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Posts posted by Canardia

  1. I agree that it should be possible to remove the physics balls caused by lights, emitters and other entities which really don't need a physics body with LUA.


    At the moment the only way to remove the physics balls is to use GameLib's processscene, which just recreates the entity and deletes the original entity which was created by LoadScene(). However, that will also remove the LUA script of the entity from memory, and I don't know if it can be reloaded.

  2. yeah, its inside the look, and I was glancing at GCSetMode(2) I found out its a "Garbage Collecetor Mode" when set to 2, no memory is automaiticaly collected, I switched it to 1, and I am getting a steady performance and a higher FPS, So I do believe I got it now, thank you for taking a look at it though man! I really apreciate it :(

    This is actually a good idea to use always GCSetMode(2) and do the freeing of memory by code. That would probably speed up LE also a lot, and get rid of those random bugs in Editor.
  3. Ambient light can be completely black. Directional light should be a very dark blue. To get more light to the night scene, you should use spotlights for lanterns and flashlights, and a few point lights for in-house ceiling lights and fireplace lights. If the spot and point lights are based on fire, you should add a yellow hue to them. For glow bulbs add a very slight yellow hue, and for energy saving and neon lights use white.

  4. Why would you have a gmf of a model which is not ready yet? You should make the gmf only after you have textured it with xnormal or whatever. But also in the modelling phase you should assign a white dummy texture to the model, so you can test it in the engine while modelling.

  5. Looks quite buggy, the 2 trees in the middle look wierd, since their upper part is sharp, and lower part is blurry. The upper part is against the skybox, and the lower part is against the terrain behind them.


    Overall it looks rather like some broken DoF effect than antialiasing. The far away trees are clearly blurred by DoF, and also the away facing side of the closest tree on the left.

  6. You don't need to do anything, let the physics handle it. You only need a pickup/drop object key, usually this is the F key like in Crysis. You could have a softbody bag (softbodies are planned in LE), and a simple box where you can drop the items. To avoid that other players steal the items from your box, or the box itself, you could dig it in the ground, so that they don't find it. You could also have a lockable cover on the box, which can be opened only with a key you possess (a key is useful, if you want to borrow the key to a friend to pick up some stuff from your box). If you feel that just digging the box into the ground is not safe enough, you can also place some heavy ballast into the box, so that people can't move the box.

  7. Hard to say, it looks fine on my monitor. There are no completely black places, everything is still clearly visible. It's just more fun to the eye to have a more dramatic dark/light scene than a boring flat image.

  8. With color balance and saturation (both available in Framewerk via ambientlight, hdr, saturation), you could do this (although you should primarily do it in your textures, and rather do a desaturation to get your current image):


  9. What makes Aion and WoW visually appealing and fun to the eye is the overexxagerated use of color hues. They use lots of clean and bright colors, and also curvy models and terrains. They just make "more than reality", a caricature of reality, which one could also call fantasy, that's what their genre is about anyway.


    Your Origins scene looks more realistic, but it is also no fun to the eye, since people associate it unconsciously with hard work and cruel life. The realistic effect works only when its used to its full potential a'la Crysis, or in a darker ways like in horror games. But semi-realistic scenes are just in the middle of the road and not appealing to either eye candy or emo thrill.

  10. Stealing $200 out of Josh's pocket is basically correct for piracy, but since it's software, we need to add a event factor. Let's call this event factor N. N can be smaller or higher than 1, depending on the consequence of events caused by the piracy act. The total harm caused is then calculated by $200 * N.


    N greater 1 means that someone has pirated the software, and caused also other people not to buy the software, since they are satisfied with the pirated version. This could apply for hobbyists who have no potential to make real games. They would still need to buy the engine for they private use though.


    N smaller 1 means that someone has pirated the software, but then bought it also, since he wanted to go public with his creations. He is still causing harm, since people waste their time to write stupid analysis like this post :lol: Harm is also caused by the delayed rate of interest as the payment did not occur before using the software. Harm is also caused by using pirate sites, which only increase piracy when people are using their services, and stealing internet bandwidth.


    Anyway, as long as N is greater than 0 (everyone who used parts of it without buying it), piracy is causing harm to the owner and creator of the software.

  11. Yes, but the lossy compression in Ogg is so good that you don't hear a difference, and the file size is much smaller as with lossless compression.

    FLAC is a Ogg codec ( http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ogg#Ogg_codecs ) which has lossless compression, but it compresses only 50% of the file size (Ogg Vorbis compresses around 90% with variable bitrate min:96 max:128 without any hearable quality loss).

