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Everything posted by Alessandro

  1. Thank you both of you. @Lumooja that the approach I had, but sometimes I have problems when car is near the treeshold, or even near speed 0. In fact, when I drive a car, I expect that if I use the handbrake the car completely stopped, but using AddTorque (or similar) it is almost impossible to set the precise force to let the vehicle stop and not starting to go in the opposite direction! @diedir I tried a solution similar to yours (using friction, in order to allow the car stop completely), but it seems friction on the chassis has no effect ( I even tried huge values like 10000 but nothing!). Furthermore I cannot apply friction to the tires since the tires are not physics based, but they are controlled by Josh's vehicle algorithm. Do you use tires as models (LoadModel) and not as mesh (LoadMesh)? When I tried to use tires as models I could not apply entityType for collsions since LE locked (going VERY SLOW). And if I simply load LoadModel(tire) it seems it has no real effect. I think I will need definitively spend some time to make a real Newton vehicle, since I'm creating a free-roaming game based on vehicles, and I need good car physics. I'm working with this non-physics vehicle (createed by Josh) but it seems really limited for my purpose. It's funny that LE is presented as a system to make vehicles with arbitrary tires, but no one knows how to do that (and Josh does not help us in any way), and the only vehicle created does use physics in a limited way, just to create a car arcade-style. However, I will try again using Newton physics and joints, and if you have any news from this point of view, please keep me informed ( I will do the same if I will be able to get good results with Newton). Cheers
  2. Hello, I need to simulate hand brake in standard LE vehicle built-in. I tried to use AddTorque but it is difficult to manage, since reversing tire force (rear wheels) I cannot really stop the vehicle, and somtimes the vehicle start to run in the opposite direction. Is there any other way to do that? local myVel = self.chassis:GetVelocity(0) myVel = (myVel.x + myVel.y + myVel.z) * 2.5 if KeyDown(KEY_SPACE) == 1 then if math.abs(myVel) > 30 then self.car:AddTireTorque(-10000, 2) self.car:AddTireTorque(-10000, 3) else self.car:AddTireTorque(0, 0) self.car:AddTireTorque(0, 1) self.car:AddTireTorque(0, 2) self.car:AddTireTorque(0, 3) end end
  3. LOL! I will pay for documentation! I need good docs! I spent a lot of my time to understand info in the current docs.
  4. Hello, I finally tried to implement your suggestion, but not work. In fact, if I do not apply EntityType for collision, then nothing changed (car behaviour does not change), instead if I apply entitytype as: EntityType(object.tire[n], 1) Well, LE hangs (slow down the entire engine!). I think it is logical, since vehicle built functions created by Josh use a different way (rays) to simulate wheels collision, so I think those methods go in conflict.
  5. Thank you Rick! I will test it tonight (I'm at work now :-)
  6. Hello, I often need to print some info on the screen in order to speed-up development and debugging phases, but I noticed that AddText has no effect. Is there any way to print text in the editor (even for CTRL-G only)? Thank you!
  7. Ok, solved. I used: SetDistanceFogColor(Vec4(R, G, B, 1)) Thank you!
  8. Hello, maybe the question seems trivial, but I cannot find any way to setup fog color (in LUA). I did not find anything neither in forum nor in wiki :-( Please help me!
  9. LOL I will try to use Vec4. Thank you for the suggestion!
  10. Hello, I need to change directional light color in order to simulate the atmosphere colors in the morning and evening (day/night cycle). I used the following code, and putted in Update() event in the light self: light_1.light.color = Vec3(myRed, myGreen, myBlue) The problem is, every some seconds, I see in the screen something like a flash white (imagine a lighting in the sky, which enlighten all the environment for a few frames). Is my code correct? Is there any other way to simulate color changing? Thank you for your help!
  11. Ok, I will try. But can you tell me if, in this way, I can get a more realisitic vehicle instead of an arcade-style car?
