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Posts posted by DerRidda

  1. I remember this very same behavior from my old rig and I absolutely do not see it with my new one.

    What I found out was that:

    a) Having any kind of web browser open in the background killed my performance, even when it wasn't doing anything

    b) The Leadwerks editor itself was in the way of decent performance, when I closed that and ran my projects directly via the binary I got decent performance.


    I think it was because of having a weak CPU but the behavior was so strange that I guess it isn't just that, it certainly isn't just the OS and drivers or even the Leadwerks engine, I sent a demo project around and was asking many Linux users for their performance reports and even weaker rigs were getting solid fps but those never ran the editor of course.

  2. They work just like every other file path: It's mounted into the same tree:


    For example: '/path/to/a/file'


    Let's forget that partitions are a thing for a moment and call everything drive, you can substitute drive for partition in this example.


    '/' is on your boot drive of course, let's call that drive1 for example while the 'path' folder of '/path' might be on drive2, the 'to' folder of '/path/to' might even be back on drive1 and the 'a' folder of '/path/to/a' might be an a different drive entirely like drive3. The file 'file' naturally must be on the last drive in that hierarchy.



    Bottom line is: You usually do not need to care about what drive you on right now, it's completely transparent. The one thing that doesn't work is hardlinking across different partitions even.


    The important thing with this issue is the file system: NTFS doesn't store permissions in a compatible way with the side effect of not being able to execute file on NTFS partitions and is not case sensitive, that alone is enough to throw a serious curve-ball your way.


    So yes, anything more than read-only file storage isn't recommended to do with NTFS on Linux. Nice to cut down on redundant storage when using a dual boot, useless for working with.

    My guess is that's the reason why OS X only ships a read-only NTFS driver, so you don't even get tempted to try stuff that wasn't meant to work.

    • Upvote 1
  3. I've been thinking it might be prudent for those that absolutely need to have a Windows installation to wait for Windows Server 2016 to release and consider that their workstation OS from that point forward, as that seems to come without the bollocks attached.

    That will have a serious price tag attached though but that's better than the many different ways of none-currency payment one will make for Windows 10.

  4. Here's my take on this:


    Go for straight unaltered Ubuntu, I recommend 14.04 LTS for people new to the platform.

    Yes, it does look different than what Windows users are used to but that is a GOOD thing in my opinion, as

    it tells your brain that you are outside of what you are familiar with.

    Windows power-users often try to apply their very specific problem solving skills that did develop through trial and error and then act surprised when all the get is error.

    Having an interface that tells you "You are not in Kansas anymore, little Dorothy." helps with that.


    As for tech reasons: Mint's updater is poor compared to Ubuntu's and upgrading between releases is a pain on Mint while it's a breeze on Ubuntu. (Seriously, you can use your computer through the entire release upgrade process and after one single reboot it's done)

    And while Mint is technically just a spin on Ubuntu and they use the exact same base, Ubuntu and its Unity GUI are best supported by some not so well rounded software, like Leadwerks for example.



    You should be fine with Java, one thing to note is that basically all Linux distributions only supply OpenJDK these days as Oracle has revoked the distribution licenses for no good reason. But that shouldn't be a problem as OpenJDK has become the reference implementation for Java anyway since 1.7 with OpenJDK7. If you truly need Oracle Java you can just download it from Oracle still.


    OpenOffice? Why did so few people outside the open source-verse notice the fork over to LibreOffice? LibreOffice is basically OpenOffice under new and improved management and comes pre-installed on Ubuntu, 0 compatibility issues between the two.


    Since you appear to be German https://ubuntuusers.de/ is a your super-bestest friend now, their wiki blows every other Linux wiki out of the water, including English ones except maybe the Arch Linux wiki.


    https://alternativeto.net is also awesome as you can search for alternative software there in case something you want isn't supported on Linux.


    Use that wiki and get cracking! http://www.ubuntu.com/download/desktop



    EDIT: Bad Josh, no banana! SteamOS is not a desktop operating system, never was meant to be, probably never will be.

    • Upvote 2
  5. whats funny is that most of these things are default in most mobile operating systems already for a long time and no one cares there.


    Actually they aren't. Because iOS isn't most mobile operating systems and even there Cortana isn't most of these things, just one.


