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Posts posted by Chiblue

  1. DBPRO is a history, old bugged compiler and you had to pay for every addon, which should be included for free....


    Agree 100%, and you get lured into thinking, well if I get Dark physics, then I can solve all my ray cast and physics issues, but then, if I get Dark Clouds my skyboxes will be so much better... you end up spending so much money and energy in distraction on bugs and addons rather than focusing on Gameplay...

  2. I understand why, just still sucks... but I got everything last night, thanks guys... well maybe I should not be thankfull got about 2 hours sleep after burning the late night oil.... :D


    It was extremely gratifying after spending weeks frustrated and depressed about trying to make DBPro and/or GDK work with the TGC tools and plugins... All I can say to anyone thinking about getting LE or DBPro/GDK, LE is stable and clean, and given the MS C++ GUI with all it's debug tools, life is sweet and I can now focus on gameplay rather than work arounds for bugs in code... that said I am sure there are some but I did not find any. My main issues have been setting up the C++ environment to run on my Vista 64 machine. Couple of gotyas there but nothing too challenging... ;)

  3. I got my copy of LE last night and was digging around in the tutorials, but for some of them I keep getting a authorization error when I try to look at the PDF, and for some others when I try to download the media for the tutorial, I get a windows signon screen, I enter the user id and password I have for the forums (which works) but I still cannot access them, for example the URL is:




    I get a sign on screen which will not accept my access and then I get:


    Authorization Required

    This server could not verify that you are authorized to access the document requested. Either you supplied the wrong credentials (e.g., bad password), or your browser doesn't understand how to supply the credentials required.


    Sorry if this is not the correct forum for this post...

  4. I am terrible at waiting... I purchased the software early this morning, still now email response.. I know it can take upto 24hours but you always think that is just BS... I freed up my entire evening just to play with my nice new shinny toy and to no evail... wow is me.. :(


    So I guess I will just work on freeing myself up tomorrow evening... :D


    Why does it take 24 hours, TGC do this same thing and it drives me nuts... sorry did I mention I am terrible at waiting for new toys... I always hated Christmas as a kid... all that waiting and then you never got what you wanted, what is up with the santa...

  5. Thanks, I sent my money so if it does not work I will hold you all responsible... ;)


    My needs in AI are simple, I want to have path following and some environment responses, this is for none combatents.. like someone gets shot at or near they run away or hide kind of stuff... Level editing is not an immediate requirement jsut so long as I have the tools available to build maps and distribute them...


    Just one side question, does anyone see a reason why the Dark AI GDK would not work with LE?

  6. Thanks guys, I have been using 3dws for a while, I am looking at a high end fps, I spent the last 2 years as a member of cod extreme crew and built many of the mods you see in x4 and x5 mods for cod. My focus is on 2 g fps game types multiplayer sniper and tactical realism. This said I am not concerned about low end system support as my target audience are used to high end gaming requirements. My critical features are


    Raycast for shooting

    real time animation

    high end graphics

    collision and physics

    map/level editor

    real world environments

    ai - passive

    3ds and x model support


    hope this helps to clearly define my goals

  7. My story is, I have been using DBPro for a few months and got relatively far in developing a game concept, but then just when I start refining the game and interface I run into several bugs in the language and plugins, so I move to gdk thinking how bad can that be given the ms IDE and compiler. Well now I am running into things within plugins that don't work like Ray cast in dark physics to mention one.


    So here I am at a crossroads of sorts I feel that having to code work arounds for bug in plugins that I have to pay for is unacceptable so this is my question. If I move to leadwerks engine does it work as advertised? the $200 is not the issue I just don't want to throw more money into another bunch of problems.. Your candre would be appreciated.

  8. Thanks, I have added several new entities for spawn locations, map/level settings, scale points, AI controls like zones, ai waypoints, ai characters etc... Which works really well and helps a lot. Ideally, what I would like to do , is add a set of properties that will be set for any object in the map/level... say I import a model of a building I would like to have a default set of attributes set on it rather than keying them in...


    The other issue I have run into is using entities, which will not resize... I can understand this but it would be nice especially for creating specific zones withn the level...


    I guess I could build a program that will load the map and then add the attributes within my own custom app...

  9. I have been using 3DWS now for a few weeks, I am using it to create levels for the FPS game I am building.. I am using DBO export to build the maps/levels. I am also using NG Collision engine to do my object collision and gravity. I have created several entities to support spawning, scale etc. I am also adding attributes to objects manually to define the collision control I want on each object.


    What I would like to do is to setup 3DWS with a list of attributes, the same as those available in the entities definition, that are automatically set against each object I import or build. The would be the NG collision values, destructable attributes etc. This would help in that every time I create a map I do not have to remember the attributes and range of values available... I took a look but could not see and config files, but I maybe missing something...



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