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Everything posted by SpiderPig

  1. That didn't work wither, I'm using lua too - probably should have gone to the other forum... object.model:SetColor(Vec4(1,1,0,1))
  2. Is SetColor() only supposed to work on meshes? I thought it would be able to work on entity's as well...?
  3. Are there any Sine and Cosine Functions in lua? I didn't see them in math.lua....
  4. I'm just trying to get constant movement of the object - so it seems I wasn't using the right function... my newness to lua is the problem here Many thanks macklebee!
  5. Yes, I want to move the object every time it updates, am I right in assuming that the "UpdateMatrix" function is automatically called? As for the error - I tried; function object:UpdateMatrix() object.model:Translate(Vec3(1),1) end but now I get another error 'Failed to open file "C:/Leadwerks Engine SDK/error in error handling" '. It seems to only have a problem inside the "UpdateMatrix" function itself....
  6. I'm learning lua but keep getting error messages with functions like "SetPosition", "Translate" and "Move".... What am I doing wrong here? require("scripts/class") local class=CreateClass(...) function class:CreateObject(model) local object=self.super:CreateObject(model) function object:UpdateMatrix() object:Translate(Vec3(1),1) end end
  7. Awesome, thank you! Works like a charm...
  8. I'm got a few problems with exporting animation from blender. It works in blender and in UU3D, but once exported to .gmf the bones are no longer animating the mesh. And the vertex weight colors are present on the mesh also - I can't find out how to get rid of them even with the settings in the UU3D .gmf exporter. I'm using UU3D version 3.32 and the latest .fbx importer and .gmf exporter. I've attached the .blend, .u3d, .fbx and .gmf files for you to have a look at, Thanks for your help Animation.zip
  9. I'll get a screenshot up over the next few days of a small game I'm working on that uses the sprites
  10. Hi all, I've been working on this DLL for ages and finally thought I'd put it out there. It's only for C++ at the moment, I hope to bring it to other languages sometime in the future. Here's a bit of info about it; It uses Developer's Image Library (DevIL) and OpenGL to draw 2D sprites with many different functions to manipulate them. It's fast and easy. At the moment - it only loads .png and .dds images. (more will come later on) The help files aren't completely finished yet, but there's enough there to grasp what its about. Happy to hear feedback on what you think of it!
  11. Is it possible to use something like FindChild() to find a bone in an object and then treating it like an entity? I want to be able to control bone movements by creating animation functions in lua code... Such stuff possible?
  12. I didn't know the scripts were only used from the script editors directory; that solves the issue, thanks! I just noticed I was in the wrong forum - oops :/
  13. I'm pretty much a newbie to lua, so forgive me if the question turns out to be obvious; Instead of using the abstract file system, how do I get the script to load files only from the same directory as itself?
  14. I found it in the top-left corner of the console window, thanks. But is there any way to do it globally from a tab or button in the Visual C++ Properties so that any project that compiles with a console will have that large buffer size? @Brent Taylor : Thanks, I was also after code to do this a while back.
  15. I'm not sure what you mean by the top-left corner..., I'm using C++ 2008....
  16. Does any one know how (if its even possible) to extend how many lines the console window can have?
  17. Reinstalled 10.1 and fixed everything - Thanks
  18. Yeah I have an ATI Radeon 5800 graphics card with the exact problems in the other forums. * now installing an older driver * Thanks
  19. I've recently updated to 2.43 and now when I run my projects from C++ the terrains texture is rendered as a 2D image in the top right hand corner of the screen and the terrain is no longer visible as a 3D object. Even when I load a previously created .sbx file into the editor it does the same - as well as when I create a new terrain in the editor then texture it. Anybody else had the same problem?
  20. Has any pone seen Blitzwerks Terrain on The Game Creators Forum? That's what we need for Leadwerks.... Blitzwerks Terrain Link
  21. A terrain system with more flexibility would be nice, like; An increased number of LOD levels, Being able to control what the maximum / minimum LOD level is, A map which will set certain quads to not update past a certain LOD level, or to stay a certain LOD level (useful for buildings in the distance, so when you zoom in the building isn't floating or buried), Being able to set which areas are visible by a command, instead of just by the editor, Cave maps, River maps, Road maps, Increased amount of textures....which I think is already planned, Do I dream too big?
  22. Ah I see. Thanks for the heads up Lumooja.
  23. How is a height between 0 and 1 of any use? Are all vertex heights in a terrain decimals are they?
  24. Got it working by pointing to DrawText. Thanks Josh...
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