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Posts posted by epsilonion

  1. So after a day of having the Indie version I took the plunge and took the cash from my rent money and upgraded to the standard edition (via steam)..


    so I opened the App.cpp in V studio compiled it and opened the LeadWerks editor to throw a floor and some walls down..


    I noticed I had to save the map as start.map manually and when I tried to run the project I get a failed to launch error the .exe file.


    The only way I can run the file is through the debug command in the Leadwerks editor program and none of my changes can be seen.


    When I use the debug command in the LeadWerks editor I get this warning Lua sandboxing disabled.


    I was hoping that I could drag and drop assets on to the map with the leadwerks editor and then do what ever coding i need to in lua and C++ like I have seen stated around here somewhere.


    At the moment the only way I can see that I can put assets on a map is to hard code them in C++ myself...

    I only upgraded because I thought that I would be able to drag drop assets and to code the stuff I want to in C++ etc etc..


    Is this an error or is C++ for hard coding only?

  2. Since we are working with two standards with the engine LUA and C++, to help organize and make it easier for people to find if there are already answers to there problems I would like to request the following:


    A support section (category) on the forum with a few boards under this heading;


    (some ideas of boards under the heading)

    • C++ Support / Questions
    • LUA Support / Questions
    • Assets Support / Questions (mainly for people importing assets)
    • Publishing Support/Questions
    • Steam Workshop Support/Questions
    • Web site Support/Questions


    It would stop searching through like 22 pages of questions and answers to find there is no answer or it has not been asked before.. lol


    Oh and make the site more organized.. :D



    Just a thought..

    • Upvote 3
  3. For me it is hands on coding, like produce a proper game with HUD, collect ammo semi inventury, enermy AI and implementing the likes of that, a proper tutorial to show me how to code that would set me off into actually been able to produce something worthwhile.


    In the meantime whilst I am waiting for some proper tutorials I will be working on asset packs etc in 3DS Max, Blender Zbrush and all that for people to use... (in my spare time of course)...


    I have idea's but no idea how to implement it ..


    Oh and I would upgrade to C++ (standard edition) if I could afford it, there are more game related hold your hand tutorials out there for that language... lol and thats what I need.. :D


    While art assets are always nice to have, I'm assuming this poll is trying to judge where Leadwerks devs should focus more attention. The DLC, such as the FPS and Zombie packs, are nice, but anyone using them is going to have a game that looks like everyone else's using those packs.


    For me, having ready-to-use code is much more valuable. I find that having scripts for things like doors, the visual flowgraph, and built-in navmesh pathfinding are what sets Leadwerks apart. Having out-of-the-box functionality with no or very little programming is why people would choose Leadwerks over other engines. Seeing things like the vehicle prototype is a lot more exciting to me than a new art pack. I find the Steam Workshop to be a better asset for art. Facilitating other people creating props and textures is a great thing.


    I think that the devs' focus should be on creating an easy to use engine with lots of functionality that non-programmers can utilize. Let other people create the art.



    I 100% Agree with this +1 from me... :D

  4. I am wondering if there is a way to keep the file structure when downloading a asset from the steam workshop.


    I was making a asset pack and I made it so it had a nice directory structure as I wanted the packs that I am making to become pretty large giving time and it would make it a lot easier to find what your looking for etc etc.


    I uploaded the first pack with a nice directory structure but when I tested it and subscribed to my pack the directory structure was gone and everything was in one directory.


    I have deleted the pack and have started uploading the assets individually but I really would like to produce these assets as packs to keep things easy and structured..



    Thank You

  5. Hi,


    I made some walls and published them to the steam workshop, I tested this by subscribing to them and restarting LeadWerks and it downloaded, installed with the Addon manager and I could see it under the assets tab.


    I have been talking to a person that is having problems installing the wall asset that I have made, it downloads (sync's) when he starts the engine but it does not show up in the Addon manager and he can not install it..




    The above link shows the workshop item and part of the the discussion that we have had.


    Can you help please...

    • Upvote 1
    • I did notice that there was some sort of update this morning
      nav-home.png ▶Workshop



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    Failed to load content.

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