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Everything posted by HDD

  1. ah, Alright, thanks! ^^ Once I get my new PC sometime this month (or next), I will get leadwerks engine 2 for sure, It's been looking fantastic for what it can do. Planning on learning lua, so it all works out well! Thanks!
  2. Hiya! I'm planning on buying Leadwerks Engine in the next month or two, I'm quite good in darkBASIC pro and was just wondering if coding from dark basic will work in this engine. I'm mainly getting Leadwerks engine to learn lua but was quite curious if dark basic works for it. If so, Would plugins work from dark basic pro in leadwerks engine such as dark clouds? Thanks! -HDD
  3. ah, Very good, Thanks!
  4. Hello all! Quick question for whoever can answer So I've been making my own texture pack (so far has over 200 textures), Each image is 512 x 512. I've been scaling them 75% (From 1.00 to 0.25) to fit perfectly on the objects I create. Is there any way to scale the image on the terrain from 1.00 to 0.25 as well? I know I can manually scale the image from 512x512 to 128 x 128 (which would overall be better for size purposes.) but I just want to know if theres any way of doing so, Thanks! -HDD (Image is an example of what I mean, The roof, bricks, and left half of the grass is at 0.25 and the right half of the grass is at 1.00 being the terrain) EDIT: huh, I just changed the textures to 128x128 and it looked much more blurry, So I really do hope there's a way to scale the terrain
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