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Everything posted by deniz

  1. all worked well.. thanks Josh! I was calling glPixelStorei(GL_PACK_ALIGNMENT,1) but skipped the other parameters like GL_PACK_ROW_LENGTH. thank you all
  2. I see, thanks.. how can I do that? and even if I do that preloading, is it guaranteed that same crash won't happen again? I mean, something clearly changes the opengl states, it seems that they need to be restored.. it would be very nice if I knew which ones.
  3. I used it and even checked parameters of the texture (size, format etc) with glGetTexLevelParameteriv(), all is correct.. essentially this happens after entering the rendering loop, before entering the loop everything works fine.. and even after entering the loop all goes well for some short amount of time but after a while something happens (LE loads guide.vert or something like that) and just after that LE crashes.
  4. Hi everyone, I try to use glTexImage2d() to upload a texture I generate during run-time but when I call glTexImage2d(), LE strangely crashes.. crashes also occur when I call glreadPixels(). any suggestions?
  5. thanks for sharing your code Niosop! I joined this conversation a little bit late but still I want to ask a question: why did you define the "testbuffer" buffer? it seems that you are using it just before calling glTexImage2D() and nowhere else..
  6. thanks for you answer Aily, I will try what you said as soon as possible quickly one more question before I explain the need for normal map: I guess if I define a diffuse texture with varying A-value, I can get a varying opacity over the surface, right? I want to use the normal map to make the glass look bumpy for simulating the appearance of rain drops & parftially accumulated snow surface (snow will be partially transparent) to see what I mean with "partially transparent", please refer to my video below where snow is accumulating little by little over the stanford bunny. I want to replace the bunny with a transparent thin glass and do this in LE of course (not in OpenGL): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yiuNFLUAOms
  7. Hi everyone, I want to do the following: define a quad with custom commands (using le-commands like createmesh, createsurface, addvetrex, addtriangle etc) I want this quad to look like a glass.. I have to be able to set its alpha value (its transparency) dynamically during run-time How can I do this? I have already looked in the traqnsparency tutorial. I do not want to render refractions, a refraction shader is overkill in my case, since the glass is very thin (windshield of a car) (the material files are not existing anyway, which was a serious disappointment for me by the way). I just need to draw the glass. and later I want to apply a normal map to the glass surface.
  8. Hi Lumooja, thanks for your answer.. So correct me if I did not understand your method correctly: you probably use individual entities (mesh objects) to define your own particles (not LE-particles). Because otherwise you could not assign unique life-times to each particle, since all particles originating from a single emitter have the same life-span. how do you draw the particles? as billboards (point-sprites) or did you define your own custom geometry? thanks
  9. Hi Josh, I have already done what you suggested. The reason I tried 50k particles is that I needed a denser rain/snow. As a comparison I implemented a method on my own in OpenGL where I could run 40k particles at a fixed 60 fps (with vsynch on) on an nvidia 9500gt I pushed it as far as to run 1 million particles at 34 fps on the same gpu here is the video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a_hAw7vkF8o so I think 40k particles should not a problem at the slightest. BTW I get the fps drop in LE even after having disabled all effects (pure rendering, not even lights) I thought if this was related to rendering of individual particles, but the same drop continued even when the particles were not visible (outside of the view-frustum) so I need some help here
  10. Hi everyone, I have a problem related to the performance of particles. as part of our simulation visualization, we want to implement weather conditions using particles (rain, snow etc). Due to the specifications we need a large number of particles. When performing rendering using RenderFramework(), I do not experience a significant performance drop with 10k particles, but with 50k particles I get a huge performance drop and I could not find out its reason.. any suggestions? thanks in advance
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