  12. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    Idea Pool (post your own ideas to this thread):

    - function to move the weapon from carrying position to scope position (and back)

    - video player written by Niosop

    - web browser written by Tyler

    - mirrors

    - IK


    GameLib is not ready:

    (no link)


    New features:

    - added Rect function override for Vec3->Vec3 (3D Rect)

    - added Line function override for Vec3->Vec3 (3D Line)

    - added error handling when trying to load a sbx file which does not exist

    - added Masterxilo's OpenGL 3D mode enabler/disabler functions

    - adjusted pivots for picking up items to be more accurate

    - added shadow resolution entity key handling to Scene::LoadMap()


    GameLib is ready:



    New features:

    - Added function CreatePlayerMesh(), which is useful when using gamelib without sbx scenes (it was made with seperate commands inside the ProcessScene() function earlier)

    - Adjusted the programmatically created player placeholder mesh to align correctly with the new Controller pivot

    - Fixed a bug in StringToVec2, 3 and 4 which made gamelib crash when reading strings with more values than the Vec was supposed to have (I noticed the bug because Josh made ambientlight in sbx a Vec4 for some reason)

    - Added option to create window in fullscreen resolution which is different from current Desktop resolution (auto resolution still works, which uses Desktop resolution for fullscreen mode)

    - Added Z resolution to window class (color depth)

    - Moved engine window creation to Window class

    - Fixed the bug which made gamelib crash when accessing a NULL pointer of Game class in TScene::Initialize()


    Changed files:






    GameLib is ready:



    Known bugs:

    • Pointer to Game class in TScene::Initialize() is not initialized and crashes gamelib.
      To fix this bug, copy line 542 (scene.game=this;) in gamelib.cpp as new line before line 541.

    New features:

    - Renamed TGame class to Game class

    - Added LEO's Engine class to Game class

    - Moved AddMinimizeButton() to Window class

    - Added Window class which has a method to load a custom app icon

    - Added throwing of lifted objects

    - The strength entity key of a classname="player" or classname"info_playerstart" is now read into player.strength


    New files:


    gamelib.cpp // add this to the project

    gamelib.rc // add this to the project




    resource.h // install only when you don't use Project Wizard


    GameLib is ready:



    New features:

    - Moved from C99 syntax to C++ syntax, so struct is now class. This allows inheriting of classes and expanding them with your own needs.

    - Added picking up, carrying and dropping of Models to the Player class: TPlayer::PickupModel(int mode).

    - Changed default 3rd person camera to be a half meter right of the player model, to get more freedom for sight (all modern 3rd person games do this). The camera position can be adjusted with the TPlayer::eyeoffset vector.

    - Fixed the bullets to be fired from the player's camera pivot instead of the scene's camera


    GameLib is ready:



    New features:

    - Fully supports Lua now

    - Using LEO now, so you don't have to add LEO to your project anymore when using GameLib

    - Using integrated framework with C++ interface from LEO

    - The "Null framewerk." popup message has been fixed (by using the integrated framework)

    - LuaTools class is included in GameLib also (game.luat), for easier handling of Lua commands

    - Lua fw variable is automatically set in Lua by GameLib

    - Editor's sound entity supports now pitch changes (the pitch slider needs to be added to the sound entity lua script, or do it manually in the sbx file with Notepad++)



    GameLib is ready:



    New features:

    - Fully supports Editor sbx files (supports also Sandbox sbx files)

    - New control variable: TScene::uselua (0=don't use lua, 1=use optimally, 2=use always. Default 1)

    - New control variable: TScene::usenewsbx (0=use Sandbox sbx, 1=use Editor sbx. Default 1)

    - Supports also new Framewerk features which are set in Editor's Atmosphere entity: brightness, contrast, saturation

    - StringToVecN() functions have a new option value: noconv=2 (0=autoconvert byte to float (when no decimal point is found), 1=never convert values, 2=always convert values)



    1) The "Null framewerk." message can not be fixed by gamelib, it has to be removed from the environment_athmosphere.lua script manually. You could also make your own improved athmosphere entity, where this message is commented out, then sync doesn't overwrite your fixes.

    2) The red terrain in power tutorial comes from the terrain color setting in the sbx file. You need to change the terrain color manually in the sbx file using Notepad++ since Editor uses terrain color, but doesn't have an option to change it.


    • Upvote 1
  13. The 3072 and 4096 are just additional options to the old 256, 512, 1024, 2048 options.

    I think the most important new feature is the shadow softness setting, the other options are just good to have if you make some special stuff (like a HQ video, or HQ screenshots).

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