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Posts posted by dennis

  1. You don't have to do any of that. It's all in the documentation.


    1. Right click on a texture and select the Generate Material > Dynamic menu item. Your material will be created.

    2. Open the model in the model editor. Drag the material you want to apply onto the surface you want it applied to.

    3. Press the Save toolbar button in the model editor to resave your model with materials applied.


    There are multiple textures... why doesn't the editor use the textures assigned in the model itself?

  2. The way you can do it is multiple materials per object.

    lIke the game "Darkness" The barbarian have two materials : one for character , another for shield and weapon.



    They ar not compatible and using FBX format and new workflow of LE3 , you must do all step by step.


    all this annoying work for just importing some models is just useless time waste.

    If you have FBX, the iimport is just drag the model on the editor., it's not time waste.

    Because it's not a new LE3 project but a migration , like using some engine than using another one indeed you'll have lot of hard work smile.png

    I have roughly 2000 items I need to process, and if they are all untextured I have some big problem. the importing is really fast but with no textures there is an little issue haha
  3. You need to import all your textures, LE 3 will create ".tex" files.

    Than for each you must create a material where you will put the texture and choose the shader.

    Than dag the material to the 3D model in editor or in model editor to see it textured.


    Okay thanks, but this isn't working for me because I have multiple textures per model.

    so I want to import the model with all his textures as it was in LE2. all this annoying work for just importing some models is just useless time waste.

  4. Hey all,


    I recently bought LE3 and I have an hard time to import all my assets used in LE2... I dug up the old FBX files. and added all files inside an directory. I opened up the engine and it started converting for me.

    after a few minutes, I wanted to add some of the models (which are mdl now) but they appear untextured...

    Why is that ? how can I fix this ?



  5. Mike. With the 3 cube thingy i meant the following. You can select the whole model, or just an square or segment can you upload an picture of the 3dws interface i dont have an computer here since I'm not at home and didn't bring my laptop because my backpack was alread 30 kg's (60 lbs)

  6. mouse = 0
    While AppTerminate == 0 do
    if KeyHit(KEY_K) == 1 then
     mouse = 1
     function FlipHook()
        mx=Curve(MouseX()- GraphicsWidth(),3.0/AppSpeed())
        my=Curve(MouseY()- GraphicsHeight(),3.0/AppSpeed())


    Not sure what you exactly want to achieve... with the K key, but I use an GUI button to close it again. but this will hold it on screen.

    because the mouse = 0 which was declared before main loop.

    it's not perfect but an start and will definitely work

  7. okay thanks :)

    what I wanted to do is that I have sliders and check boxes, those will set an value.

    I want that value to be returned to the code and updated in the database...

    And the code fragment I showed will do that but I can not add my own value to it.

  8. heya all smile.png



    when I want to update an value in my database it needs to be done dynamically (by the user) for example. when the value in the database = 1, the user may want to change that to 0 (when he sets the Bloom off) I can do it hard coded by using:

    for test in db:nrows("UPDATE test SET bloom = 1 WHERE bloom = 0")


    I already have an placeholder for this which is


    local bloomval =1


    How to do this so the value of bloomval = 1 can be set by the user ?


  9. Thank you very much. I really like how this can be organised, but I think I am going to use a plane with a texture instead so that I can achieve more of a Dead Space holograph effect.


    Okay, can you show an example of what your idea is ?

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