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Posts posted by DarkCastiel

  1. I already found the solution, I needed to create a lua script on my npc and referred the selft.entity to a variable to be its name


    function Script:Start()

    BigAlien = self.entity



    so now i can use for example


    with a lua script on any npc or object

    I thought that after putting the model on the map and I just needed to put its name (crawler) but no I need to reference the self.entity inside it to name it in the end now everything makes sense......?

  2. Hi, I'm having trouble understanding the syntax. how do I reference an actor or 3D model on the map using the (lua)?
    in c# i would do something like that

    crawler.transform.translate (-0.05f,0,0,Space.self);

    but I just don't understand how to apply this to Leadwerks (LUA)

    I don't want to use
    "self.entity" because the script is not attached to the "crawler"

    can someone explain this syntax to me better? thanks

    suppose i have to create a variable and attach the crawler.entity or something?


    function Script:Start()

    entity = crawler



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