  12. Well, I did it, but nothing changed. Car behaviuor is exactly the same.
  13. Thank you, I will check them. I own 3dgs also, and I tried to follow the new vehicle system they use, but is difficult since they use PhysX engine, and API (and their usage) are really different (and I abandonded the conversion). I will check your links (maybe we can extract something good :-) EDIT: A couple of links have the same problem I already found in the past: they refere to a specifi object class existing in Newton engine. This class is specialized to make vehicles. As per my knowledge, we haven' that class in LE, so we need to create a vehicle from scratch (using basic joints). Thank you!
  14. I tried to get some newton programs made in other languages, but it is not easy to convert them in LE style, since Newton implement a simplifed version of the vehicle using special API, and those api are not implementd in LE. I cannot find clear information how to create a real vehicle even in newton self. If you can find a source code in any language showing how to create a real vehicle, please send me that, and I will try to convert it in LE (LUA). Then I will send you the converted code
  15. The animations are the ones used to simulate wheel movement (up/down) for suspensions.
  16. Of course, I successfully used them. But that is a partially simulated vehicle (it uses raycast and anims to simulate tires and car movement). I need a realistic car feedback
  17. No help from anyone? Please give me a hint how to proceed! I need to make a real vehicle! Vehicle built-in LE is fine, but too "arcade-style". Anyone? Thank you!
  18. Ok, setting a Newton vehicle in LE is a mess. Too many information are missing! Pleae Josh give me some hints how to proceed or I will push myself under a real car Now I have this code (not work): function class:CreateObject(argModel) local object=self.super:CreateObject(argModel) local myWheelFL = LoadModel("abstract::" .. "vehicleProtoWheel.gmf", object.model) local myWheelFR = LoadModel("abstract::" .. "vehicleProtoWheel.gmf", object.model) local myWheelRL = LoadModel("abstract::" .. "vehicleProtoWheel.gmf", object.model) local myWheelRR = LoadModel("abstract::" .. "vehicleProtoWheel.gmf", object.model) if myWheelFL == nil then Notify("Errore creazione myWheelFL") return end if myWheelFR == nil then Notify("Errore creazione myWheelFR") return end if myWheelRL == nil then Notify("Errore creazione myWheelRL") return end if myWheelRR == nil then Notify("Errore creazione myWheelRR") return end --local locFL = TFormPoint(Vec3(-1.6, -0.8, -2) , object.model, nil) local locFL = Vec3(-1.6, -0.8, -2) myWheelFL:SetPosition(locFL) --local locFR = TFormPoint(Vec3(-1.6, -0.8, 2) , object.model, nil) local locFR = Vec3(-1.6, -0.8, 2) myWheelFR:SetPosition(locFR) --local locRL = TFormPoint(Vec3(1.6, -0.8, -2) , object.model, nil) local locRL = Vec3(1.6, -0.8, -2) myWheelRL:SetPosition(locRL) --local locRR = TFormPoint(Vec3(1.6, -0.8, 2) , object.model, nil) local locRR = Vec3(1.6, -0.8, 2) myWheelRR:SetPosition(locRR) local myWheelRLJoint = CreateJointSlider(object.model, myWheelRL, locRL, Vec3(locRL.x, locRL.y+0.2, locRL.z)) local myWheelFLJoint = CreateJointSlider(object.model, myWheelFL, locFL, Vec3(locFL.x, locFL.y+0.2, locFL.z)) local myWheelRRJoint = CreateJointSlider(object.model, myWheelRR, locRR, Vec3(locRR.x, locRR.y+0.2, locRR.z)) local myWheelFRJoint = CreateJointSlider(object.model, myWheelFR, locFR, Vec3(locFR.x, locFR.y+0.2, locFR.z)) --[[********************************************************************************************** **********************************************************************************************]]-- function object:Free() --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- if myWheelFLJoint ~= nil then FreeJoint(myWheelFLJoint) myWheelFLJoint = nil end if myWheelFRJoint ~= nil then FreeJoint(myWheelFRJoint) myWheelFRJoint = nil end if myWheelRLJoint ~= nil then FreeJoint(myWheelRLJoint) myWheelRLJoint = nil end if myWheelRRJoint ~= nil then FreeJoint(myWheelRRJoint) myWheelRRJoint = nil end --[[----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------]]-- if myWheelFL ~= nil then myWheelFL:Free() myWheelFL = nil end if myWheelFR ~= nil then myWheelFR:Free() myWheelFR = nil end if myWheelRL ~= nil then myWheelRL:Free() myWheelRL = nil end if myWheelRR ~= nil then myWheelRR:Free() myWheelRR = nil end self.super:Free()--Don't forget this!! end end function object:Update() --self.model:Turn(Vec3(GetEntityKey(self.model, "Rotate X"), -1 * tonumber(GetEntityKey(self.model, "Rotate Y", 0)), GetEntityKey(self.model, "Rotate Z"))) end end JOints not work, and I cannot understand how to manage them. I stored tires as separated models, and I create them as child of the chassis. Not work. And this is a screenshot: http://www.mediafire.com/?h87o7eb7z5ukb PLEASE!! I need a real vehicle model! PLEASE JOSH!
