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Posts posted by Sharlenwar

  1. Hey folks, it's been a while since I've checked up on Leadwerks here. Everything is looking good and so probably I'm going to have to dive in again. Anyways, how active is the community here? Are there any old timers from the beginning?

  2. Well awesome. I'm going through the tutorials that are available, and I have to say. They have definitely made me familiar with the interface. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to do anything, and the complete opposite. I'm starting to understand how powerful this all is. Surprising!

  3. How is everyone doing! Been ages since I've been around here. Was looking at this engine a while back, now I saw that it was up on Steam on sale, so I've decided to take the plunge and give this game engine a good shot. I've seen the video on Steam there where it goes through briefly other games people have made, and I have to say, amazing!


    So how's the community out here? Anyways, expect to see me out around the forums asking for help and what not. I'm going through the tutorials and no doubt I'll be back.


    Have a great day everyone!

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