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Everything posted by Roberto14

  1. Hi all, i have a simply request: I can i instantly stop ( remove every force ) an entity that is moved with physic simulation?? Actually, considering i'm using SetInput to move my entity, if i jump and disable gravity i'll go far away. It's beautifull ( ) but i need the possibility to stop my entity in the air by pressing a key. How can i achieve this?
  2. Seems to work, i need more test but i think u solved my problem, really thank you
  3. I have to think so that there is no way to change the format of a texture, both when loading that once loaded !? How can i give user the possibility to change texture quality, in-game? I just have to give this option only for some textures, manually loaded in my code...
  4. Yes but i'm talking of pre setting the right configs at load time, infact i can only get format once tex is loaded. I don't know if is possible... Otherwise i have to load image file with third party code, get pixels, and create and fill a new tex manually, but load increase too much, i'm talking abount 40-50 PNg files with 1024x1024 res, 32bit.
  5. Hi all guys, i have a simply question: How can i create/load a texture with a format specified by me/user?? I want to load some texture in my world, and because i have created a quality settings specific for this set of texture, i want my program load them with user specified format, for example: vector< Texture * > vTextures; vector< string > vTexList = GetTexList(); for ( TexPath : vTexList ) { int Q = TexQuality(); int iTexFormat = 0; if ( Q == 0 ) iTexFormat = RGBADXT5n; // max compression, and lower qaulity ( really save mem ) if ( Q == 4 ) iTexFormat = ?? RGBA ??; // no compession, max quality, ( big mem usage ) Texture *pTexture = ?? Which load procedure, or creation from PNg, in my case, i have to use? vTexture.push_back( pTexture ); }
  6. Well, i already doing that, i'm not? I say, i'm already using c++, lo "load" it. I load bloom.lua file directly, because is really hard to create a cpp file equivalent.
  7. Hi all, as title say, i can't figure out how can i take control of some uniforms, inside a file.shader, but loaded by a .lua file. An example is : in file PostProcess/Bloom/Bloom.shader, ( loaded by PostProcess/bloom.lua ) How can i control uniform "cutoff" by c++ side? When i load it int index = pCamera->AddPostEffect( "Shaders/PostProcess/bloom.lua" ); i try Leadwerks::Shader *pShader = (Leadwerks::Shader*)pCamera->posteffects[ index ]; and pShader is not NULL, but program crash if i use pShader->SetFloat( "cutoff", fMycutoff);
  8. Hi all, so i can resume in: UpdateWorldHook is called as fast as the PC UpdatePhysicsHook is called at a constant rate ( promises to run x times per second ) In my case i see always UpdatePhysicsHook called two times and UpdateWorldHook only one times per cycle... At this point is better to put heavy operations in UpdateWorldHook, and leave UpdatePhysicsHook calls all physics function calls with their respective variables?!?
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