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Ryan Wenke

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Everything posted by Ryan Wenke

  1. One of my artists is having a real hard time converting animations/models from maya into Leadwerks. He has used the DAE -> FBX converter and claims nothing happens when he does that. He has directly saved the model as a .FBX, but we are getting weird problems once we put it into leadwerks from that point. The lighting on the model is all dark, and the animations are extremley jerky. Any ideas?
  2. My art director is having problems exporting even a simple box in 3DS Max 10. He keeps getting "MAXScript Rollout Handler Exception --Runtime error: FileStream cannot create: C:\Program Files\Autodesk|3ds Max 2010\Max2GMF.conf" Any ideas? Thank you!
  3. When you say entity do you mean the point light? The view distance for that has been set to over 100 and still nothing is making the light source show up from 20-30 feet away. Not quite sure what this problem could be..
  4. When assigning a point light in the scene, no matter what I make the viewpoint I can not view the actual light until I am directly underneath it. In other words, the default 0 value or even a range of 100 is not making my point lights visible from a distance. In the editor everything looks fine however. Increasing the light range does make the light somewhat more viewable from a distance, but it also increases how far out the light spreads. If I want a small light on a porch for example, this is not ideal. Any suggestions? Below are two screen shots, first one from a distance and second one directly on top of the object. Both are from the same instance of the application. Before After
  5. There seems to be multiple issues regarding the directional light. The first yet not important one is that 2 directional lights will cause the scene to squish. I posted a bug report with screenshots in the tracker if you wish to take a look. The rendering issue I posted in my current bug report was in result of not having the shadow map resolution of the light set to 1024. The third issue was when I edited the offset/range values of the light. This issue created the jerky behavior that is discussed in the Editor forum. While the rendering issue we were having has been sorted out, would be nice to look further into the directional light.
  6. Exactly - and in a cut throat business we all need to work together . I wasn't offended by your comment, I just thought it was a bit silly and perhaps too embedded with insults towards Tyler's age. Let's lay this topic to rest, no sense in filling the forums with bickering and such. Back to work!
  7. I don't think an argument needs to surface here - in my honest opinion Tyler seems very passionate about Leadwerks and wants to see it thrive like everyone else. I agree with you that Josh is doing the best job he can as a 1 man crew, but sometimes being a leader, creator, or founder of any establishment requires recognition that you can't do everything yourself. If your intentions are to build a great game engine that other companies can use in their projects, there needs to be a better response to the lack of bug fixes than simply "I am just one person." Use the community that is standing by you to help structure and update the engine so bug fixes are dealt with in a timely fashion. Having a successful game engine is much more than high quality graphics at a low cost. You want to make sure technical issues are fixed as soon as possible or else consumers will get fed up and find another engine; even if it is slightly more expensive. As far as the comments go regarding my team, I think it's very unprofessional to speak on behalf of Josh and secondly comment on the structure and integrity of my team. I have personally invested a lot of funding into this project and selected an engine that fits our needs graphically and economically. While I know you have no official relation to Leadwerks, I highly suggest not verbally insulting a customer; it shines a bad light on yourself, the community, and the Leadwerks company as a whole. Let's try to work together to get these bugs acknowledged and fixed. I will continue posting anything I come across and do my part. Thank you.
  8. Updated the editor files yesterday. Anytime I change the appearance of the directional light in the scene to any color besides the default, half of the screen doesn't get rendered. Example photo below. Any ideas?
  9. Hey Folks, I was wondering if anyone had any suggested Ambient/Directional lightning values for night time environments. Been struggling trying to find a nice combination. Intensity levels as well as rotation positions would also be helpful. Thank you in advance! Ryan
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