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Posts posted by InfoBass

  1. Hi, I am looking to start creating and selling assets, and I am looking for a partner.

    My skills are mainly in modeling and animating, so my skillset would really be complimented with someone who was skilled in texturing, and could help me optimize the assets to work smoothly with leadwerks.


    To show my current skill level, here is a model and animation i have recently made for this project.


    The hand models are very WIP and the animation has a few kinks that need to be worked out, but the mesh of the weapon is finished and the animation is nearing readiness.


    If you are interested, please contact my mail: fluoZor[at]gmail.com

    • Upvote 4
  2. Decided to post this here to avoid making new topics.


    I am trying to export a model with multiple animation tracks on multiple armatures. The setup looks like this:

    blendersetup-4f0193.pngAs you can see, the file has three armatures and two empties that act as IK points.

    The problem i have is that leadwerks seems to make multiple animation tracks combining these, but never all of them. I get tracks with just animations from the armature, some with armature with the hands and some with armature and the IK points, but it doesn't seem to like to make an animation where it would run animations so that i would have the weapon, arms and fingers moving all at once.

    The leadwerks exporter doesn't like the set-up at all, it just exports the first animation strip from "armature"

  3. I've got my animation set up like I would have it for any game setup, the four animations it has are separate tracks withing blender's NLA. However leadwerks exporter only seems to want to extract the first of the tracks. How do i make it recognize all the tracks? I have tried combining the animations into meta tracks, but it still just chose the first animation.

  4. Hi, i am creating a map with several buildings on a big terrain. My life would be that much easier when creating things like cellars if i could simply delete small parts of the terrain mesh, so that i wouldn't have to precisely "dig" big holes where houses are. Is there a way for me to accomplish this?

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