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Posts posted by Niosop

  1. My last terrain shader used RGB for albedo, Alpha for specular, then a separate Alpha8 texture for height. To determine which texture to display it would take splat value * texture height value. There would be some blending at very close values, but mostly it resulted in well defined transitions that looked pretty good. If there's room in the shader then adding a base offset and height multiplier could add some flexibility. Since you have the height you could use it for POM if you wanted as well.


    An early version of the system is shown here:


    I believe that BF3 uses a similar system.

  2. Oh, one other thing you might have to do is merge verts/remove doubles on the edges that connect when you do a 360 degree spin. Also, you may need to remove interior edges along that portion to allow for proper normal calculation.

  3. Yes, there is. Look at the Spin button on the left when in edit mode. Using that with a curve or series of points should give you what you want. If you need to be able to see the inside, add and apply a Solidify modifier to it afterwards.

  4. Someone else had the same issue. If I recall correctly, you're not doing anything wrong, it's an LE "feature". May want to search the forums for the other post and see if there were any fixes in that thread.

  5. This copy protection is different than the standard, run of the mill stuff because it actually moves some of the game functionality onto their servers. For instance, saving/loading games now saves/loads to/from their servers. Other (undisclosed) things are also handled by them and not the local client. The cracks that were released early on only bypassed the standard checks allowing you to start the game, but didn't replace any of the functionality that was missing, so they didn't give you a fully working game. Of course, even this will be cracked (if it hasn't by now, haven't payed much attention) via a proxy program or someone adding in the missing code.


    But the copy protection wasn't intended to stop crackers, just to slow them down for a while after launch in the hope it would increase sales the first week/month. Nobody knows if it actually helped any. How many pirates, finding that there wasn't a working pirated available, actually purchased the game? How many legitimate customers were lost due to annoying DRM? How much repeat business was lost when customers couldn't play for a whole weekend because Ubisoft's servers were under a DDOS attack?


    Anyways, personally I think DRM is a stupid waste of resources. I used to routinely use cracked versions of games that I bought because the cracked version loaded faster and removed a lot of the copy protection related bugs and kept me from having to swap CDs all the time. I haven't encountered nearly as many copy protection related bugs recently, but I don't buy as many games as I used to either due to less free time. Plus, since almost everything I buy nowdays is off of steam I don't have to worry about swapping CDs anymore.

  6. It's about time. Khronos has until now pretty much dropped the ball and let the OpenGL spec languish. Hopefully Josh will jump straight to 3.3 so we can get the features that are supported by current hardware and it will be less of a jump to 4.0 when supported hardware arrives.

  7. This post and the comments on it are pretty interesting. The comments by sinbad (of Ogre3D) and Aras (of Unity) seem pretty reliable to me since both engines have both DX and OpenGL rendering systems and are cross platform, so they don't have a vested interest in promoting either.
  8. Not really, LoadScene will block until it's done. Pretty much the only way around it is to save out two versions of your .sbx. One that includes only the terrain and terrain and vegetation, the other that includes all the models. Use LoadScene to load the terrain one since we don't have access to the commands to create the vegetation layers in code. This should load pretty fast. Then manually parse the model sbx and place everything in code, updating the progress bar in between.

  9. Very nice. I'm doing something VERY similar right now, but using Unity3D at the moment as I'm a lot more productive with it's tools. Once I have gameplay nailed down and debugged I'll work on porting it over to LE for the improved visual quality....not looking forward to that too much, going to be a huge pain setting up ragdolls and other physics stuff w/o a visual editor, but I may be able to just take dimensions and coordinates from Unity and plug them into LE. At least that's what I'm hoping.

  10. Yeah. I ran into the same problem, I need to adjust position of the characters exactly each frame but still have them both affect other objects and be affected by other objects. I wasn't able to get a good balance in LE, so I just switched over to using Unity for a bit. Once I get everything worked out there and have a prototype I'll come back and work on porting it to LE.

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