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Posts posted by lxFirebal69xl

  1. I can't see anything out of the ordinary. Sometimes the referenced items are not correctly displayed.


    One thing I want to suggest is emptying the referenced inventory for all items and relink the inventory manager.

    Also, I assume the inventory manager item has the inventorymanager script attached?


    If that doesn't work you can send me the map in pm, and I will have a look tonight.


    Did what you said, still doesn't work. I'll be sending you the map in PM

  2. Thank you both for the answers, I got the issue fixed.

    Now I got another problem (Programming is fun isn't it?), when I try to pick up an item it gives me this error


    Script Error
    attempt to index field 'playerInventoryMgr' (a nil value)
    Line 27


    I guess this one is more towards aggror since he made FlowGUI, this wasn't happening before.

    Here's the script if you want to take a look at it.

    StorableObject New.lua


    Thanks for the help once again.

  3. Does it highlight a line when it fails? Line 465 to me looks like a comment so that's lua being not very helpful in it's error line number. The error must be happening in a call to the Pick() function. It's saying the 4th argument, which to us will be the 3rd because there is a magic lua argument as the 1st that we don't see. So whatever is the 3rd parameter to some pick function that should be getting highlighted on the error, it's saying that value is nil, null, nothing and it should be something.


    This is all that it does


  4. So for the last couple of days I've been trying to make my own FPSPlayer script with the help of some other users. I managed to do everything I wanted but there's one problem. I don't know how to fix this error.


    Script Error
    error in function 'Pick'.
    argument #4 is 'nil'; 'value' expected.
    Line 465


    The script is a combination of Aggror's FlowGUI FPSPlayer and my own, that's probably why it doesn't work.



    Any help would be appreciated!

    FPSPlayer New.lua

  5. happy.png I remember cutting this model up into single pieces, retexturing it to get it work into FPSCReloaded (now gameguru).

    Replaced the knight statues with some female aphrodite statues and I recommend you do too...the default ones don't look too hot. All that work was most likely for nothing though sad.png


    Your game looks okay! My major point of criticism as far as your leveldesign goes is the cubic feel to it and the lightmapping. Whenever you have torchlit scenes mostly all you can make out is the torch itself. Torches lightmore than what you can see in your shots...I recommend using a brightlight with a short range for the area immediately around the torch and a darker light with longer range for the are further around the player. That gives a more realistic effect.




    Thanks for the tip! I'll start doing that! And as for the cubic feel, I have no idea what you're talking about since most of the levels are corridors..maybe you just don't like the style :)

  6. I'm assuming you are able to pick up items and have storableobject.lua attach to them.


    In the inventorytGUI script around line 235 function Script:SetItemSlotProperties()

    remove the -- on the following bits of curitem code (removed in the code snippet.)

    --retrieve the item in the itemslot
    curItem = guiElement:GetItem()
    --The item in the itemslot can have a UseInventoryItem() function.



    In the storable object script goto item.UseInventoryItem = (about line 40).

    In that function put your code. In my case I put player:torchactive()


    In my player code I have a torchactive function that makes the torch usable.


    Hope you understand this, I'm no teacher.


    I did everything you did, deleted the "--" and now I got kind of stuck in the adding a function part. I have no clue how to do that xD

    I'm still kind of newbish to LUA as you can tell...

  7. I had a variable that just got called when you collected the flash light that enabled it.


    There is a player use function in the inventory script or similier which i'm going to go through instead when I get time.

    I was messing around with that function earlier and I can't get it to work properly. It's as simple as using a key to open a door. But I can't make it work....

  8. How did you make it so that specific items you pick up allow you to do other things? Like you pick up the flashlight and then you're able to use it, just like that fire hydrant to put out the fire and open the door.

  9. Looks very cool and atmospheric. Love horrors.


    Thank you very much :)


    Looking forward to the sewer and cave levels.


    I think you are including some files in your download that are not needed. (mediafire download)

    Check through and delete to help keep the size down.


    Edit - Only keep bugging you because this looks like it's gonna be good. smile.png


    Haha, it's all good man! I appreaciate people bugging me XD

    And yea, I just noticed that I published the file with everything in the project. I will fix that soon.

  10. In project manager when you publish make sure only include used files is ticked.

    Using project manager will encrpt the game as well.


    I know, that's what I do. The project right now is almost 3Gb

  11. This is looking good, been having trouble downloading through indie. Is there anywhere else to download?

    Also if you edit the first post and add some download links it would be good.

    I'm currently uploading the game to mediafire and then I'll try the workshop(never worked before because the file is too big)

    And I'll be adding the link on the first page :)

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