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Posts posted by xtreampb

  1. Hello all,


    So i have a C++/Lua hybrid project. I would like to access and temporary store data held in a lua script object/entity when a change the map. As this is a C++ project, i have to do my map changes in my C++ back end as my app::Loop is in my C++ source. How would i change maps first off in C++ i know I can set the new map name in my entity using the changemaptrigger script. but that does nothing b/c i'm in a cpp project. I know this isn't well written and seems like rambling. I need to change maps when my character collides with the trigger and i would like that handled in lua. When i change maps i want to retain the character information like health and any other entity (or reference to entity) associated.

  2. I thought that once the navmesh was generated, it could be updated realtime without much conflict. Such as, in the editor adding another navigation obstical would cause that area of the navmesh no longer reachable. I thought you could observe this in the editor. Been a while so i may be wrong.

  3. I would like to confirm that this just happened to me. Ran the standard [beta] version editor from steam and it was left idle all night. clicked on one of the asset folders in my asset tree and the above dialog box that tiny boss mentioned appeared and leadwerks shut down. Windows updates were installed 1-2 days ago so my computer was recently restarted and no new updates have been downloaded since then looking at my steam downloads.



    system specs:

    Win 8.1 x64

    32 GB RAM

    intel Core i7-3770 CPU 3.50 GHz

  4. So i'm not really looking for much atm. I'm just doing some prototyping and prof of concepts. just a few weapons like a standard sword, Knight shield (use the shape not the graphics on the shield), great sword, Bow and arrow (please have separate models), Leather and armored hands, and a mace.


    if you have time, one of these would be nice, but I'm not quite sure how to implement this in leadwerks. Lots of joints (might be easier to use soft bodies but not sure if LE has this implemented or not). So i would do this last if you have time/want to do it.

    Mourning star or spiked flail (I would like the chain to be as long as the stick it is attached to).


    I think it would be a good idea to put these on the workshop so that others can use them and expand them.

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  5. or you cold have a ladder flag and if the character controller is on a ladder as indicated by the flag, set the mass of your character to 0 and when the flag indicates that the player is no longer on a ladder, the mass is then set back to the value previously. I think this would have a less of an effect on the computer.

  6. So idk if this will help you but i'm attaching a link to the new location of all the LE 2.5 documentation. I would highly recommend you bookmark this if you are still using LE 2.X



    as far as your particular issue. I'm going to assume that you've tried turning off sweep collisions correct? If i'm understanding your issue properly is that when your character runs and jumps, when it contacts the wall, it gets "stuck" and doesn't slide down the wall. Or are you stating that when you walk to the edge of a wall b/c it is too big it doesn't fall down the wall.

  7. well DOS games are all 2D so entirely new graphics would have to be created to make the games 3D as your wanting. Other than that it would be like making a new game with the exception of the story and game play has already been planned and thought out for you. Make sure that if you do this and distribute it at all that you have proper licenses.

  8. ok so to clairify, using steam C++ (beta branch) created a map with terrain using the crawler model (not prefab) attach a physics body (I used they cylinder and generate a convex hull) set mass to one. Build and run. Error will be thrown and displayed while the game window is still white. I tested this by removing the physics shape from the model and error wasn't thrown. Also a polymesh doesn't throw the error so It may be a collision thing as my crawler was 5 units above origin.

  9. i think it has to do with the name mangling C++ does. Now I've heard of people building their libs in C (no name mangling) and wrapping it in C++ using fancy stuff like function pointers and c style classes (Structs with function pointers).

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