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Everything posted by SpiderPig

  1. Thanks, I didn't think so. I must be passing something wrong.
  2. I wonder what causes this in PBR lighting... my normals and world positions are passed to the fragment shader properly, but do I need tex_coords too?
  3. Needs some better noise maps for position and rotation I think
  4. First attempt at grass in Ultra. Lighting needs work still, but not too bad.
  5. Do you mean this? I don't see how this takes into account making our own shaders though.
  6. It makes sense to make everything relative to the executable so we can just define a shader family as "Shaders\MyFamily.json" or "Materials\MyMaterial\MyFamily.json".
  7. Okay so I see now it's trying to load it from the shaders folder too... I see what your doing for the standard materials and the shader family's for Ultra but I don't think its a good idea. Ultra needs to be flexible. I want my shaders and textures in one folder. I don't want to split the materials and textures into one and then my custom shaders into another. I think we should be able to define a path because it is, after all, a file.
  8. I name my json files .mat and .fam so I can see the difference without having to open them, but it's no big deal. I'll make it work.
  9. Hey @Josh just wondering if this is actually a bug or I should change my files to all use .json? Thanks.
  10. When it comes time to expand the character controller system, I was thinking it might be good to have it as an expandable system. Like a component where if we wanted too, override key systems of the controller, like gravity, physics and anything else that makes it a controller. I would find that very useful. Just a thought.
  11. Just tried it out, with the skybox removed it still happens on the far wall of the base. It's just a lot harder to tell because the colour difference between the black background and the dark gray wall is very small. If you remove the skybox and make the cameras clear color red or something else bright you will will be able to see it better. I don't think it has anything to do with the terrain or skybox. I think it's something to do with the CSG objects. I can see in your video it is still occurring too. A few work arounds might be - slowing the cameras rotation speed so that it's less noticeable; or, make a large enclosure for the base that has the same colour as the walls and enable it when the players is inside, so that when it happens it only reveals a similar colour behind the walls rather then the bright skybox / terrain.
  12. Yeah I don't think its the GPU. I've got a GTX 980 TI. Maybe it is the skybox. If you remove it I can test on my PC to verify if that's the issue if you like.
  13. How many CSG objects are there in total? I tried your demo again and saw that other CSG objects out side of the base took time to appear as well. (orange platform) When the walls vanish they show not only the skybox but the other objects behind it too. I tend to think it's just lots of CSG objects. You might be better off making your base one large object in some modelling software. But there might be something else at play, I'm not sure.
  14. That looks like the occlusion system to me. I've never used CSG to model a level before. I take it there are a lot of entities in your scene?
  15. I've never worked with tessellation before, I'll just use triangles instead of points.
  16. Yeah that looks pretty neat. Good job guys!
  17. I had no issues on my pc with lag or walls vanishing. But yeah, lots of brushes probably would slow it done eventually. Performance improving is an art form in itself.
  18. Nice stuff Yue. Looking forward to seeing gameplay unfold!
  19. Can tessellation be performed on a mesh made of points or does it only work for triangles and quads? I'm thinking of creating more points around an input point based on camera distance and then passing those points to the geometry shader.
  20. A few years ago I switched to Dark Mode in nearly everything screen related. After a bit of eye trouble the last six months I've switched back to light mode for a bit and have found it actually feels like less strain on my eyes. I always thought that the lower light levels were better for your eyes, but I've found that darker words on a white background are easier to ready than white words on a dark background. Now it might be because I'm getting old, but it got me thinking if dark mode might not be all its cracked up to be. Has anyone any thoughts on this? I'm just curious.
  21. SpiderPig

    Base Alpha.jpg

    You going to have base building in your game? That'd be cool.
  22. SpiderPig


    Nice! Is that somthing we can do in a shader?
  23. Some of my shader families have the extension .fam and when loading the material it will fail to load the shader family because it's appending .json to the end. Can it be made so that if the extension is specified it doesn't append .json to the end? Error: Failed to read file "C:/UltraEngine/Projects/TheSeventhWorld/Shaders/Materials/MyFamily.fam.json" Material: { "material": { "version": 100, "color": [ 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0 ], "emission": [ 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 ], "metallic": 0.0, "roughness": 0.0, "transparent": false, "occlusionInfo": true, "occlusionScale": 1.0, "normalScale": 1.0, "shaderFamily": "MyFamily.fam" } }
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