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Terrain Errosion Blending Technique

Andy Gilbert



using UDK terrains as inspiration i wanted to try and get the same effect within leadwerks.


UDK's terrains can look extreamly nice, but that is fine when you have support for megatextures. This mean you have terrain building software such as world machine and others that offer features for creating massive mega textures which not only means you get unlimted layers as such, you get full procedral weathering effects, errosions, rocks etc and of course a mega normal map to make the whole terrain pop.


So after a little bit of thinking i managed to get a "not to far off" result in leadwerks.


Taken from the editor, no objects, just 3 texture layers.




And from FPS view:





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Looks great. So what you did was essential making the height map with some terrain-software and imported that. How did you apply the textures ... by hand?

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That does look nice!


So is this applying the mega texture as the base layer with some additional tiled textures on top to add some finer detail?


Why is your fps so low Andy?

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Hi Yes that pretty much nail on the head pixel, i use normal texture layers with slope settings, and apply a base layer that is made up of errosion and weathered data from world machine, that still obviously needs tweeking in photoshop but not alot to get a good result.


Low FPS: Because its on my not-so-good laptop, (easier than sitting on my not-to-much-better desktop)smile.png


Thanks for comments



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