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Posts posted by WazMeister

  1. Just one more,  I don't currently use LeadWerks for various reasons but I did feel the potential and love in it.. I actually miss it!  I've jumped on ClickTeam Fusion 2.5 for awhile to play around with and have some fun. Reason I hang around here as I genuinely do have a passion for Ultra (and Leadwerks) that it will get the support and basics for new comers built to a T and I'll jump right back in and buy Ultra. There is definitely a fantastic community and vibe here,  would love to see it grow with all different kind of creators.

    Oh and @AlienHead much love..  the content you shared and advice gave me massive inspiration and was really amazing. I'll never forget that.

  2. 4 hours ago, Alienhead said:

    A game engine or a game maker?  L:)


    Personally, I think it has to be a bit of both this day and age, just my opinion. 

    One particular way of editing 3D models, as an example with Blitz3D or Gameguru Max,  would be editing the engine or pre-existing Hand and animations in 3D software (e.g fragMotion) and import any gun and link the bones easily….this can be done for multitude of weapons and melee as long as the arms are there with the natural animation. It’s a process within GGMax.. Took time but the default pallet was there and people just to edit without having to be 3D Modellers or Artists.. great little feature.

    Basic templates that are out the box ready, with scripts as required (preferably with lots of comments for beginners) to get individuals started by focusing on making games. They will then learn to use it as a Game Engine and expand their knowledge and skillset. While more experienced or advanced users could just jump straight in with customising, tweaking and using it as an engine off the bat and potentially show others how to further close the gap and do other things with it other than being a ‘game maker’.

    Templates as stated previously, FPS with default hand and gun.... Maybe have the system with a set of default hands and a gun that allows users to open in fragmotion, add custom gun or melee weapons and link bones...  Then everyone has content for all sorts of weapons.  Similar to Gameguru Max and what I did with Blitz3D finding a 3d animated model and without modelling skills, edit the weapon as the hands were always same for set type of weapons etc. 

    Perhaps have a template for 3rd person, with a system that easily shows users how to implement fixing guns to the model or general items.. I learnt this in Leadwerks but took far too long than it should had and felt unintuitive with massive learning curve. I finally got a Mixamo Gun Aiming animation on to a model, imported said model and animations then scripted a gun model to be holstered and un-holstered....  But for a simple thing it was just crazy... Maybe implement easier methods for these basic things.. Or a specific ‘how to make a game’ guide or tutorials. Unfortunately an engine will get far more customer base and attention on the ease of use and the entry level. To see outcomes and results far quicker than spending months learning the engine to then see a model move across the screen and shoot or pick a item up….. Content alone can make or break a product, it’s an age of YouTube videos and instant gratification world….. wanting to be told exactly how to get from a to z and then take that and add their own twist or content to it to make their own game and much more.

    UE4 is massively poplar for many reasons, but I honestly believe the main one is because of the sheer amount of learning and how to content or tutorials available... People can literally make a best seller game from nothing by watching or reading the stuff..... with no programming experience at all!!

    Anyway I dribble on, Sorry.   Templates to get individuals making a game....would be a positive move.. a lot of people get their thrills from learning, breaking and making the engine and pushing it to its max capabilities... But on the other hand there are large numbers that just want to jump in and start making a game.... With some hand holding... albeit at the same time have some form of progress path to gradually improve and take deeper steps on their path to creating their dream game.  You would be amazed at the content people new or old would come up with, with a foundation of starting point and direction……

    P. S.... Chuck in an FPS with body / feet showing, RTS and top-down view RPG and Shooter templates 😉



    P. S sorry for all the spelling, on phone which my fat thumbs don't like/



    • Like 3
  3. On 10/25/2023 at 3:35 PM, Alienhead said:

    It would be really cool and helpful to have say like 3 to 4 different 'very short' game simulations to demonstrate the flexibility of the engine, this thread is not the first time, or the first place for that matter, I've heard people discuss Ultra as a first person shooter engine ala gameguru.  Even Leadwerks was deemed as a 1st person shooter engine but as we all know that is far from the truth.

