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Posts posted by Alessandro

  1. I found an official newton component to be used as Vehicle. See this code:


       VehicleBasicRayWorld1.MaxTorque              := 90;
       VehicleBasicRayWorld1.Traction4x4            := True;
       VehicleBasicRayWorld1.BrakeForce             := 125;
       VehicleBasicRayWorld1.ChassisRotationLimit   := 0.98;
       VehicleBasicRayWorld1.ChassisEngineForce     := 40;
       VehicleBasicRayWorld1.ChassisSteerForce      := 60;
       VehicleBasicRayWorld1.AddTire('swheel.3ds',  oxV4Make(-1.375, -0.35, -0.85), 30, 0.35, 0.3, 1.2, 0.075, 60, 5);
       VehicleBasicRayWorld1.AddTire('swheel2.3ds', oxV4Make(-1.375, -0.35,  0.85), 30, 0.35, 0.3, 1.2, 0.075, 60, 5);
       VehicleBasicRayWorld1.AddTire('swheel.3ds',  oxV4Make( 1.375, -0.35, -0.85), 30, 0.35, 0.3, 1.2, 0.075, 60, 5);
       VehicleBasicRayWorld1.AddTire('swheel2.3ds', oxV4Make( 1.375, -0.35,  0.85), 30, 0.35, 0.3, 1.2, 0.075, 60, 5);


    It seems (as function calls) to Vechicle inside LE. But I noticed in this code they used "BrakeForce", "Traction4x4", etc... maybe some of them could be used in LE too.

  2. Ok, I understand, but I red in the docs that driver.lua uses joints (from the original doc - http://www.leadwerks.com/wiki/index.php?title=Vehicles):


    Leadwerks Engine provides a robust vehicle class with support for any number and configuration of tires. The vehicle class is actually an extension of the joint class, and will work with any body entity.


    SO I cannot understand if driver.lua uses joints (and it means physics) or it is only a simulation :blink:


    Have you any info how to setup/configure a real physics vehicle using Newton?

  3. Hello,

    in order to make a realistic car (I got good results modifying the original DRIVER.LUA + LUASCRIPT FOR VEHICLE), I need to correctly setup wheel mass, but I cannot find any way to do it.

    Is it possible? How?

    I think is very important, since it let me properly manage car behavior in extreme stunts!


    Thank you for your help!

  4. Hello,

    when I create my game in the world editor I enabled some special effects (like bloom, Rays of god, etc...), but I don't see them in the final project.

    In order to package my game for deployment, I simply created a directory and copied needed files (dll, scripts, shaders, materials, etc...).

    Is it correct? I wish to highlight that the game works!


    Look at these screenshots:


    This is taken from LE World editor:



    And this is in runtime (game standalone):




    Thank you for your help!

  5. That's already done. There'll just be a standalone script editor, or you can use Notepad or whatever. It's nice because the script editor is running in a separate process, so it stays fast and responsive.


    I'm already using Scintilla.


    Wow! I'm very happy to read this!

    When will be available this great new feature?


    INTELLISENSE: Yes, Scintilla can manage code hints, and you can decide if let them appear automatically or when the user press keys (like CTRL-SPACE).


    Sorry Josh, talking about CTRL-key (offtopic - but it could be fixed in the next version :-) ): in my computer CTRL-key is used for other actvities, so I cannot use it in LE World Editor to make slow camera movements. Please can you implement a way to let the user customize these special keys? So I could use WIN-key (the one with the flag), or ALT key, or even a combination (e.g. SHIFT->faster movements , CTRL+SHIFT->slower movements).

    In our computers there are several programs (in background) to implement other features in the O.S, so may happen those keys could be already in use.


    THank you.

  6. On a side note, I think it was a poor decision on Josh's part to try and write his own scripting editor. The thing crashes on me all the time for putting in tabs :)


    Instead Josh you should look at what's already out there and use those.


    I quote this one. I think the famous open source Scintilla component (and the related SciTe) editor could be the best solution. It is light, free (no! Open source!), and really fully customizable (written in C and with full source code available).

  7. You must not be a Visual Studio programmer.


    Please don't start a stupid fight for this system or that language. I used popular and well documented systems, but even M$ has a lot of undocumented (and even never published...) functions inside their API.

    I talked in general, so please don't make name & surname of this tool or other language.


    Thank you.

  8. Weather, moving clouds, examples, hide the black and white start up screen that come with the Lua Engine.


    Another good point. Any engine is not useful if the documentation is not well done. A game engine is a complex system.

    I eliminated some engines just because their documentation was terrible or almost non existent.

    LE documentation is just enough. Need more info, more examples, etc...


    About LE 3.0? My legs are shaking since I'm afraid what could happen for this new version:

    1) New price.

    2) New documentation for new features.

    3) Some radical (not backward compatible) modifications.

    4) New Leadwerks company policy and licensing.


    But I'm even excitated thinking about the possible new features/enhancements!


    I definitively wait for a real hi-end world editor, and a GREAT scripting editor (or better: a scripting IDE, with debugging, watches, etc...). I wish a performance profile to find the bottlenecks.


    The engine is simply great, so I will expect to enforce all the weak points that make this engine sometimes so "hard to be used".

    I'm a professional software developer since from 25 years, and I will never understand why the programmers must always GUESS the functions (arguments, etc...) of programming languages, libraries, 3D game engines..... :-)

  9. Hello,


    I need to change the center of mass of a vehicle, but I cannot find any way.

