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Everything posted by RemiD

  1. I have had problems with new textures or new meshes added to the folders of 3D World Studio when it was installed in C:\Program Files (x86). Sometimes it was impossible to find the texture or the mesh and the program sometimes crashed. So i have uninstalled 3D World Studio from this directory and reinstalled it in a custom directory C:/Progs and know all is well. Maybe you could try that. Also about the problem you show in your video, i am not sure if i understand your explanations but you can change the grid size with some keys or in the menu so that you can move the whole mesh where you want without having to move individual vertices. Hope that helps.
  2. So a deleted tri and his vertices are not exported, that's good. One more question related to this : When exporting the mesh in .b3d from 3DWS, does 3DWS add all meshes sharing the same material to the same surface, or does it keep one surface for each CGS solid ? Thanks,
  3. Hello, I am wondering about how 3DWS manages the deleting of a face when i select a face and i hit delete. Does it delete the tri and useless vertices or only set the vertices to alpha 0 ? It is important for me to know that, because i want to read all the tris properties of a .b3d mesh exported from 3dws in Blitz3d in order to build my mesh with the blitz3d commands. In this way i will be able to enable vertex lighting on my mesh and i will be able to build a mesh with only 1 surface with 1 texture. (Sometimes 3dws export my mesh with duplicated material i don't know why...) Thanks,
  4. There is no shader in blitz3d... I don't know if i can modify the "brush" in Blitz3d, i'm going to try that. Thanks
  5. Thanks for your reply, I don't think this is a problem with Blitz3d, because if i import the .b3d mesh (exported from 3DWS) in Deled and export it in.b3d again, the vertex lighting works in Blitz3d... But unfortunately the Deled .b3d exporter changes the normals, and then the vertex lighting is not as i want it to be. I think 3DWS sets the mesh or vetices of the mesh in "fullbright" mode in order to use it with the lightmap. And i haven't found a way to disable this "fullbright" mode when loading the mesh in Blitz3d. So what i need is either a way to disable the fullbright mode of the mesh or the vertices in Blitz3d, or a software which helps me disable this fullbright mode... Or maybe an option i have missed in 3DWS ? Thanks,
  6. Still no answer to this problem. Josh can you help me please, my project is stopped because of that... I've joined a demo (in Blitz3d) to this post with meshes and textures exported from 3DWS : In the demo you have this scene : You can see a Blue cube created with Blitz3d on which it is possible to enable VertexLighting, to change the color of the mesh, to change the alpha of the mesh. You can also see a White Cube exported from 3DWS on which i have not managed to enable VertexLighting, to change the color of the mesh, to change the alpha of the mesh. I've also added others meshes exported from 3DWS on which i have not managed to enable VertexLighting, to change the color of the mesh, to change the alpha of the mesh. I need a solution please ! Thanks for your advices, Example problem to enable VertexLighting.zip
  7. @mychalberry >> I had the same problem. I now manually delete each hidden face before lightmapping or exporting, and seams are not visible now. Btw remove the hidden faces each time you are creating or substracting a mesh, otherwise if you copy paste a mesh in your level, then you will have to remove a lot of hidden faces ! (for example the benches on your screenshot) @Josh >> Can you please answer my email or my post so that i can use the mesh i have modeled in 3DWS with vertex lighting (in Blitz3d) See this post : http://www.leadwerks.com/werkspace/topic/3208-how-to-enable-vertex-lighting-and-entitycolor-and-entityalpha-on-a-b3d-mesh-from-3dws/ or the 2 emails that i sent you. Thanks
  8. Hello , For my project, i want to use vertex lighting to illuminate the meshes of the buildings. When i export a .b3d mesh from 3DWS and i import it in Blitz3d, the mesh is not illuminated by the vertex lighting lights, does not change color when using the EntityColor function, does not change alpha when using the EntityAlpha function. As you can see the .b3d mesh of the stairs from 3DWS is not illuminated, the Blitz3d cube is illuminated : Is there something to do to enable the vertex lighting on a .b3d mesh from 3DWS imported in Blitz3d ? I tried to use the UpdateNormals(Mesh) function and the EntityFx(Mesh,0) function but it does not change anything. Thanks for your suggestions,
  9. Hi, I've bought 3D World Studio this afternoon and i like it so far, but i need to know how to get rid of the linear fall off completely. In 3DWS, the directional light doesn't have linear fall off and this is good. I want the same result for the omni lights. I've tried to set the linear fall off to false in the light properties and also to increase the light range to 1000000000.But it doesn't seem to work, see the result : (with a white texture only) Those circles represent the linear fall off and i don't like it. In this simple scene there are : ->1 omni light in the fireplace 255,125,000, intensity set to 1.0 (mainlight), range set to 1000000000, linear fall off set to false. ->1 omni light in the middle of the room 255,125,000, intensity set to 0.25 (ambientlight), range set to 1000000000, linear fall off set to false. Note that i have tried others ranges and with a lower range there are more circles drawn... That's why i set the range to 1000000000 Can you tell me how i desactivate the linear fall off (the circles), so that only the color of the light is drawn if there is no obstacle (else shadows are drawn) ? Thanks,
  10. Thanks Lumooja. Ok that's good if i can import .x meshes with textures. When i have finished my level, can you tell me if i can export for example a .b3d mesh + .bmp textures for the materials + .bmp textures for the lightmap ? The export format is not really explained on the official website so before ordering i need to be sure that i can then convert my meshes and textures to others formats. Thanks,
  11. Hi, I have tried the demo of 3d world studio 5.52 and i like it, It's really easy to design a basic level with it. In the demo it is not possible to import or export any meshes or textures. I have read this page (http://leadwerks.com/werkspace/index.php?/page/products/_/tools/3d-world-studio-r4) about the meshes and textures compatibility, but it is confusing because it is written that it is not possible to import .b3d or .3ds meshes, so how am i supposed to create a level if i can't import .b3d meshes or .3ds meshes ? I don't know if .x keeps UV coordinates infos... My goal is to be able to create my building in 3D world studio, import .b3d or .3ds or .x to add furnitures, items, plants, import .png or .bmp textures to texture my building and be able to export the meshes in .b3d or .3ds or .x (if it keeps UV coordinates infos), be able to export .png or .bmp textures. (materials and lightmap) And then when i've exported all my meshes and textures i will be able to use Ultimate unwrap 3d to convert .b3d or .3ds or .x to .fbx so that i can then import these meshes and textures in Unity3d. Do you think it is possible ? Thanks,
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