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  1. Past hour
  2. Apart from manually keeping the mouse inside the window until it goes out of focus, I'm not too sure.
  3. Today
  4. Ah thats what you meant. I did it intentionally to be able to do stuff on other windows. btw current full screen in Ultra behaves as borderless window - is there a way to make it true fullscreen? Then mouse would inside window and panning would always work until alt-tab.
  5. I clicked nothing, just moved the mouse to the edge of the full screen window. Panning does work if you keep the mouse right near the window border, but leave the window and it won't work anymore. WASD work well.
  6. Actually SetMaxForce was only 100
  7. Did you click something on other screen? Panning works only if game window is active which can be made by scroll button or RBM for avoiding doing any actions. btw main way to move camera are WASD (or anything else if you want to change it in settings).
  8. Oh right, I follow now. Thanks.
  9. I mean for the scene collision. I use convex hulls for brushes now and they work a lot better.
  10. I mean moving the camera around by the mouse being at the edge of the window.
  11. Yeah they are bit high.... FLT_MAX for both force & torque No way I was letting that cylinder be influenced by anything! I'll try a convex hull too. Is that what your player controller uses?
  12. What do you mean by pan? I think i found right translation for this world by i still have no idea what exactly it means in this context
  13. You may need to lower the max force and torque the joint is allowed to use. It looks like you might be using very high values. Also, I have found convex hulls to provide better collision results than polygon meshes.
  14. Cool game! Just downloaded and everything worked as expected. Packages loaded fine. I have multiple screens and the only thing that was an issue for me is when my mouse went over to the next screen the window would no longer pan.
  15. Steam version will be found automatically but if you have Quake that updated to rerelease/remaster from other place (GOG/ EGS etc.) you can point to its folder manually when you open Quake Tactics first time
  16. Yeah I did. When I export my project it packages everything to another folder. I always test that before uploaded to steam, and then will download and test the download itself. All was working fine on the dev PC. I'm downloading your game now. Do I need to buy Quake on steam?
  17. btw did you try to run app on dev PC in other folder? I mean if you run it from project folder it will load files from usual folders.
  18. Oh that helped a lot, thanks. That's been driving me nuts for ages.
  19. 0.9.6 Shader families now include a "meshlayer" value to specify the vertex shader to be used. Previously I was using a single shader for everything, the system is now supports all the various shader families. Shader families will no longer use a separate "shadow" group, but instead "depthPass" will always be used, for both the forward Z pass and for shadow renders. Imposters now have their own shader family, and it works with mesh layers. Some additional work is needed on lighting, but it's working well. Mesh layers will now skip rendering of shadows, for meshes that have a material with shadows disabled. Fixed compile errors in imposter shaders.
  20. Use TEXTUREFILTER_NEAREST for the filtering argument when you create the texture. Otherwise, if your texcoords aren't 100% perfect it will blur the text.
  21. Josh


    This is what I wanted. Dense forest in the foreground, millions of trees in the distance.
  22. Yesterday
  23. @Josh Do you do anything special when rendering font textures? Or is this simply an artistic issue and I need better contrast between the background and text.
  24. I'm moving the cylinder around with a kinematic joint. As you can see in the video it will slide nicely against smooth surfaces, but anything with hard edges it can sometimes get stuck, and it keeps trying to push through it. You can see if I keep the key down to move the cylinder toward the box when it's at the corner it will go through slightly and begin to jitter. Is this a physics issue or something I should program into the controller? E.g. Stop trying to moving forward if a collision is detected (I would have thought though the physics system should be handling this).
  25. Looks like I got what I want working with this. auto pivot = CreatePivot(world); pivot->SetPosition(child->GetPosition(true), true); pivot->SetMass(1.0f); auto plane_joint = CreatePlaneJoint(p2, p2 - p1, pivot, child); auto slider_joint = CreateSliderJoint(p1, p2 - p1, planet, pivot); This means the child object still reacts to all physics, movement on all three axis and I'm pretty sure it's doing rotation on all 3 axis too... and when it collides with the planet sphere (which gravity is acting towards) it will stop moving and then move perfectly with the planet as it rotates. I don't really like using multiple joints, so if a joint can be made to do this. That'd be awesome.
  26. That does make more sense. The package contains a material and shader. Although I didnt think it loaded the files inside straight away...
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