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Blog Comments posted by Sakru

  1. The armature doesn't look optimized for game development use I don't think. There are bones that aren't necessary for rigging a game character - there are bones for the toes, bones for the joints, bones for the torso area and bones for the pelvis section. Those aren't really needed for game character animations but would be useful for something like 3D film animations instead.


    If you download MakeHuman, you'll find a selection of armatures and one on the list is for game animation rigs which has far less bones than the one you've shown here.


    Download MakeHuman here: http://www.makehuman.org/

    You never need more then 22 bones/joints for your game character. Simple rule:

    4 bones in each hand (3 + 1 in clavicle)

    4 bones in each leg (2 + 1 in calcaneus + 1 phalanx bone)

    6 bones for spine (5 + 1 in cervical curve)


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