  19. The exact syntax (from documentation) is: object.joint = CreateJointSlider(object.model, myWheelFL, Vec3(-1.6, -0.8, 2), Vec3(-1.6, 0, 0)) In fact you forgot the parent object Cheers! (thank you again!)
  20. Yes, you are right, it was in the first form since the wheel name will be stored in a variable: "abstract::" .. locWheelName @macklebee, thank you for your help. Even if LUA seems a very important piece inside LE, its documentation is not enough, and not clear. I wish a better documentation for the future. Thank you again!
  21. Hello, I need to create slider joint to make a suspension, but I get always an errore from LE. This is the code: local myWheelFL = LoadModel("abstract::" .. "vehicle_proto_wheel.gmf", object.model) local myWheelFR = LoadModel("abstract::" .. "vehicle_proto_wheel.gmf", object.model) local myWheelRL = LoadModel("abstract::" .. "vehicle_proto_wheel.gmf", object.model) local myWheelRR = LoadModel("abstract::" .. "vehicle_proto_wheel.gmf", object.model) if myWheelFL == nil then Notify("Errore creazione wheel") return end myWheelFL:SetPosition(Vec3(-1.6, -0.8, -2)) myWheelFR:SetPosition(Vec3(-1.6, -0.8, 2)) myWheelRL:SetPosition(Vec3(1.6, -0.8, -2)) myWheelRR:SetPosition(Vec3(1.6, -0.8, 2)) -- ******* THIS FUNCTION CALL GIVE ME THE ERROR *********** object.model:CreateJointSlider(myWheelFL, Vec3(-1.6, -0.8, 2), Vec3(-1.6, 0, 0)) I get "Index for object is not a valid field or method". If instead I use object.model:CreateJointSlider(myWheelFL, Vec3(-1.6, -0.8, 2), Vec3(-1.6, 0, 0)) I get: Attempt to call method (a nil value). But I'm sure the object pointers and the wheels are created (I check them). Please help me!
  22. Hello, as many other programmers, I'm always looking for "the perfect text editor". Well, I used several editors (even to write LUA apps), but everyone seems "another copy" of the others. It seems every new editor includes the same functions of other editor. I haven't a Mac, but I was surprised to see Textmate. But... just s couple of days ago, I finally found "my perfect editor"! It is called "Sublime Text": http://www.sublimetext.com It works in Windows, contains many functions found in any traditional editor plus Textmate. But it has some absolutely incredible functionalities! I really love it. Even if it is not free (it is not so cheap also!), it is really amazing. Look at these functions: http://www.sublimetext.com/support I just bought it! Cheers!
  23. Hello, since I need to make a realistic vehicle, I wanted to create it using Newton joints. I'm not so experienced in LE, so I started using DRIVER.LUA (just to get a guideline). Now I notice that such script uses CreateObject() to create the vehicle (chassis is the only real physics thing). Instead I need to create chassis + wheels (as BODY in order to apply sliderJoint). I cannot find the right way to start from. After the user start the program, the object chassis will be created: function class:CreateObject(model) Then... local object = self.super:CreateObject(model) object.vehicle = CreateVehicle(object.model) Ok, where and how can I load wheel physics? In the original code the wheels do not exist as physic entities. Do you suggest me to create separated tire and its related PHY file? Or can I use the tire already stored in the vehicle model ( see VIPER as an example)? Please highlight my dark way since I'm very confused. Thank you for your help!
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