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Everything posted by ynspyred

  1. Erm... yes. Noy sure why I wrote that. Not thinking straight (getting confused between 3dws and cartography shop). What is hapenning is that the little preview youget in the GUI appears correctly, but in the 3d view the textures are all grey.
  2. If you mean image format, all of them. That is, all the built in ones. However, they appear normal in Paint.NET, so I don't think it's because they are corrupted.
  3. Hi, I'm a new user of 3DWS, which so far is a great program that fits all my needs. However, there is one problem, which is that textures don't work. Whenever I use textured display mode, or textured and lit, all textures appear grey. They also appear grey in the main texture browser, so I can't texture my worlds. Please help, if I can get this problem sorted I will definitely be buying a copy of the program.
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