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Ending Credits

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Posts posted by Ending Credits

  1. Basically I want to optimize the HDR routine by passing a float giving the luminance rather than having to calculate it for every pixel drawn (which requires it to look up ever pixel of the same texture each time).


    Is there any way to read the average colour or colors of individual pixels of a texture using leadwerks or OpenGl commands?

  2. Perhaps you should go like:


    Render world (and lights) -> Apply postfilters such as distance-fog -> Render reflection -> Apply same postfilters to reflection -> Render background and foreground -> Apply postfilters such as hdr, SSAO and desaturate to whole thing


    I feel that's how the rendering pipeline should really be done since then effects suck as distancefog aren't actually hardcoded although I guess this method takes more rendertime and there's not much need to edit the shaders.

  3. I think if you give every soldier some sort of C4 explosive then it'll make the veichle usage much more interesting since you can't just rush in with your tank otherwise someone will just run at you and chuck down some C4 (although I guess people will be moving slower so you might need to remove any rapid fire weapons from within the tank).


    Something that might be cool is electrical sensors which sense electrical activity, i.e electrical weapons, other sensors and other suits. Players could shud down their suit akin to Shattered Horizon. You could have a whole host of sensors such as infra-red, nightvision and movement-vision (plus aforementioned electrical sensor) but you could limit to one-type per person or make them expemsive so that teams have to co-ordinate and share information. There could also be things to block individual sensors such as cold-blooded thermal camoflage.


    Something that would also be nice is a UAV which instead of showing as dots on the map comes up as a toggle-able display on each players HUD of the camera from the UAV piloted by a member of the team.


    My last idea is more of a pet-peeve than anything which is the ability to choose what kind of sight to use (Modern Warfare 2 sort of got this right with the RDS and the holo sight) but I'd like to see even more options. A good attachment system would be brill too (although it wouldn't neccesarily be good for this game).


    EDIT: How many shots should each person take before they die?

  4. considering most of the engine is done on GPU I find I have a huge amount of CPU headroom especially considering 90% of the time bullets aren't colliding with anything.


    For a generic FPS you'd probably just use raycasts though, only mil-sims really need bullet drop and ricochets.

  5. Can I be the guy who gets the kind of job that when he messes it up it doesn't make much difference? :P


    I'm happy to help out but I'm self taught and I only just picked up C/C++ having come from Blitz Basic and I don't really have any other skills apart from programming. (Not that I'm incompetent just that I'm not really able to put together a properly structured program in C/C++ first time round.)


    I'm happy to do something like QA and balancing though if that's an option.

  6. The easiest way I can think of resolving the waves with the terrain would be to take the terrain heightmap and find the boundary of the sea level along it then scale the image to 2 or 3 times the original size and shrink this gradually while having the waves along the boundary which would simulate them moving to the shoreline.


    The problems with this are the large texture sizes needed and the number of buffers you need for numerous waves although this is probably resolvable through some clever shaders or some baked animation texture and that it wouldn't work very well for bays.


    EDIT: Actually since you always need a centre of enlargement this would just create waves all flowing towards the centre of enlargement. so t's not that great.

  7. OK, well I got bloom working adequately by using a blur function instead of downsampling (I have a feeling that that's what's meant to be done and the tutorial was wrong since I just used a modified bloomblurx function). It may not be correct but it looks good and I fixed the lighter-than-the-sky halos by squaring the 3rd colour buffer so lighter areas are much more prominent than darker areas. (The effect works brilliantly for normal objects, the problem was with the skybox.)


    I noticed just now that I have to have 5 buffers for my primary buffer (BUFFER_COLOR|BUFFER_DEPTH|BUFFER_NORMAL|BUFFER_COLOR2|BUFFER_COLOR3) and removing any of these causes a crash and I can't run bloom without any of these. The problem is that BUFFER_COLOR2 seems to just be the normal with a different name. I'm going to check this again but it seems a bit weird.


    I should probably stop following the tutorials, I keep needing to rewrite most of the shaders.

  8. I really want to do some proper Supersamled Anti-aliasing but I have no idea how to take readings for subpixels (yes, I am a bit of a n00b) the only other option I can thing of is taking a buffer of 4 or 8 times the size of the originally but this is prohibitively costly and I'm not even sure it's possible. Currently I'm using a modified version of HPNHan's version which is a nice effect but it doesn't really antialias (pixels are still clearly visible).


    My other question is about bloom which I'm currently implementing akin to the tutorial. The problem I have is with the way the bloom buffer is blended by shrinking the buffer size (something Josh has pointed out before), has anyone found a better solution to this? The other issue is a white halo around the edge of the terrain, although technically this is correct since it is a glow shader.

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