    1) 3rd person  template

    2) 1st person shooter

    3) tow-down click and go template.

    4) perhaps a driving sim.


    I understand this is not part of the engine's duties but when you unveil the release it sure would help the masses on deciding which engine to go with since there are literally dozens of AAA game engines available at this time and for free.  In most cases you only get one shot at showing off the power of Ultra engine before the potential customer drifts elsewhere. 

    Times are quite a bit different than when Leadwerks was released.  All this wasn't really required back then - however the market was just starting and options were limited. 

    You've put a TON of work into ULTRA, and that's just in the past 2 years I've been hanging around here. Ultra deserves to have the same  validity as other 'team-based' developed engines have/had.

    100% This. I quit on leadWerks,  i came in far too late with alot of content dead and gone...  But learning from a newbie perspective was a challenge.  No real templates, we dont want hand holding but certainly it needs something to kick start it a basic foundation layer that gets people started with first person, third or  top down... and then allows new users to get on with level creating, adding bought custom models etc..   Have some pre-script entities for Ai etc.  I don't know.... just Leadwerks and reading thus far Ultra so not new user friendly.... not sure how you tend to grow the fan base if its not a nice welcome mat at the entrance.

  4. Hello,


    I am new, perhaps I can try help with what I've learned so far (not much!).  Perhaps we can learn togeather?


    Let me know what you need help with, and I'll try my best, my friend.

  5. 56 minutes ago, Josh said:

    Okay, so if you want to build something up from scratch, you need to break it down into pieces:

    1. You click the mouse.
    2. A sphere appears (the bullet).
    3. The bullet is positioned and rotated to match the orientation of the point on the gun where the bullet exits (the muzzle)
    4. The bullet has to be updated each frame to move forward a certain amount.
    5. When the bullet hits something it disappears.

    Ha.. It might not be the definitive answer in LUA code but you know what... Sometimes a basic break down like this really tunes in to how I now need to look at it and should be able to achieve on my own.


    Thanks for that, sometimes a simple process is the answer.  I have a habit of over thinking tings and making them far too complicated than what they seem!


  6. FPSGun.lua?


    That's what I've been reading and playing with, just not getting the parts I need to take and understand as it has a lot of other code too....

    Examples are great, (wish there were more downloadable templates / game sources to play with.. not much seems to be released for leadwerks to play around with). but as a newbie it can be a struggling in first place knowing what is what, what bits are needed.. eve when changing and playing with the code, it is very difficult.

    Maybe a bit of insight to this script you ref and the areas of code that are key would help me on the right path....


  7. Hi All,


    I've been reading the forums / searching and the posts relating to this just confuse me more.  I've also played around with the FPS Script and some other third person shooting examples but it's left me more confused.


    Can someone please help me with how (LUA) I would make my character shoot and have a projectile (3d bullet) shoot out at the direction his facing/pointing gun.  I'm just stumped and don't know where to even begin.


    Many Thanks


  8. 10 hours ago, Alienhead said:

    Okay  I went ahead and did that part of my code.  Is this kinda what your looking to do ?

    	-- do a pick
    	local pickinfo = PickInfo()
    	local pickradius = .1
    	local p = window:GetMousePosition()
    	if (cam:Pick(p.x,p.y,pickinfo,pickradius,true)) then
    		   self.player:SetRotation(0, self.player:GetRotation().y-180, 0)

    if your using a physics controller on your player you'll need to set the self.angle to Y rotation ( SetInput() ) and not use the Point() method as shown above. I have no physics on the ant so I used the Point() method but in theory it's the same practice.

    Sorry Ron, I've had a look but even more confused.

    Not sure what Point() you reference to in my code?


    Am I to use/edit the code you detailed or just set self.angle of player to my camera rotation in setinput?

    Many Thanks again


  9. 5 hours ago, Alienhead said:

    Okay  I went ahead and did that part of my code.  Is this kinda what your looking to do ?

