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Everything posted by RadenTheFolf

  1. I'm using the Steam ultra app kit. I created a new project using the project manager and am trying to get font loading to work. I'm not sure if the feature just isn't available on the steam version or if I am missing something. #include "UltraEngine.h" #include "LoadingWindow.h" LoadingWindow::LoadingWindow(const char* steamName) { SteamName = steamName; } void LoadingWindow::Create() { //Get the displays std::vector<std::shared_ptr<UltraEngine::Display>> displays = UltraEngine::GetDisplays(); //Create window Window = CreateWindow("Ultra Engine", 0, 0, 1000, 600, displays[0], UltraEngine::WINDOW_CENTER); //Create user interface std::shared_ptr<UltraEngine::Interface> ui = UltraEngine::CreateInterface(Window); WindowHandel = Window->GetHandle(); //Create a pixmap std::shared_ptr<UltraEngine::Icon> icon = UltraEngine::LoadIcon("Resources/Images/splashbg.svg"); Icon = icon->Rasterize(2.0); // load custom fonts auto font = UltraEngine::LoadFont("Resources/Fonts/Inter-Black.ttf"); UltraEngine::iVec2 sz = ui->root->GetSize(); std::shared_ptr<UltraEngine::Widget> label1 = CreateLabel("Version: 2023.4.22", 500, 160, 240, 60, ui->root); label1->SetFontScale(1.5); label1->SetFontBold(true); std::shared_ptr<UltraEngine::Widget> lable2 = CreateLabel("Welcome back " + std::string(SteamName) + "!", 500, 210, 300, 60, ui->root); lable2->SetFontScale(1.75); lable2->SetFontBold(true); std::shared_ptr<UltraEngine::Widget> widget = CreateProgressBar(500, 250, 400, 10, ui->root); widget->SetProgress(0.0); std::shared_ptr<UltraEngine::Widget> label3 = CreateLabel("Loading...", 500, 270, 300, 60, ui->root); ProgressTimer = UltraEngine::CreateTimer(500); ListenEvent(UltraEngine::EVENT_TIMERTICK, ProgressTimer, UpdateProgress, widget); //Show the icon ui->root->SetPixmap(Icon); } void LoadingWindow::Close() { Window->Close(); } bool LoadingWindow::UpdateProgress(const UltraEngine::Event& e, std::shared_ptr<UltraEngine::Object> extra) { std::shared_ptr<UltraEngine::Widget> widget = extra->As<UltraEngine::Widget>(); widget->SetProgress(UltraEngine::Mod(float(e.data) / 20.0f, 1.0f)); return true; } I tried following the example in the documentation but am getting this error no matter how I've tried to load a font. Am I missing something?
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