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Posts posted by L B

  1. I'll surely have you lend some help, but school at the moment is making me much more busy than I had expected. Whenever I get time, which might not be so soon, I'll give you the headers' source. Please don't make your own fork or distro however, it would be great to keep it all one single wrapper for the community's sake.


    EDIT: Why so much "if you'll have me"-...ness? Does anyone in this community have something against you?

  2. I'm done with my work. I could get started tonight, although I still have many exams and the like coming (but that's always like this, so I'll deal with it). First though, I'll play some vintage Ragnarok 1. Heh. But you may expect progress soon.

  3. Wh1sp3r you only think this way because you've been using LE for some time now and get how it works. When new people come on they have a hard time with it. Documentation is important. There is enough of it out there but some is outdated.

    I'm sorry, but I started writing headers for another language after 1 week of using LE. I think the commands simply cannot be simpler.

    And since it's the 10th of feb, I'm done with a lot of work, so I'll be able to plug in docs in my C# headers. I honestly think C# is the easiest way to start with Leadwerks. There is no need for compilation or any extensive knowledge, as the language is really straightforward. No scripts either, so you don't have to worry a lot about making a whole game exposed in a script. Last, you can even use the headers in VB if you feel like it, which is probably the most newbish language.

  4. I hate the Doxygen syntax. I think the Wiki is the best source we have, although manually generated.

    I'll plug the Wiki in my headers, so you'll have in-IDE support, which will be great. Dang, I wish I had some free time!

  5. I get several PMs requesting missing features such as picks, raycasting, and callbacks. These WILL get implemented in 1.2. I simply do not have any time on my hands until the 10th of February. Then, I will start reconsidering my schedule (which does not mean it will be all done by the 11th). Sorry for the delays.

  6. $29.95 for unlimited...

    Alright, apart from that incredibly seducing thing:

    • No multi-tasking
    • Apple controlled apps
    • No camera
    • Huge bezel
    • Oversized keyboard
    • Hardly usable with a keyboard

    I'd like to be able to put whatever app I want on my "replacement for a netbook", or at least be able to be on WLM iChat while I'm on browsing on Chrome Safari.



    But hey. 30$ for unlimited wifi. I'll just wait for iPad 2, featuring what I miss and better sanitary protection.

  7. I meant it was as interesting information regarding the problem, although it could not lead to a solution. This is actually false, as we could perhaps trace the differences between the build methods and make it work for debug too, but it wasn't in my schedule of priorities.

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