    	-- do a pick
    	local pickinfo = PickInfo()
    	local pickradius = .1
    	local p = window:GetMousePosition()
    	if (cam:Pick(p.x,p.y,pickinfo,pickradius,true)) then
    		   self.player:SetRotation(0, self.player:GetRotation().y-180, 0)

    if your using a physics controller on your player you'll need to set the self.angle to Y rotation ( SetInput() ) and not use the Point() method as shown above. I have no physics on the ant so I used the Point() method but in theory it's the same practice.

    I'll have to finish work to look at this in detaill.. but wow! That is amazing, not just the response but the time and effort shown to help me.  Really geninue and touching,  you're amazing Ronnie - Reminds me all humans are not bad! ;)

    It's not exactly what I am after, I want as you shown, but player does not follow where mouse is, just the angle and when shooting with mouse it shoots at location (hence the mouse cursor I will eventually turn to a 2D crosshair as if its looking down from above as well..  Top Down Shooter).

    I should be able to review the above and amend it so the W,A,S,D keys move player around and not follow the mouse pointer.. but mouse hopefully to be free as you've shown and player angle look at it.


    • Like 1
  10. Thanks, that really insightful and helpful.


    Not sure the proposal is the solution I need.  It must be something Leadwerks can acheive,  its basically top down view,  rotation/math curve for model towards mouse location and then mouse icon being a cross hair that use used to aim and shoot etc....

    Just not sure how to piece it all together in Lua.


  11. Hi All,


    I'm still trying and still failing to get a nice Top Down Shooter PlayerCharacter with mouse aiming.  So I've managed to get Top Down view, some nice animations and movements with help of @Alienhead.  My current situation is mouse pointer is locked to center of screen and clamped,  I've messed around with code for countless hours and can not seem to get the mouse unlocked without the angle of player spinning at 10000mph!

    What I would like to understand and achieve, is having mouse unlocked so it moves freely around the screen (possibly clamping it again at a later date but not so restrictive to center of screen), maintain character direction facing where mouse is and finally having mouse cursor be a cross hair.


    Please can someone help me, racking my brains and ripping out (the little I have left) of my hair, I've also hit my head with my fresh new Lua Programming by Roberto Ierusalimschy book!.  I just need bit of guidance in a real beginner / understandable way.  Thanks in advanced for any assistance you can provide.