    @Josh - In that case what are you doing online? If you don't want to be exposed or hacked just plug the cable from your wifi box. There is no internet without hacking and data leaks. I'm pretty sure I can salvage enough information about most of the people by doing some trivial search queries. There is no data protection in this day and age. You worry about Microsoft servers? How about your bank? What if your bank's servers are hacked? There is no protection from that, you see, even government can't protect themselves. My suggestion is either revert back to Windows 3.11 or just stop using modern technology. wink.png


    That's a very fatalist and uninformed opinion. You aren't victim by default and you can protect yourself. Mathematically sound encryption for example works and there's f'ck all the NSA can do about because the laws of nature and mathematics apply to everyone equally at all times. Government money can change math as little as it can wish gravity away because it's inconvenient to their agenda.

    That's exactly why there's currently an anti-encryption fear campaign being created in the UK and US the latter of which tried to ban exporting strong encryption back in the nineties.




    My nephew had two blue screens today trying to play on an N64 emulator.

    Besides all the privacy bollocks Windows 10 is simply unfinished software imho.

    Just look at the classic control panel and settings, if it was done, everything would be in settings now.

  6. Holy fscking wow:


    Also, when device encryption is on, Windows automatically encrypts the drive Windows is installed on and generates a recovery key. The BitLocker recovery key for the user’s device is automatically backed up online in the Microsoft OneDrive account.
    from https://edri.org/microsofts-new-small-print-how-your-personal-data-abused/


    You know how the people in charge in the US want to drum up that narrative where they totally absolutely need to have "legal" access to people's encryption keys. Microsoft is happy to oblige without even the need for a questionable legal framework that would require this to exist.


    Vista was technically bad but got fixed eventually via patches and service packs. This is by design and will never ever be "fixed", this is what MS wants with Windows as a service.


    How this flies in a post Snowden world is beyond me.


    EDIT: Golly gee, this just keeps getting better and better:

  7. That's probably because you have just overwritten PATH, try PATH=\"$PATH:$SYSTEM_PATH\" in that define to keep what was in PATH before.


    If that doesn't work you probably will have to change xdg-open inside the system() command to /usr/bin/xdg-open which is the standard path for that binary on just about every Linux distro there is.


    BTW: That Steam group is not visible to those that aren't Steamworks devs.

  8. Trillian? Oh dear... your answer to that problem is Pidgin, on Linux as well as Windows. https://pidgin.im/

    And about the Leadwerks editor: There's no denying that the Linux version is inferior in many ways but that's a home grown problem.


    I'm quite indifferent about IDEs and don't understand how some programmers are so married to theirs. I think it's Visual Studio for so many not based on merits but because that's what they started with. Though my experience with VS is limited I always felt it was bloated

    and sluggish whenever I tried it.


    Your friend might have told you about QtCreator, which seems to be the hot stuff for VS devs that try to find something similar on Linux,

    especially because it wraps GDB in a way that doesn't make them cry.

    It's also available on Windows and OS X: https://www.qt.io/download-open-source/

    • Upvote 1
  9. I purposefully didn't make this about Windows versus Linux, see the list with all the other contenders above. Pretty much none of those complaints hold water when used against OS X.


    And here's an anecdote about user friendliness:

    My dear old mother uses Ubuntu and "tech support" requests from her went all the way down, so did my nephew and it was all quiet on his side once I got Minecraft and the modlauncher going.

    Then my nephew got a cheapo <400€ laptop with Windows and "oddly" enough I recently had to flatten that thing because it was full of malware.

    You know, the subtle ones that spawn 5 popup windows per hour and place toolbars on the screen.


    But what if I told you you do not have to leave what's familiar behind? Here's the Windows user's answer to independence from corporate madness: https://reactos.org


    Oddly enough this project should be just what those always-complaining-yet-never-switching-systems want but it just can't seem to get the backing and community support it needs to prosper and that's after 17 years!


    It's the same with every Windows release that displeases people:

    ME: They complain, yet do nothing.

    Vista: They complain, yet do nothing.

    8(.1): They complain, yet do nothing.

    10: They complain, yet do nothing.


    I think my good friend Vaas has something to say about that:

  10. Thing is, if all people ever do is complain and complain some more without acting on those complaints they deserve no better.

    There are alternatives, ranging from the obvious choices of OS X and Linux, or young yet surprisingly successful contenders like ChromeOS to more obscure ones like PC-BSD and Android x86.


    Microsoft is so aware of how much they own the PC business that they are not even trying to hide that they are still 100% percent going to use Windows on the desktop as a vehicle to push their adoption in markets they aren't yet important in BECAUSE YOU ARE GOING TO BUY IT ANYWAY.


    Either directly via an OEM license, indirectly when you buy a new computer or when the OS as a service cash out scheme finally kicks in.


    Nobody can help you if you won't help yourself first.

  11. I would take this build as a reference: http://pcpartpicker.com/guide/LyWG3C/i5-4690k-gtx-980-overclocked-gaming-pc


    It's a good bit more expensive but there are several things which you might want to reduce.


