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Blog Entries posted by Foolish

  1. Foolish
    I have noticed the usefulness of others blogs on this site, and thought that my efforts to learn and utilize this great leadwerks engine might eventually be beneficial to others getting off the ground.
    First and foremost, I am a decidedly avid fan of Blitzmax. At work, we use C# and Java which is great for professional work. I run a software company for my day job. But I am just a hobbyist at home. This means, I have no grandiose designs for the next great MMO, but rather just love playing around with this stuff.
    Historically, I have programmed game projects in everything from C and SDL, Blitzmax, Torque with Torwue script, etc., etc, and others. From a language perspective, I have used C, C++, VB6, and Java. There is no doubt that it you want to be a professional game programmer, you should go the C++ route. Howvever, if you are new or want the quickest bang for the buck, Blitzmax is fabulous, especially when used with the BlIDE IDE.
    I have been a LE owner for a couple of years. I recently came back to LE largely because of its support for Blitzmax which I love and the ease of which LE incorporates physics. I have completed 2D projects in Blitzmax and produced some Team Death match work in Torque, but it was frustrating and not that satisfactory.
    You may have noticed that I added my tutorial source code for my recent re-introduction to the LE engine to the code section. I hope this helps some folks get off the ground with it. I would love to see us Blitzmaxer's stick together and be more active on the forums. I think this engine is the real Max3D we have been waiting for.
    I'll be posting about my efforts to learn the engine and create an acceptable first project. To begin with, I am trying to learn the various aspects of the engine by recreating the death star battle from the original Star Wars.
  2. Foolish
    Like many hobbyist developers, I was looking for the biggest bang for the buck. So I experimented with every engine out there that I could find. One of the most common problems I found regardless of the engine is the challenge associated with the content pipeline.
    Some engines use proprietary formats like Torque's DTS, or DIF, and others use common, but dreadfully inefficient formats like Microsoft's .x format. Leadwerks uses its .gmf or Game Model Format. And there in was my first obstacle.
    My first time around with Leadwerks, I was using Milkshape and Ultimate Unwrap Pro to create GMF files. At the time, I found this pathway to be pretty unreliable. It wasnt' until I started using 3D MAX 2009 with the alternative Leadwerks Exporter that I was able to consistently and reliable export and import into the engine. My success here was really helped by following the YouTube video and using the exporter found here: Arbuz' 2.2 Exporter
    and following the youtube tutorial found here: Visual Knights tutorial
    I think getting a model into an engine may always require some tweeking, but these resources made it much less cumbersome.
    If you are using physics, then the next troublesome area will be creating the .phy file. For complex shapes, the exporter doesn't do too well on its own. In these cases, you need to export the file to an .obj file and then use to the obj2phy utility to create the physics body. Remember that the .phy file needs to be the same name as the gmf file. So for me, I had the following:
    tief_tief.gmf (My TIE Fighter gmf file)
    tief_tief.phy (the physics file I created by saving my model to .obj and then using the obj2phy utility.
    When I use the exporter, I also end up with a set of mat files. Again, following that video tutorial will show you how to do this reliably.
    After a few iterations, it becomes second nature to go back into MAX, make some adjustments such as scaling to my model ,and then re-export to GMF.
    Good luck.
    Good luck.
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