    A video of what I'm currently left with... to help 


    local runmultiplier = 0.8
    --Set Script properties in Editor / define variables
    Script.lookSpeed = 0.2--float "Look Speed"
    Script.lookSmoothing = 5--float "Look Smoothing"
    Script.cameraDistance = 6--float "Camera Distance"
    Script.cameraRadius = 0
    Script.jumpStrength = 8--float "Jump Strength"
    Script.walkSpeed = 2.5--float "Walk Speed"
    Script.runSpeed = 5--float "Run Speed"
    Script.cameraPitch = 35--float "Camera Pitch"
    Script.lockCameraAngle = false--bool "Lock Camera"
    Script.cameraCollision = true--bool "Camera Collision"
    function Script:Start()
    	--Set the type to player,  keyvalue is string value associated with a key name
    	self.entity:SetKeyValue("type", "player")
    	--Create variable for player Mass
    	self.mass = 10
    	--check and set the mass of player for physics.
    	if self.entity:GetMass() == 0 then
    	--Set player physics mode -  as a Character Controller Physics.
    	-- Create a Camera to see the game!
    	self.camera = Camera:Create()
    	--Listener for spatial sound (location of sound)
    	self.listener = Listener:Create(self.entity)
    	--Get the player angle (rotation) of y axis and store in variable angle
    	self.angle = self.entity:GetRotation().y
    	--Set camereaAngle varible to players current y axis/angle + character controller angle.
    	self.cameraAngle = self.angle + self.entity:GetCharacterControllerAngle()
    	--Set Field Of View (FOV) for camera. Default is 90 
    	camera = self.camera
    	--Create Table named 'player' and set it's fields / data
    	player = {}
    	player.ent = self.entity
    	player.state = 1
    	player.animationMode = ""
    	player.holdAngle = self.angle
    	player.timer_afk = Time:Millisecs() + 30000
    	player.timer_jump = 0
    	player.afk = true
    	player.doublejump = 0
    	player.stamina = 100
    	player.staminaTotal = 100
    	player.health = 100
    	player.healthTotal = 100
    	self.timer_rolled = 0
    	self.timer_duringRoll = 0
    	self.timer_rollLeft = 0
    	self.timer_rollRight = 0
    	self.timer_rollForward = 0
    	self.timer_rollBackward = 0
    	self.tick_firingRock = 0
    	self.timer_tick = 0
    	self.hKeyHit_firing = false
    	self.timer_playerFired = 0
    	self.releasePower = 0
    	self.sndBreathPlaying = false
    	--Player states (Setup in a lua table with fields)
    	state = {} --Table called state
    	--Add fields to table
    	state.idle = 0
    	state.walk = 1
    	state.run = 2
    	state.carry = 3
    	state.dead = 4
    -- Timer Variable for animations (see States further below)
    	player.timer_dontChangeAnim = 0
    -- Create pivot point for player
    	player.infrontMarker = Pivot:Create()
    function Script:UpdateWorld()
    	local playerPos = self.entity:GetPosition(true)
    	local aabb = self.entity:GetAABB(Entity.GlobalAABB)
    	playerPos.y = aabb.center.y
    	context:DrawText("AABB: "..aabb:ToString(), 20, 20)
    	context:DrawText("Camrea Pitch: "..self.cameraPitch, 40, 40)
    	--Returns a value interpolated between a current and target angle for smooth movement. <Target (being moved towards in degrees, current value in degrees, the number to divide the diffrence by>
    	self.cameraAngle = Math:CurveAngle(self.angle + self.entity:GetCharacterControllerAngle(), self.cameraAngle, self.lookSmoothing / Time:GetSpeed())
    	--Set Camera intitial position (rotation and turn)
    	if self.lockCameraAngle == false then
    		self.camera:SetRotation(0, self.cameraAngle+180, 0)
    		self.camera:Turn(90, 0, 0)
    		--If camera locked, set it to just camerapitch.
    		self.camera:SetRotation(self.cameraPitch, 0, 0)
    	--Transform geomtry from one space to another. (x, y, z, entity source, entity destination)
    	local cameraPos = Transform:Point(0, 0, -self.cameraDistance, self.camera, nil)
    	--Set pick mode for camera collide
    	local pickMode = self.entity:GetPickMode()
    	if self.camereaCollision then
    		local pickInfo = PickInfo()
    		--[[A world pick, perform pick on all entities in a world that intersect,
    		the specified line. Pick(origin of ray, end of ray, pick info container,
    		radius, closet, col type)]]--
    		if self.entity.world:Pick(playerPos, CameraPos, pickInfo, self.cameraRadius) then
    			self.camera:SetPosition(pickInfo.position, true)
    			self.camera:SetPosition(cameraPos, true)
    		self.camera:SetPosition(cameraPos, true)
    	self.camera:Move(0, 2, 0) -- Height adjust
    function Script:UpdatePhysics()
    	--use current window and context render surface
    	local window = Window:GetCurrent()
    	local context = Context:GetCurrent()
    -- Setup / start
    	local time = Time:Millisecs() --Time class for keeping track of application time. Millisecs returns system time in milliseconds
    	local animationState = ""
    --Move the player pivot (front marker) to current entity (player) position in local space (not global)
    	player.infrontMarker:SetPosition(self.entity:GetPosition(true)) --Set position of pivot to player each frame/update
    	local rot = self.camera:GetRotation(true)
    	player.infrontMarker:SetRotation(0, rot.y, 0) -- set pivot angle/rotation to cameras current y angle (yaw).
    	player.infrontMarker:Move(0, 0, 2) -- Move pivot on Z axis
    -- Define variables