    1st: Swapping the CPU out for the none K model, only get a K CPU if you are going to overclock it, if you don't there's absolutely no reason to get it.


    2nd: If you are going none K, drop the water cooling. The reference coolers work just fine and if it doesn't a mid tier after market air cooler for less than half the price will do just fine.


    3rd: You could absolutely swap that fancy RAM for regular and simple looking brand RAM and save a few bucks without losing quality, the brand is the important thing here.


    4th: Obviously storage is quite a flexible thing. Maybe go for half the capacity on the SSD and 1 or 2 TB on the HDD? It just depends on what you need but absolutely do not remove the SSD entirely, they are awesome to have and after getting one, I never want an HDD as a system drive ever again.


    5th: The GTX 980 is in an awkward sport right now where an overclocked GTX 970 is almost en par with it and the GTX 980 Ti beats it hands down. Still a good card, just not the biggest bang for the buck.


    6th: A case really is a matter of preference, you really don't need an awesome modular case when all you want is shove your hardware in and be done with it, there are good enough cases for around half the price.


    7th: That's supposed to be a really good PSU so I'd recommend sticking with it.

    • Upvote 1
  12. To reask my questions from the shout box, Roland:


    'm going to take a more thorough look at that later. 1200USD is exactly the price point between two tiers in my opinion.


    What should I favor? A faster CPU for better compile times or a better GPU for gaming performance?


    Do you even need a classic HDD besides a solid state drive or do you take the one from your old machine?


    Is it also an option for you to dump everything into a build without a dedicated GPU and use the old one until you can afford to upgrade to a really powerful one?

  13. I really doubt the CPU is causing that kind of slowdown.


    I'm fairly certain it is because of my own experience with a slightly faster Phenom II.


    Okay it isn't really JUST the CPU.


    You have to add to that that it isn't just the CPU itself. The entire system is based on the old FSB architecture, where everything has to pass through the northbridge to get to the CPU. which proved to be an extreme bottleneck.


    If you have your PCIe graphics card, memory and disks all throwing data round, as in a typical game scenario just about nothing is running as fast as it technically could.


    Anybody who has performance demands shouldn't be on an FSB based system these days.

  14. I can't start the project stand-alone as it fails to load libsteam_api.so but importing it as a project and running it I got around 700-900 and some odd fps. On the very same driver version as you.


    My hardware is an overclocked AMD FX-6300 @ 4.5 GHz and an Nvidia GTX 970.


    And this is what it all boils down to: Your hardware and the way a Leadwerks Lua game works.


    While your GPU is fast enough to get much better performance out of it your CPU is the bottleneck here.

    Lua is single threaded, OpenGL is single threaded and Leadwerks Lua projects use both of those.

    On top of that Leadwerks uses a deferred renderer which - if I understand correctly - is a bit more taxing on the hardware but scales better overall.

    And while I don't want to throw Josh under the bus I don't think that Leadwerks' OpenGL renderer aims to minimize CPU overhead at all, or is offloaded into its own thread. I think only physics might really be its own thread

    So while you have 4 cores, each one individually is rather weak and the way the engine is built just hammers one poor little core which bottlenecks your GPU.


    One quick way to try and help is by running your game with the __GL_THREADED_OPTIMIZATIONS=1 environment variable set, which makes the driver itself do some offloading.


    The only real solution here is a new CPU* with fast single thread performance ( a modern Intel i5 or i7, AMD FX only to a lesser extent, they are rather long in the tooth).

    Trust me, I did the same recently and it helped immensly in just about every Linux game there is as well as Leadwerks.


    *getting a new CPU in your case means new motherboard and RAM as well.

    • Upvote 1
  15. I can nail down the exact reason for the crash but just from snippet you have posted I can already see a few 'unclean' things.


    1st: Why are you even setting 'self.window=0' at all? There's no need for that and even though Lua isn't strictly typed, this could cause issues more than be helpful. It should actually be hard to even detect window being nil with that in the code. You should be seeing type issues instead.


    Judging from that I somehow fear that you are setting self.window to nil somewhere in the lines you didn't post.


    2nd: Setting 'windowstyle = window.FullScreen' will cause issues while keeping if 'System:GetProperty("fullscreen")=="1" then windowstyle=windowstyle+window.FullScreen end' if somebody actually ever uses command line option for fullscreen, as window.FullScreen .titlebar are actually just constant numbers that, when added, give a sum that can be uniquely traced back to the flags that were set. Adding the same constant twice should never happen here.


    I would strongly recommend pasting the entire App.lua contents unless you are hiding the secret sauce there.

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