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Posts posted by Shard


    I did exactly that, and at the time of that thread, it worked.

    I did it again earlier today and it didn't work; I got a null pointer.


    I was thinking that something in the code had changed.

    My code is below.


    	int childCount = scene.GetCountChildren();
    Entity ent;
    string className;
    string objectName;
    string childClass;
    TVec3 objectPos;
    for(int i = 1; i < childCount; i++)
    	ent = scene.GetChild(i);
    	className = ent.GetKey("classname");
    	objectName = ent.GetKey("name");
    	objectPos = ent.GetPosition();
    	childClass = ent.GetKey("class");
    	if(childClass == "Terrain") aStar.terrain = ent;
    	if(objectName == "node_1") nodeOne = objectPos;
    	else if(objectName == "node_2") nodeTwo = objectPos;
    	else if(objectName == "waterplane_1") aStar.waterHeight = objectPos.Y;

  2. Ok, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but 90% of the things I set in the Scene in the Editor work. The only things I am having trouble showing are: SkyBox & Waterplane, I didn't really see any tutorial or guide showing how to utilize things such as waterplane (lua i believe) inside the actual program's code (C++), what am I missing?


    Edit: Resolved 99% of my issues, thanks, just took more trial and error then anything :blink:


    Theres an entities folder in the models folder in the LSDK folder. Copy that to your project folder.

  3. wasn't responding to your initial post, shard... but to ryao :blink:



    XNA allows C# only. So the whole engine would have to be written just for C#, and it would be slow.

    I am focusing on functionality. Leadwerks 3 is a complete rewrite in C++. I am asking for feedback because I want to account for as much as possible when designing it.


    Too bad about XNA then.

    I can definitely understand trying to account for future functionality.


    Any comments regarding your current/future team size?

  4. 5,000-10,000 USD depnding how big a developer you are, i think.but still i think it would be a good option to be able to develop on concsoles.


    Yet XNA Creators Club is no where near this.


    0.o How about an XNA based Leadwerks engine?

    I would pay for that in an instant.


    hehe... and the masses here already freak out about paying $50 for an upgrade... so how many people here are actually going to buy the developer license for xbox? very few i would say... to the point that it makes no sense for josh to spend time on it unless he charges the same for the xbox version of leadwerks as well...



    It seems people missed the point of my initial post.

    Its not about Xbox portability.


    I'm requesting that Josh focus on functionality before expanding.

    That, or get a larger team to have different divisions to work on different things.


    Why? Do you have an XBox developer license?


    Nope, but as it stands, I can't even consider it with Leadwerks because there is no support.

  5. How much do you think a license for an XBox version of Leadwerks would cost?


    Again, its irrelevant. I like Leadwerks and I'd be willing to pay for it, if and when we get a license from Microsoft.

    Plus you would get way more customers just because you offer it.


    Another thing to thing about is that UDK is soon to release its Xbox version, as well as CryEngine for indie developers, which is tri-platform.



    Again though, multi-platform isn't nearly as important to me as the essential features/tools that we need.

    If nothing else, Leadwerks is a great platform for prototyping before a port to a console engine.

  6. C++ for me.

    However, at the moment, it won't be anything more than a toy to mess around with for a couple of minutes.


    To be honest, I would prefer to see Leadwerks as more of a console SDK, so Xbox and PS3 support >,>

    Or at least integrated AI/extra C++ features and support.

    I would love to see the Editor on the level of the UDK editor.

    On my computer, UDK runs amazingly, yet Editor doesn't run at all (as in near zero framerates)

    Also, we still need those auto saves and undo's <--- very important to us.


    So overall, please fix the problems of Leadwerks before moving to another platform.

    And if you are to move to another platform, please consider Xbox for the others.

  7. PAX, or Penny Arcade Expo, is a major gaming convention in Seattle, WA, USA.

    Dedicated towards board, card and of course, video games.


    This years schedule line up is looking really nice for indie developers on lots of very interesting topics


    Tickets for a three day pass are $55 but they sold out many months ago.


    As one person on the PAX forums said, "PAX is 50,000 friends you didn't know you had." and its true, last years attendance was in the 50,000's.

    This year, they are using a convention center and half of a hotel. Expected attendance is in the 75,000's.


    I went last year and I met some great people, employees of Bungie, Jonathan Coulton (song writer of Portal), the cast of The Guild and more.


    Heres a link to my Facebook PAX09 album. I'm the brown guy XD http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=24613&id=1610991618&l=c6ce023624






  8. I wasn't quite sure where this thread should go, so its going in General.


    It seems like I don't have gallery post privileges so I can't post my stuff to show off there, so I usually end up doing it in a blog (and the stuff usually isn't complete enough to go in showcase)


    How do I get such posting abilities?

    post-26-099977500 1281554605_thumb.png

  9. I just wanted to thank you for this. I'm just finishing up my C# Leo equivalent layer and was looking for some Leo code to use for testing. I was considering porting GameLib or searching for some other more Leo-focused code, but this will be an excellent first test. Although I've used the tutorials in the past for testing my C equivalent engine interface, this will be good for testing mixed mode.


    Although I probably won't use this until towards the end of the month (After backing up tomorrow morning I won't be developing again until towards the end of August) I will make use of it.


    Thanks again.



    You're quite welcome.

    Glad to see people using my stuff.


    Please let me know if you think anything needs fixing or changing up.

  10. File Name: LEO Project Jumpstart

    File Submitter: Shard

    File Submitted: 05 Aug 2010

    File Updated: 05 Aug 2010

    File Category: C/C++ Code


    A very simple start up .cpp file that sets up Leo, Framework and Leadwerks.

    Also creates a simple control class that creates a spectator.



    The main purpose of this code is for experimentation.


    I often found my self wanting to try out a new idea but each time I had to set up a new project and retype the same lines of code.

    After being unsuccessful at creating a Visual Studio template, I just created this Main.cpp to quickly start off my projects.




    WASD = Movement

    Q/E = Rise/Fall

    LShift = Run

    P = Physics Debug


    Click here to download this file

  11. What should a game designers web portfolio have?


    I currently have webspace, but I am not using it efficiently at all. Its mostly just sitting there.

    It was inteded to be my online portfolio but I never got around to getting it to look good.



    Some of the things that I think it should have:

    - Blog of some sort about the latest things that I'm doing.

    - Projects page with a list of projects that I'm doing.

    - Contact Information



    What else should a portfolio website have?

  12. Then you need bodies, if you want LE to take care of all that for you. Pixels wouldn't have bodies unless you parented a body to them.





    One more question: Where is the physics done? On the GPU or the CPU?

    1. You didn't use Engine.Initialize before Framework.Initialize.
    2. You do not have a rendering loop with Graphics.Flip.
    3. You do not need to use the Leadwerks prefix if you import the using.

            static void Main()
               while (!Keyboard.KeyHit(Key.Escape))



    Thanks, but I did get an error:

    D:\Source Code Control\N Body\N Body\N Body\Source\Main.cs(13,20): error CS0117: 'Leadwerks.Engine' does not contain a definition for 'Initialize'


    At this


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