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Everything posted by shiMusa

  1. I tried the demo: Same error. I updated the graphics driver: same result. In the log-window, the last lines before the crash are for File->New: .../directionallight.tex for loading 01-Introduction.map: Camera.tex for loading 02-... : floorplates_spec.tex for loading 03-... : gatevertical_frame.mdl for loading 04-... : generic.mdl for loading 05-... : default.shader etc. Maybe a leadwerks developer can use this information... PS: Drag'n'droping materials works most of the time, but i.e. dirt01.mat crashes...
  2. Hello, I didn't use the Leadwerks Editor for some time and just wanted to get started again, but suddenly I get everywhere this EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION message. In short: Sometimes, when I drag'n'drop a material onto an object, always when I open any map and even when I just click on File->New or Ctrl+N, I get this error message. It worked some time ago before the updates to version 3.2 (and maybe even 3.1, not sure). I tried to delete all data and to reinstall, reboot, whatever, but it didn't help. My specs are: Intel Core i7-3517U Intel HD4000 8 GB RAM Windows 8.1 64bit The Intel HD4000 is fully capable of DirectX 11 and OpenGL 4. Thanks for any advice, shiMusa PS: I have no problem using Visual Studio and C++
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