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Posts posted by AndyGFX

  1. 1) Language: Human. Why? Because it can precompile to C++ or BlitzMax (or any other language if people are interested to write configs for it). So only once source code needed.

    2) Wiki. I don't want to download all kinds of PDF files, but have a quick look at them online first.



    I agree.

  2. Oops. Sorry. When i good remember, for lua exist clibs - luagl and luaglu, but i newer tried it from LE - maybe don't work becuase LE has LUA interpreter included to core of LE.

  3. Very good idea :)


    1) Language: BMX. Why? Because it's and will be primary language (by Josh's last words) *

    2) Blog/Tutorial: Hmm it's hard. Blog looks like modern wave of this age, nothing more.


    * When i started with 3D a lot of years ago, i was every day on NEHE, this page has a lot of basic tutorials and everyone is writed in same language, and at end of tutorial is added download section with links to other language conversions. I think this is way from my point of view.

    All tutorials in ONE language with download links to others conversion.


    Note: This idea give me new "fresh air" to my life, because i haven't time now to make any game project (i have new house and I'm surpised how many time need it from my free-time :) ), but i can help with this idea when you want.

  4. A few minuts ago, i tried update from LESDK, but upload crash with:


    2 files to update.

    Downloading "Maps/deserthighway_alpha.dds"...

    Downloading "Maps/terrain_arctic_alpha.dds"...

    File "Maps/deserthighway_alpha.dds" does not match server file size.

    Server says it should be 16777376 bytes, but the downloaded file is 0 bytes.

    File "Maps/terrain_arctic_alpha.dds" does not match server file size.

    Server says it should be 16777376 bytes, but the downloaded file is 0 bytes.

    Update completed in 7 seconds.

  5. mhh but this is not what i expect,

    I not want to do something with the entity-lua scripts, I only want that for the entity´s and nothing more :)

    the item scripts should be separate...


    I have another question, is it possible to create a lua class from blitzmax and/or invoke functions from within blitzmax

    like this :

    function classname:Bla()



    When you want call existing function in lua script you need add to BMX code this part:


    C sample:




    DELPHI sample:


    // call LUA function 
    function ExecuteFunction(functionname: pchar): pchar;
       if (enabled = false) then exit;
       lua_getglobal(VM, functionname);
       lua_call(VM, 0, 1);
       result := lua_tostring(VM, 1);
    // call LUA function with int arg
    function ExecuteFunction(functionname: pchar;val:integer): pchar;
    var state:integer;
       lua_getglobal(VM, functionname);
    	state := lua_type(VM,-1);
    	lua_pushnumber(VM, val);
    	if (state=LUA_TFUNCTION)  then lua_call(VM, 1, 0);


    And at end, my TIP:


    - add PUB.LUA to your BMX source

    - then you have this very useful functions added:


    Function lua_dobuffer:Int (lua_state:Byte Ptr, buff:String, sz:Int, name:String)
    Function lua_dofile:Int (lua_state:Byte Ptr, filename:String)
    Function lua_dostring:Int (lua_state:Byte Ptr, str:String)


    and many others.

  6. Q#1: Why you don't write string to a file and then call with RunScript?

    Q#2: Why you have inserted XML between Lua script and BMX? Why you don't write your class Item like lua class?


    TItemClass = {}
    function TItemClass:New()
       o = {
    		bItem_Used = false
    setmetatable(o, self)
       self.__index = self
       return o
    function TItemClass:OnPick()
    self.light = CreateSpotLight()
    function TItemClass:OnUseSwitch()
    if (self.bItem_Used==true) then
    function TItemClass:OnUpdate()
    -- ...

  7. File Name:Save data to lua syntax (as text/compressed)

    File Submitter: AndyGFX

    File Submitted: 01 Jun 2010

    File Updated: 01 Jun 2010

    File Category: Lua Scripts


    I wrote TStoreData.lua class for simple save data to standard lua format, which is simple to read back to script (described here: HowTo using LUA script as data file)


    Example: Save Data


    require ("class/TStoreData")
    test_data =
       pos = {0,1,2},
       name = "player1",
       other =
    			items = {"item1","item2","item3"},
    			subitems = {"A","B"},
    			data = {
    				x = 0,
    				y = 1,
    				z= 2},
    			tree = {
    					 leaf1 = "l1",
    					 leaf2 = "2",
    					 leaf3 =
    						leaf31 = "31",
    						leaf32 = "32"},
    					  used = true
    DataSaver = TStoreData:New()
    -- save uncompressed data
    -- save compressed data
    -- DataSaver:Save("result.lua",true,test_data)



    ["other"] = 
    	["items"] = 
    		[1] = "item1";
    		[2] = "item2";
    		[3] = "item3";
    	["subitems"] = 
    		[1] = "A";
    		[2] = "B";
    	["data"] = 
    		["y"] = 1;
    		["x"] = 0;
    		["z"] = 2;
    	["tree"] = 
    		["used"] = true;
    		["leaf3"] = 
    			["leaf32"] = "32";
    			["leaf31"] = "31";
    		["leaf1"] = "l1";
    		["leaf2"] = "2";
    ["name"] = "player1";
    ["pos"] = 
    	[1] = 0;
    	[2] = 1;
    	[3] = 2;


    Example#1: Load Data


    GameData = dofile("result.lua")


    Example#2: Load Data


    require ("class/TStoreData")
    LoadData = TStoreData:New()
    GameData = LoadData:Load("result.lua")


    Note: Saved format looks little bit different, but this saved format is only other lua syntax. Work same like before.


    Click here to download this file

    • Upvote 2
  8. Second strange thing is, why bullet.lua with cyclemode=1 works (is used in fpscontroller.lua).


    if pick~=nil then
    			emitter:SetVelocity( pick.normal )
    			emitter:SetPosition( pick.position )


    Note: Looks like for Lua LE API is this issue fixed.

  9. Try change alpha color to 0.0125 with 80 particles, and then same alpha with only one particle.



    particle2 = CreateEmitter(80, 500, Vec3(0, 4, 0), 1)

    EntityColor(particle2, Vec4(1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0125))



    particle2 = CreateEmitter(1, 500, Vec3(0, 4, 0), 1)

    EntityColor(particle2, Vec4(1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.0125))




    Because emitter is moved in same velocity as is defined for particles nodes, then all new particles are created on actual node position and sum of all alpha is >1 => without transparency.

  10. of course ;)



    method #1

    os.execute("luac -o game.data game.lua")


    method #2

    os.execute("path to bat file, where bat file contains luac ....")




    When you haven't installed full LUA libs for windows, use this link http://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/downloads/detail?name=LuaForWindows_v5.1.4-37.exe'>http://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/downloads/detail?name=LuaForWindows_v5.1.4-37.exe from main page: http://code.google.com/p/luaforwindows/

  11. Isn't comlicated. :)




    Base screen resolution = 1024x768 (HUD is designed for this res.)


    User defined resolution after start is now: 1280x1024


    Math (new_res/base_res):


    hud_x_scale = 1280/1024

    hud_y_scale = 1024/768


    and for all HUD elements you need calc new position:


    new_x = hud_x_scale * item_x

    new_y = hud_y_scale * item_y


    and size:


    new_w = hud_x_scale * item_w

    new_h = hud_y_scale * item_h


    and draw it.


    Note: You don't need create different images when are designed for max resolution.

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