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Posts posted by Thareh

  1. Thanks for the update! :rolleyes:

    Something seems to be wrong though, nothing is drawn on my programs.

    Even this simple program doesn't work.


    Framework Leadwerks.Engine
    RegisterAbstractPath AppDir
    Graphics 1024,768
    MoveEntity CreateCamera(),Vec3(0,0,-10)
    MoveEntity CreatePointLight(5),Vec3(0,0,-3)
    Local cube:TMesh=CreateCube()
    Local buffer:TBuffer=CreateBuffer(1024,768,BUFFER_COLOR0|BUFFER_DEPTH|BUFFER_NORMAL)
    While Not KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)
    TurnEntity cube,Vec3(1,1,2)
    SetBuffer buffer
    SetBuffer BackBuffer()
    RenderLights buffer
    DrawText "Hello World!",0,0
    Flip 1


    I'm using the latest nVidia drivers if that's any help :blink:

    Also, The editor seems to lag horribly when editing terrain :P

  2. Even if I can get it freed correctly I'd still prefer a way without having to copy the buffer.

    Creating a buffer or doing GetColorBuffer is pretty slow, my program freezes like 250ms on my Laptop when I call them.

    (Which is not good since I use A LOT of both of these commands for my Render to Texture interface)

  3. Hi!

    What's the best way to convert a buffer to a texture?

    The only way I know of is using GetColorBuffer, but that also links the buffer to the texture and therefore doesn't fit my purpose.


    Thanks :P

    Oh and I'm posting here because I didn't get much response on my other thread.

  4. Hi!

    Seems like 'GetColorBuffer' isn't very good to use when rendering to a texture since it changes with the buffer even after you've used 'GetColorBuffer'. (Which also means that all the buffers I've used to render to texture probably doesn't get freed aswell)

    I want a static function that saves the current state of the buffer, and doesn't change even if the buffer changes after the command.

    Is there anything like this in LE? :)

  5. I free the buffer as soon as I've used GetColorBuffer to get the texture, well atleast I nullify it.

    I'm just using the buffer for the render to texture, and then I draw the Texture so I'm not using alot of buffers :)

  6. Local Buffer:TBuffer = CreateBuffer( W, H, BUFFER_COLOR )
    SetBuffer( Buffer )
    SetColor( Vec4( 1, 1, 1, 0 ) )
    SetColor( Vec4( 1 ) )
    Texture = GetColorBuffer( Buffer )
    SetBuffer( BackBuffer() )
    Buffer = Null


    Here's the 'Render to Texture' routine I'm using.

  7. Well, I can't create the buffers before since I don't know how many windows etc there's gonna be :)

    Does GetBufferColor save the buffers current state as a texture or does the texture change if I change the buffer afterward?

    If it saves the current state then perhaps I can just use 1 buffer and resize it, if that's possible.

  8. Here's an example: CLICK ME!.

    When you create a new window 5 'render to texture' routines happens (Window, Window Panel, Min/max and close button, the label) and this causes a delay.

    On my laptop the delay is about 400 ms which isn't good enough for me >.<


    The 'render to texture' routine is just this:

    Create & Set a new buffer.

    Draw some stuff using 2d commands.

    Use GetColorBuffer to get the TTexture.

    Free the buffer.


    Is there any faster way of doing 'render to texture' than this?

  9. Hi!

    I'm creating a user interface and I'm using a render to texture routine on all "gadgets" so it'll be faster to draw.

    When I'm creating a new window there's a 200-300 ms delay, and I've traced this down to the buffer creation or buffer => texture conversion. (I'm using GetColorBuffer to convert)

    So I'm asking: Are buffers slow or am I doing something wrong?

    Thanks! :)

  10. I've tried that already, Doesn't seem to do the trick! :S


    Local Buffer:TBuffer = CreateBuffer( W, H, BUFFER_COLOR )
    SetBuffer( Buffer )
    SetColor( Vec4( 1, 1, 1, 0 ) )
    SetColor( Vec4( 1 ) )


    SetColor( Vec4( 1, 1, 1, 0 ) )
    Local Buffer:TBuffer = CreateBuffer( W, H, BUFFER_COLOR )
    SetBuffer( Buffer )
    SetColor( Vec4( 1 ) )


    Tried both of these without any change :)

  11. Since I'm using buffers to do a Render to Texture routine it would be like masked, if you create an image in Photoshop with a transparent background and then you can paint whatever you want on it, and the areas you haven't touched will be transparent :)

  12. Hi!

    Since I didn't get any answers on my previous topic (LINK) and I've been stuck on this for several days, I'm posting under the General Discussion instead.

    And the questions are probably more aimed to Josh since no one have been able to answer.


    1. Since it's not recommended to use buffers smaller than 64x64, how would I go ahead and create a texture smaller than 64x64 and render to it? (I used buffers before)

    2. Is it possible to clear a buffer so that it's transparent instead of white? And if so: how?



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