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Everything posted by Polan

  1. Thanks for the answer. I will need to wait for leadwerks3d then.
  2. Is it possible in leadwerks to split logic and render so we can use collision etc. on server side?
  3. So I finally decided to check out leadwerks, first think I noticed is... lack of any info about instancing. I searching in documentation, forum and google, only stuff I found is some log that say about support. I did simple test, ignored all lights etc, just simple massive render. Made array 50x50x50 and fulled them with cubes. After quite a long time of creating , it crashed. I lowered array to 20x20x20 and got 40fps. Static cubes, no rotation etc. I did similar test with raw opengl 3.3 and I had 60fps 50x50x50, 58fps when I started to rotate cubes (used Instancing). Few stuff were missing, but still, it's huuge difference in performance. All my ideas fly around massive scenes with not so dynamic objects that repeat alot, with leadwerks it seems to be quite impossible to achieve.. Unless I'm missing some special command for instancing. EDIT: oh right. That always happen. Right after posting I found the entity stuff .
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