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Posts posted by Krankzinnig

  1. Entity is a 3D Puzzle Exploration RPG developed in Leadwerks. Smallish team, consists if me programming and mapping everything, and some artists/writers. I will update this topic more when I get more updates.





  2. My animation is working really well, doesn't seem to be starting on the wrong frame or anything, its just an issue of the blending so it doesn't look as choppy. I still don't get what you meant about the blend. I tried setting the blend by decreasing the idle by 0.01 and increasing the walk by the same value. I also set the min/max so it would reset after it hit those values. My character just walks as normal and I really do not notice any blending. (Yes I did set the Blend parameter).

  3. Just wanted to start off saying I have read the animation tutorial pdf countless times and cannot figure out how the blend works with idle. I don't get the blend += 0.01 part. I get what it does but I don't get where the value comes from and how I can set up to 48 different animations. I want to wrap this up into a class so I need to know what values I can increment by for blend. Here is some of my existing animation code:


                   if(KeyDown(KEY_W) && !KeyDown(KEY_LSHIFT))
    		MoveSpeed = 1.5f;
    			// Animate the Walk Forward sequence with sword
    			FrameBegin = 600.0f;
    			FrameEnd = 640.0f;
    			Frame = AppTime() / 100.0f * 2.0f;
    			Frame = fmodf(Frame, FrameEnd - FrameBegin) + FrameBegin;
    			Animate(Player, Frame, 1.0f, 0, true);
    			// Animate the Walk Forward sequence
    			FrameBegin = 10.0f;
    			FrameEnd = 50.0f;
    			Frame = AppTime() / 100.0f * 2.0f;
    			Frame = fmodf(Frame, FrameEnd - FrameBegin) + FrameBegin;
    			Animate(Player, Frame, 1.0f, 0, true);
    	else if(KeyDown(KEY_S) && !KeyDown(KEY_W) && !KeyDown(KEY_A) && !KeyDown(KEY_D))
    		MoveSpeed = 1.3f;
    			// Animate the Walk Backward sequence with sword
    			FrameBegin = 645.0f;
    			FrameEnd = 685.0f;
    			Frame = AppTime() / 100.0f * 2.0f;
    			Frame = fmodf(Frame, FrameEnd - FrameBegin) + FrameBegin;
    			Animate(Player, Frame, 1.0f, 0, true);
    			// Animate the Walk Backward sequence
    			FrameBegin = 55.0f;
    			FrameEnd = 95.0f;
    			Frame = AppTime() / 100.0f * 2.0f;
    			Frame = fmodf(Frame, FrameEnd - FrameBegin) + FrameBegin;
    			Animate(Player, Frame, 1.0f, 0, true);

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