    	--Get the enter position of screen / surface (context) and hold it in varibles cx and cy
    	local cx = context:GetWidth()/2
    	local cy = context:GetHeight()/2
    -- Camera Angle
    	--If camera is not locked then set mouse to center and clamp it
    	if self.lockCameraAngle == false then
    		local mousePos = window:GetMousePosition()
    		window:SetMousePosition(cx, cy)
    		local mx = Math:Clamp(mousePos.x - cx, -90, 90)
    		local my = Math:Clamp(mousePos.y - cy, -45, 45) - .5
    		--Setup rotate (angle) to mouse movement for player.
    		if self.smoothedMouseMovement ~= nil then
    			self.angle = self.angle + mx * self.lookSpeed --angle of entity + mouse X & a speed. enty faces mouse movement on X
    			self.smoothedMouseMovement = Vec2(0)
    		--Returns a value interpolated between a current and target value. <Target (the value being moved towards, current (the current value), division (number to divide diffrent by)
    		self.smoothedMouseMovement.x = Math:Curve(mx, self.smoothedMouseMovement.x, self.lookSmoothing)
    		self.smoothedMouseMovement.y = Math:Curve(my, self.smoothedMouseMovement.y, self.lookSmoothing)
    		--up and down adjust of mouse movement (turning X) and limit it
    		if self.cameraPitch < -5 then self.cameraPitch = -5 end
    		if self.cameraPitch > 65 then self.cameraPitch = 65 end
    		--[[Apply mouse movement (up & down) via smooth movement.y,
    		based on cameraPitch set to camrea turn]]
    		self.cameraPitch = self.cameraPitch + (self.smoothedMouseMovement.y) * .1
    		--player.cameraPitch = self.cameraPitch
    		--self.entity:SetInput(self.angle, 0, 0, 0)				
    	--Set key button varibles
    	local move = 0
    	local strafe = 0
    	local keyHit_forward = false
    	local keyHit_backward = false
    	local keyHit_left = false
    	local keyHit_right = false
    	--Player Movement Variables
    	keyHit_forward = window:KeyDown(Key.W)
    	keyHit_backward = window:KeyDown(Key.S)
    	keyHit_left = window:KeyDown(Key.A)
    	keyHit_right = window:KeyDown(Key.D)
    	--Reset player to IDLE STATE
    	if move == 0 or strafe == 0 then
    		player.state = 1
    	--Key Actions
    	if keyHit_forward and keyHit_backward then
    		player.state = 1
    		if keyHit_forward then
    			move = -self.walkSpeed
    			player.state = 2
    		elseif keyHit_backward then
    			move = self.walkSpeed
    			player.state = 3
    	if keyHit_right and keyHit_left then
    		player.state = 1
    		if keyHit_left then
    			strafe = self.walkSpeed
    			player.state = 4
    	elseif keyHit_right then
    			strafe = -self.walkSpeed
    			player.state = 5
    	--Player States
    	--IDLE STATE (1)
    	if player.state == 1 then
    		if player.timer_dontChangeAnim < time then --time_dontChangeAnim is intitalise to 0 so will always be less than time...?
    			--Determine which idle animation to play
    			--if player.stamina < 60 then
    				--animationState = "Exhausted"
    				animationState = "Idle"
    			if player.animationState ~= animationState then --If the player.animationState does not hold or match a animation, then set the player.animationState field to current animation (held in variable)
    				player.animationState = animationState
    				player.ent:PlayAnimation(player.animationState, .03, 250, 0)--Play the animation.  player.ent table/field  basically replaces  self.entity.
    		self.entity:SetInput(player.holdAngle, 0, 0, 0)
    	--WALK STATE (2)
    	if	player.state == 2 then
    		if player.timer_dontChangeAnim < time then
    			animationState = "Walk"
    			if player.animationState ~= animationState then
    				player.animationState = animationState
    				player.ent:PlayAnimation(player.animationState, .06, 250, 0)
    				--add sound
    		self.entity:SetInput(self.angle, move, strafe, 0)
    		player.holdAngle = self.angle	
    	if player.state == 3 then
    		if player.timer_dontChangeAnim < time then
    			animationState = "Walkbackwards"
    			if player.animationState ~= animationState then
    				player.animationState = animationState
    				player.ent:PlayAnimation(player.animationState, .05, 250, 0)
    		self.entity:SetInput(self.angle, move, strafe, 0)
    		player.holdAngle = self.angle
    	if player.state == 4 then
    		if player.timer_dontChangeAnim < time then
    			animationState = "StrafeLeft"
    			if player.animationState ~= animationState then
    				player.animationState = animationState
    				player.ent:PlayAnimation(player.animationState, .04, 250, 0)
    				--add sound
    		self.entity:SetInput(self.angle, move, strafe, 0)
    		player.holdAngle = self.angle
    	if player.state == 5 then
    		if player.timer_dontChangeAnim < time then
    			animationState = "StrafeRight"
    			if player.animationState ~= animationState then
    				player.animationState = animationState
    				player.ent:PlayAnimation(player.animationState, .04, 250, 0)
    				--add sound
    		self.entity:SetInput(self.angle, move, strafe, 0)
    		player.holdAngle = self.angle
    	if player.state == 6 then
    		if player.timer_dontChangeAnim < time then
    			animationState = "StrafeRight"
    			if player.animationState ~= animationState then
    				player.animationState = animationState
    				player.ent:PlayAnimation(player.animationState, .04, 150, 0)
    				--add sound
    		self.entity:SetInput(self.angle, move, strafe, 0)
    		player.holdAngle = self.angle


