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Posts posted by L B

  1. While Googling Betke, I stumbled on this;

    Pay attention to the cliffs on the left, and tell me why I can't reproduce a similar effect, no matter how I try.


    I also noticed that AA brings a great deal of smoothness and integration, but that's supposed to be somewhere in 2010 (my annoyance about it will therefore start in about 15 days ;)


    EDIT: Don't you think the oak trees have a somehow darker center than the outer parts, which make them look really good? What could cause this?


  2. You can have both. A DLL and customization: just keep the Framewerk DLL source code part of the SDK. The Framewerk DLL must be written in C++ then, so that everyone can customize and recompile it.


    I agree with this fully. Either Josh or Mika, PM me when you're done with one of your DLLs.

  3. Is it worth writing a C# version or would you rather just have fw compiled into the DLL with commands exposed?


    That would do and would be more efficient than managed code. (Also more efficient on my mental sanity).

    Although people might complain about adding in their own effects, and access to variables might not be perfect (i.e., not enough gettings for the options in FW, only settings).


    In any case, if it's short enough for you, it would be a great [perhaps temporary] solution.

  4. For terrain: parallax makes a real difference.

    If you set up Crysis to medium details it looks like LE.


    You can do tests with same assets. Just use the vegetation from my site and throw it into CE2 /crysis. It is made for CE2 and similar. :)

    Import some terrain texture from LE to CE2 and you hav 100% matching assets.


    My final thought to the visuals are the post-processing stuff which is going to be enabled on very-high settings in CE2.

    Furthermore variation is key! Most Crysis maps use 12 and up vegetation layers plus decals and over 30-50 vegetation types in one map.


    I dont have all my assets ready to do a LE2 prototype because I had to do some portfolio stuff with Maxwell and needed to work on LE vegetation but I'll show some stuff soon.


    Would you please make render comparisons of the same scene in LE and CE? I would love to see the difference. We could spot what's different and adapt.

  5. I noticed when I was going through the tutorials, that different effects require very different things to be done at the render stage. This made me wonder if different areas can have only one kind of effect. So am I right in assuming that the framework helps with these issues?


    The tutorials for post processing explain how to do what Framewerk does. In short, use Freamwerk instead. ;)

  6. Bumping this as I started working on it. I hope it will give the same results as in C++/BMAX. Notice that these are the 2 popular languages, mostly because they have Framewerk in my opinion. Framewerk+C# will be a great improvement for .NET development in LE.

  7. Thanks! I didn't think that Casting the object would actually work, but I forgot they all inherit the Entity class... and thus never gave it a try.


    I use this to convert all my code to C# and back for use on the forums.

    CSharp to VB / VB to CSharp


    VB equivilant

    (I inserted a zero because the method takes an IntPtr):

    Dim mesh As Mesh = DirectCast(New Entity(Core.CreateMesh(0)), Mesh)


    Entity.NullPointer is a redef for IntPtr.Zero.

  8. This is honestly a mistake from my part, thanks for pointing it out.

    Until I update it on the website, you can use


    Mesh mesh = (Mesh)new Entity(Core.CreateMesh(Entity.NullPointer));


    Sorry, I don't know the VB equivalent to this.

  9. Hi Lazlo,


    Is it possible to get the source code for the wrapper instead of the DLL?




    The source code for this wrapper will be released with the C# Framewerk. ETA? IDK.

  10. I really like the video. Go and add some sky, flowers/grass and an ambient light so the shadows aren't such dark. :(


    The cape ofthe guy could swing a bit more. looks a bit stiff.


    I would add the atmosphere, but I need to code Framewerk in C#, which is not an easy task.

    I would also add some ground cover as you suggested, but I have found the ground cover provided in your (wonderful) pack not quite fit for MMORPG-style bushes and such. Too subtle, probably more useful for FPS, which is what you design for.


    The model will not even be used in the final game, but only for testing, so I could care less. But thanks for the comments :)

    [by the way: If ever you feel like making some MMO ground cover / old (fable-style) fence models, make us know :) I'd be glad too buy them]



    @Josh: I know there is an improvement between 9600 and 9800. I'm just wondering how big it is.

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