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Posts posted by thehankinator

  1. The editor uses different settings than your game. You can find the settings by clicking the settings icon at the top, then going into the viewport tab. Try to match those settings in your game.

    I'm not sure where to find some of the settings(like Texture anistropy, Tessellation, etc) but I matched what I could, same results.


    Anyway, the purpose of this post is to report that version 16.1.1 (released on Jan 31st) still has this bug.

  2. Well, I certainly don't want to do that to you. Let me talk to AMD and figure this out.

    Any luck with AMD? Should we open a bug report also? Bug is still present in version 16.1. Setting multisampling above 1 works except with water. Or maybe I am having a similar but different problem. I just noticed that this doesn't happen in the editor, what's different?


    Radeon r9 380



  3. It sounds logical.

    I am wondering why it is not included in the 'Leadwerks.h' file.

    You could put it in Leadwerks.h but a header file that mucks with the defines and macros in Windows.h(and it's friends) without the programmer knowing will spread the undef to anything that includes Leadwerks.h which could lead to some undesired effects. It'd be frustrating to try to use GetFileType() exactly how MSDN says to then try to use it and the compiler says what the hell is GetFileType()? This kind of workaround should be isolated to the smallest area possible imo, perhaps even moved to a .cpp file.


    At the end of the day this is a poor design choice by Microsoft and this is one of the weird things that occasionally come up in software on Windows. I think a better solution would have been to use a typedef rather than a define but it's far too late in the game for Microsoft to change it if it would even work with all the edge cases they have to meet.

  4. I don't have standard edition so I could be wrong but in Windows API GetFileType(defined when windows.h is involved) is a macro for GetFileTypeA() or GetFileTypeW() which is a problem because the Leadwerks API unfortunately uses the same function name for FileSystem::GetFileType(). The C++ preprocessor would dump GetFileTypeA or GetFileTypeW anywhere you have the text GetFileType. So FileSystem::GetFileType() would become FileSystem::GetFileTypeA() (or FileSystem::GetFileTypeW()) and cause a compile time error. By saying #undef GetFileType you are telling the preprocessor not to do the awkward mess above.

    • Upvote 1
  5. Yes, again, it might have to do with the "Render To Target" feature that was added in 3.6. My theory is that since there is no texture to render to, it looks for something random, then complains that it can't load it. I sometimes see that it can't load "Box 1".


    Make camera's via script I guess.

    Are you saying this isn't a bug? It sure seems like one to me. The 3 steps (listed above) it takes to produce the erroneous message do not touch the "Render target" option on the camera.

  6. If I load prefabs from script the published game should crash at runtime(indicating the file could not be loaded). What I am observing is the editor is crashing while generating the standalone, which should succeed regardless of what script/logical errors may or may not exist in the project.

  7. Update:


    *Boss wave!

    *Added visual feedback for hits with bullet

    *Start with pistol in addition to machete

    *Reworked spawn rate and points awarded

    *Reworked scoreboard display

    *Added new blood splatter

    *Zombies run slower


    The game balance needs work. I think it's partly the map design but also the nature of traps. The game may need to change at a fundamental level to allow balance. Next major feature could be a campaign/story mode, I've some ideas.

    • Upvote 1
  8. It would be interesting to see a side by side comparison of those two models. If you just upload the map I can install the DLC and open the map.


    Download here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B8AlYY49_v2bdm0wWmctVm1sRVU/view?usp=sharing


    I deleted the Addon directory from the zip, hopefully that doesn't mess it up more than it already is. Try commenting/uncommenting the different prefabs starting on line 35 in Scripts/Game/Survival.lua. Also try shooting over the heads of the crawlers, the framerate drags for about 10secs after each shot.

  9. I made this FPS simple ticker script to get a better idea of how long and often the frame rate drops. It's pretty rudimentary but works. Just call FPSTicker(). Red line = 0FPS, Yellow line = 30FPS. Horizontal lines are every 60 frames.




    EDIT: Good god why does the forum always butcher code formatting?


