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Everything posted by Carve

  1. Carve

    HUD / Radar

    Has anyone came across an example on how to do a HUD / Mini-Map / Radar type? Specifically one that *possibly* prints an overhead view of the terrain, like most games now do? Thanks in advance.
  2. I use Maya 2010 and 2011, and I was wondering what is the unit size used for LW? (inch, meter, etc) I tried centimeter at first and when I exported FBX -> GMF and imported the model in the Editor it was HUGE. Thanks
  3. Ok, I don't know what I'm doing wrong, but 90% of the things I set in the Scene in the Editor work. The only things I am having trouble showing are: SkyBox & Waterplane, I didn't really see any tutorial or guide showing how to utilize things such as waterplane (lua i believe) inside the actual program's code (C++), what am I missing? Edit: Resolved 99% of my issues, thanks, just took more trial and error then anything
  4. Is it possible for anyone to re-upload this?
  5. 1 - I have all media needed 2 - I copied the scripts folder from Scripts in Leadwerks SDK 3 - So I have to access the LUA Framework from C\C++ to be able to utilize for example a water plane? I might have asked too many questions at first, I'm basicly trying to utilize the 'waterplane' (lua) script that WORKS fine in Editor, but doesn't in the Game.exe?
  6. Excuse me if this is in the incorrect section.. I recently purchased LSDK (go Josh!), and I'm definitely in love with this system! I'm just curious as to how you get entitys from the Editor -> Compiled Product? For an example, I started a LEO (console) project, VS 2008, added LoadScene("abstract::scene.sbx"); Now the issue's are: my skybox material & things are loaded, and the 'waterplane' supplied with LSDK, but once compiled (even with no errors or anything in the console about missing mats, shaders, etc) nothing shows up, except my terrain and the materials for it.. Am I doing something wrong? Another question, how do I utilize LUA or XML inside of c\c++? Do I have to write parsers for each or whats the process involved there? Sorry if these questions are repeated often, I did a search and haven't found anything relevant to my needs, and the wiki seems a tad bit outdated? Thanks !
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