  12. Hi,


    I'm struggling to get movement when both forward key and right or left key (strafe) is pressed at same time, one either overrides the forward and do not work together to move forwards while strafing. Be n ice to have model or a animation play as if its moving at the angle too.


    How do I get such results if my code for movement is the following system?


    Many Thanks

    --Set key button varibles
    	local move = 0
    	local strafe = 0
    	local keyHit_forward = false
    	local keyHit_backward = false
    	local keyHit_left = false
    	local keyHit_right = false
    	--Player Movement
    	if window:KeyDown(Key.W) then keyHit_forward = true end
    	if window:KeyDown(Key.S) then keyHit_backward = true end
    	if window:KeyDown(Key.A) then keyHit_left = true end
    	if window:KeyDown(Key.D) then keyHit_right = true end
    	--Reset player to IDLE STATE
    	if move == 0 or strafe == 0 then
    		player.state = 1
    	--Key Actions
    	if keyHit_forward then
    		move = -self.walkSpeed
    		player.state = 2
    	if keyHit_backward then
    		move = self.walkSpeed - 0.5
    		player.state = 3
    	if keyHit_left then
    		strafe = self.walkSpeed + 2
    		player.state = 4
    	if keyHit_right then
    		strafe = - (self.walkSpeed + 2)
    		player.state = 5


  13. On 7/9/2023 at 12:12 PM, SpiderPig said:

    Getting back into the swing of things!  I made my own UI system, mainly so I could make materials for widgets and do some cool effects down the track.  This is the second time I've made this inventory, first time was in Leadwerks, this time in Ultra.  Ultra is looking much nicer and is soooo much faster.  Can't wait to get some color into it.

    Looks amazing, are you able to share how you did something similar in leadwerks?  Assuming via Lua?


  14. Hi All,


    I've placed some models in my game and noticed once I applied a normal texture, it provides great detail but also affects certain areas to be a difrent shade / darkness than other sections?

    If I change render to Texture only, it does not show but lights it does....  in-game also shows the different shade. Perhaps that's the way it works with lighting, but just looks like a sore thumb and not right..  Should I be doing something to fix this or done something wrong?

    I moved model position to show in images that it's affected when I move it around..

    My area only has Directional light atm and moving that does not change it either?!?!



    Texture Light 2.png

    In Game Light.png

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