    #The Hankinator's Ticker of FPS
    function FPSTicker()
    if ticker_fps_data == nil then
    ticker_fps_data = {}
    --vertical bars
    for i=1,5 do
    context:DrawLine(60 * i, 0, 60 * i, 60)
    --horizontal bars
    context:DrawLine(0, 30, 300, 30)--30fps
    context:DrawLine(0, 60, 300, 60)--0fps
    --performance data
    table.insert(ticker_fps_data, Time:UPS())
    for i = 2, #ticker_fps_data do
    context:DrawLine(i-1, 60-ticker_fps_data[i-1], i, 60-ticker_fps_data[i])
    if #ticker_fps_data > 300 then
    table.remove(ticker_fps_data, 1)



    • Upvote 1
  10. After changing the zombie prefab I am noticing that the framerate drops to 30fps for about 10 seconds after shooting over the head of the zombie(same with crawler but not as bad). Seems like it has to do with the World:Pick in FPSGun.lua, doesn't make sense that it continues to drop the FPS for 10seconds or so afterward, not should that call be that expensive right?


    As a sanity check I ran the First Person Shooter tutorial with no modifications at all. Seems like I am hitting 30fps pretty often. So maybe I am just chasing my tail here? I have a Radeon 6870(by no means a high performance card anymore) but I know the scene in the tutorial is far less complicated than say something like Killing Floor 2 (which runs fine). So what's the deal? AMD's implementation of OpenGL? Leadwerks Engine? Something else?


    I took some screenshots from the tutorial, does anyone else see fps drop in the same places?


    Garage flashlight on:



    At the control panel, flashlight OFF, did not yet activate control panel:


  11. Bone count? I think each bone becomes an entity and LE doesn't seem to do well with a ton of entities.

    Are the bones the subchildren in the entity hierarchy? If so the zombie definitely has more bones than the crawler.

    What happens if you do the zombies mdls only, no prefab with script attached?

    I dropped the models in with the script attached, still run at 60fps. Then I created a prefab of one of those models and loaded it at runtime, 60fps! I set all the bones (what I think are bones anyway) to prop (so the bullets would hit the zombies) and still 60fps! I noticed that the original prefab has entries in the hierarchy like "hitbox_lthigh" but the model does not. All the hitbox_* elements have their collision set to none. Where would those hitbox_ elements come from? It's the DLC so I couldn't have opened the .mdl file and messed around with the file at all. I checked the other zombies from the DLC it's the same thing, prefabs have hitbox_ entries but not in the models. I cannot delete the hitbox_ entries with LE editor so I cannot know if that is the problem.

  12. I've cut down to bare bones now. I compared the zombie to a crawler. The crawler runs at 60fps but the zombie slows down to 30fps. They have the same script so it seems to indicate that there is some difference between the artwork. I checked the settings on the materials for both models, they are the same. What settings on the model or materials could cause such a difference?


    I'd upload the project but I don't think Josh would want me to upload the zombie/weapons DLC.




  13. Here's what happens, where fileinput starts out as a table..


    local astr = fileinput.tostring()


    -- looks ok


    System:Print("as:cahr = :"..string:sub(astr,1,1))

    -- error, expecting string got table


    change string:sub() to string.sub()


    you have stringcolonsub(), you need stringperiodsub()

  14. Thanks !

    but idk what to use but this is the first part of it:


    public function AddFootprint( pos : Vector3, fwd : Vector3, rht : Vector3, footprintType : int )


    // - Calculate the 4 corners -


    // foot offset

    var footOffset : float = footprintSpacing;


    if ( isLeft )


    footOffset = -footprintSpacing;



    var corners : Vector3[] = new Vector3[ 4 ];


    // corners = position + left/right offset + forward + right

    corners[ 0 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( -rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Upper Left

    corners[ 1 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Upper Right

    corners[ 2 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( -fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( -rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Lower Left

    corners[ 3 ] = pos + ( rht * footOffset ) + ( -fwd * footprintSize.y * 0.5 ) + ( rht * footprintSize.x * 0.5 ); // Lower Right


    That function idk how to write that for lua. It has me so stumped and i cant find any lua script that looks like that to see how to make it

    I think shadmar's line of code would fit better for this function than mine.


    What part exactly has you stumped?

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