, as in LUA. I would prefer LUA myself, but i'm sure others prefer C++ instead. wink.png


    - What about tutorials or templates for specific gameplay? Such as a basic template for platformers/sidescrollers, space shooters, top down strategy games, etc...? The templates/tutorials could be used as basic start projects, but would also be usefull to gain some knowledge on how to set things up. smile.png


    - Another suggestion: scripts (LUA and/or C++) for spawning (enemy or player), bullet/weapon impact (particle creation, sound playing, etc...on impact), basic A.I., etc...


    Basically, any script/tutorial that can help in game(play) creation would be very usefull. They would help getting newbie game developers started, while seasoned developers could learn a few tricks here and there, and it would help to get more games created with Leadwerks, which would then in return be good for the engine/community. smile.png



  8. Hello, everyone! smile.png


    It's been a while since my last post, but you'll probably see me around a lot more soon. In just a matter of days, i'll also be purchasing a copy of LE 3.1! smile.png

    This means that i'll be able to make art for this great engine again and upload some of it for free on the Assets page.


    I'll be creating a variety of 2D and 3D art, such as skies, 3D characters (rigged, and maybe also animated), environmental props, textures/materials, and other usefull game art.

    The 3D character models will have a very basic rig (using blender smile.png) , and i might also do some animated ones (depending on how much free time i have left).


    Here's just an example of a 3D character (some sort of goblin tongue.png) i modeled/textured a couple of days ago in 3DCoat, and then rigged in blender.

    This model is around 5K, but i can go lower if needed. Note: this particular model won't be uploaded, as i created it for a project that i'm working on together with Roland, but i might do another one similar to this. wink.png




    Stay tuned! wink.png

    • Upvote 3
  9. Hey, thanks guys! :)

    Have been busy with game projects, so there was little time to create new models, but i'll do my best to work on them asap. ;-)


    soon you'll be a real master of rock smile.png

    Hehehheh, and i'll be playing my guitar while modeling rocks. biggrin.pngwink.png


    looking forward to see what you have next.

    Next model will probably be...a rock. biggrin.png

    Or...not...! rolleyes.gif

  10. No spinning fans or anything. It literally does nothing when the power button is pressed. No lights, fans, no noises of any kind, nothing.

    I had the same a while back...same symptomes...it appeared it was just the on/off button that was broken.

    Could be anything of course.

  11. I don't see those models here as a competition because he offers most of them for free.

    Yes, I offer models for free, but I also intent to create models to be payed for.


    Telling me basically to **** of just for giving a hint on another alternative (technically and visually) is not nice.

    No disrespect, man...your models are great, no doubt, but putting your link for 'giving a hint on another alternative', is not nice either, considering the fact that this thread is about my models.

    You can 'give hints' and help out just by telling. There's no need to 'give hints' by putting links on another one's model showcase thread, considering that you already have a link in your sig.

    • Upvote 1
  12. but this is ChrisV's showcase.
    Yes this is Crhis thread.

    Thanks for pointing that out, guys. Guess Michael is impressed with the quality of my models. Hehehhe! wink.pngrolleyes.gif


    I agree with rocks looking horizontal or vertical patterns, i wanted to point, it's perhaps better to keep them lot more general rocks than very particular cases.

    Yep, I know what you mean. Next rock models will look more natural. wink.pngsmile.png

  13. Thanks for the suggestions and comments everyone! We really appreciate it. smile.png

    I must agree that the animation in our logo is 'bad'. The animation with the letters popping up in sequence, is kinda too 'Las Vegas', and it adds nothing extra to the logo name.

    I've asked around a bit here and there regarding our logo and the topic, and most reactions where that animation 'can' give an extra value to logos, IF done right. wink.png


    Thanks again!

  14. For animation you'll have a lot more flexibility and power if you use blender.

    Yeah, Blender is a great program for animation, except that the workflow isn't my kinda thing. wink.png


    And it's sort of like Yougroove said, generally the company logos aren't animated anywhere except for in promos and in-game.

    I've searched on the net, trying to know if animation is a 'bad' thing for logo design, and so far, I haven't found any article that says animation is 'bad' when creating logos. In fact, some say that animated logos are used much more frequently, with great success. Animation in logos can add a new dimension to your company name. Here's an article about that. smile.png

  15. Generaly comanies logos are fixed , not animated for official pages.

    Well, in this case, it's used as a banner, and even so...there's plenty of examples where companies use animated logos for their company name. smile.png


    Keep it fixed, it's better to have the complete company nime at first look.

    I kept the whole animation rather simple and easy to read, I think. But thanks for the suggestion. wink.png

  16. it wouldn't be too hard to make RIMFROST one DDS file and the software animation simply 8 other ones and display them as an animation yourself.

    Hm...haven't tried that, but it might work. Thanks for the suggestion! smile.png


    Just found out from a friend that there's a file format called .APNG, that does support animation, aswell as 24-bit images and 8-bit transparency not available for GIF's. smile.png

    And, the best of all, there's a plugin available for GIMP that allows the .APNG format! biggrin.png

  17. Just finished the new animated logo i've created for the Rimfrost team (Roland and myself smile.png), and wanted to show how it turned out. The initial image(s) for the animation had a blue-ish semi-transparent glow on 'Rimfrost', but it appears that .gif files don't support semi-transparency. So, I had to get rid of the blue glow. sad.png

    But, it turned out rather good, even without the glow effect.


    Does anyone know of a graphical file format similar to .gif, that supports semi-transparency and animation smile.png? Thanks!


    Comments/suggestions are welcome. Here it is:



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