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Posts posted by caustic

  1. Thank you Josh.


    It's funny being on the 'other side', in my job I'm usually the one telling others to leave it if they don't understand the simplest things :)

    Maybe it would really be better for me to go back to C++ .

    Also I could use boost or something to use C++ from python but then I guess there could be problems with tracebacks and some objects.


    You know this is not easy.

    When having the choice of using a good, up-to-date graphics engine and using my favorite programming language and have no official support.

    Or having to learn a new (or old) programming language but with official support.

    Or trying to find another 3D engine which integrates more natively with python... (yeah I know what you might think: "good luck with that" - and you are right.)


    Is there some rough estimate on how long I will need to understand:

    1. the engine (let's say 50% of how it works)
    2. C++ (when just using it to power the engine)
    3. LUA (when just using it to use the engine)


    Thanks again!

  2. Hi Lumooja,


    thanks for answering.

    Being able to search is great!

    I've read some similar noob-question-threads now and I see that you guys are totally sold on LUA.


    Before I maybe give in and start using LUA (which, as I saw on the LUA vs Python discussion page would result in having my favorite functionylity stripped off me. :) )

    Could someone point me in the direction of what I would need to do to use one of the 350 languages which should just be able to import dll's?

    Also what would be the disadvantages (in short) of using werkspace from an external language?


    Thanks again for the professionalism!

  3. Wow! Thanks for the fast and friendly replies!


    It's just that I'm coming from the python sector and I would suggest that LUA is not this far away but it's definitely something new.

    I see that the example code is relatively common-looking but still I would have my thoughts if I can use all the modules I am familiar with.


    I do have some time before starting the project maybe I should write a small wrapper in a server-client style,

    doing all the dirty work in python, passing everything on to another process which would then contain the wrapper and Leadwerks.

    But maybe the memcpy operation would slow performance down too much...


    I was thinking about having some shared mem where "the world" would be stored, python would fill it and Leadwerks would "just" have to display it.

    Of course these objects would be organized in some kind of in-mem database... ok ok Im hyperventilating. :)

    Also I guess Leadwerks also already has this kind of management and I would be a fool not using this implemented superfast tools.


    So - now you can see where Iam starting at (totally noob),

    originally I came from using Pygame (a thin SDL / OpenGL wrapper) using 2D and sprites and stuff like that.


    I will read the wiki now - right now I can't imagine using C++ or anything in which I maybe need to use low level functions.

    (If I understand correctly I would have to deal with many low level details which is already handled and convenienced by python if I would just use it.)



  4. Hi Leadwerks community!


    I'm the new guy here - nothing special: looking for an engine to power my idea which could later become a nice game perhaps.

    Dreaming of quitting my job and do stuff I like and maybe it will be the game. Maybe you heard that too often from someone :)

    First I thought with the majority of forum entries and announcements being so old I would disregard the engine but then I read about the data loss and I thought that this must be a very nice community when something this bad happens - it still stands together.


    As I can't find any fitting FAQ and -sorry- (I feel dumb to admit this) I can't find a search function in this forum I have some questions.


    1. Is there any action in the forum for the python part of this engine?
    2. Is it feasible to use python within Leadwerks? Any recommendations on how to set it up?
    3. Is there a good "How to get started?" guide which will guide me through setting everything up and running?
    4. Is there an extended starting guide on object import, texturing, landscape and game mechanics (an all-in-one starting guide if you wish)?


    Thank you for your time.

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