    I tried using SetCenterOfMass() function, but the engine crashes!

    In LUA script of viper there are some items like:


    object.model:SetKey('collisiontype', COLLISION_PROP)
    object.model:SetKey('mass', DEFAULT_VEHICLE_MASS)


    So it seems some parameters are passed to the physics engine via KEYS, but is there any way to supply the center of mass?


    Thank you for your help!

  10. Just had a look at it and everything seems to be okay. That means the only thing that is not correct is the phy file. For objects to fall down it needs to be a convex hull. unfortunately this means you need an obj file of the montertruck.


    Funny thing happened though when I was messing around in the monstertruck script: it suddenly fell down. haven't been able to repeat this.


    Since I cannot use Viper for a test (cannot create a small demo using viper), I wanted to use Monster truck, and I found the same problem.

    Have you found any solution to make it work other than remodeling the model self?

  11. Driver.lua is almost like a standalone lua script already, so you better just add a few lines to create the graphics window at the start of it and rename it as start.lua.


    Thank you, it worked!


    Now I have another problem during first startup:


    Loading mesh "c:/program files/leadwerks engine sdk/private/vehicle_viperscout.gmf"...
    Loading material "zip::c:/program files/leadwerks engine sdk/private/viperscout.pak//interior_c.mat"...
    stack traceback:
           [C]: in function 'LoadModel'
           [string "start.lua"]:35: in main chunk
    C:\Program Files\Leadwerks Engine SDK>


    Sorry can you help me again :unsure: ?


    Please note that everything works in LE Editor.


    It seems the mesh is correctly loaded, but material loading fails.


    Thank you!

  12. Click on one road node and hold the mouse button down. Drag to the other and release the button, and the two will be linked.


    It sounds like the script for the road node is missing.



    now the nodes are linked, but the way is interrupted. In fact LE still "see" and manage the ways like two different ones. :-(


    I need to merge two ways in order to make them like one single way, since I need to eliminate the part between the two (if I don't connect the ways, I'm obliged to try to align the ways one to each other).


    Thank you.

  13. Ehm, one question about this topic:


    I created a level inside the Map Editor, and I added DRIVER.LUA.


    Well, how can I create start.lua in order to make my game running?

    DO I need to make a program like this:


    world = LoadWorld( ... MAP SBX ....)
    while AppTerminate()==0 do 
        if KeyHit(KEY_ESCAPE)==1 then break end


    (this is only a skeleton). Just as example. Is this the right way to proceed?


    Thank you!

  14. I don't understand if the problem is LUA language or LUA IDE/Editor.

    LUA is a great language, sometimes not so clean, but VERY FAST, and so much used for hi-speed jobs. Furthermore LUA is a scripting language, much easier than other compiled languages like C or C++.

    It is easily embeddable in other programs also. Many BIG COMMERCIAL games use Lua as scripting language (C/C++ and LUA).


    If the problem is the editor... well, you can quickly find several for editors IDE in internet (someones are free, other ones are commercial).













    And more..... :-)

  15. Somtimes we confuse/merge two different problems: What's better for the final result (what the player will see and play), and what's better for the game designers (programmers, 3D artists, sound/musicians, etc....).

    I red many good right comments, but it seems some of them are for the final game, other ones are for the designers.

    Maybe we could evaluate what's more relevant in this case.

  16. I wish to highlight another possible problem (bug?): If I reload and work in the level some time (add models, change something) I cannot edit road nodes details (properties) any more. In fact if I get the properties, I see an empty window, with the only "Apply" and "Close" buttons (the form does NOT contain anything else).

  17. I have a couple of requests for 3.0


    1) I wish "UNDO" function in the world editor! I really miss it!

    2) I wish a function to automatically rotate a model to the normal of the underlying model. I explain: sometimes I need to put a model over another one (for example putting a fence over the terrain), but if the underlying model (e.g. the terrain) is not plan/horizontal then it is difficult to the the right angle for the new model (e.g. the fence). So I wish to align my "fence" with the normal of the terrain. This function exists in other engine editors e.g. in UDK) and it is VERY useful!


    Thank you! :-)


    EDIT: I have another request for the editor: I need a more sophisticated way to search objects. For example, take a look to Unity engine searching feature ;-)


    EDIT 2: Another request in the editor: camera movement speed (using WASD) should be placed in the main form, since it is useful changing that value in order to manage small details or large area :-)

  18. Hello, I made a road then I saved and closed Leadwerks editor.

    When I open the level again I cannot find a way to add more pieces to the existing road. Instead every piece is added as a new road.

    I tried to work with "start/terminate" flag, but nothing. Please help me since it is very annoying.

    Without this feature I need to make a road composed by several smaller pieces and the final layout (visual look) is not so fine.


    Thank you for your help!

  19. You guys are going to be the death of me. :)


    It sounds like you want 3D World Studio and Leadwerks Editor combined into one super editor. I will admit that I like the idea of having our old 3DWS approach to level editing available, especially if the CSG solids can have chunky tessellated bricks sticking out of them.


    This is a nice idea! :-)


    One thing more: Crysis does not use voxel for terrains, but only for some little parts (for example to make holes).

    Even if voxel technology is a great concept, I not yet found a good editor to manage it. I used Crysis editor and voxel part is much more difficult then standard terrain manipulation.

    Maybe instead thinking to voxel (that must be converted to standard polygons - and, for my knowledge, I cannot directly manage this conversion) we could work on better terrain management tool, other than sculpt/smooth/flat etc....

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