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SCOT - Myst game with realtime physics/puzzles and action - progress.




Hi everyone,


Decided to do another blog on SCOT (Seventh Crystal of Theia) to keep you all up to date on the latest progress, get some good advices from you all, plus it keeps Roland and myself more motivated. And also, because it's great to make blogs, right? tongue.pngwink.png

Firstly, I'm not easily satisfied. I'm not trying to be perfect, but rather someone who's trying to get better.

So, after walking a few more times in the levels, I noticed that the look was kinda dull, and not as we wanted it to be. That's why I altered/tweaked the light/environment settings a few times more, and finally got the right mood for the game. Pheeeeeeew. smile.png

The Backyard and the Desert level have a much better feel now. Here some screens:


The Desert:




The Backyard:




As you can see, I've also started on adding a few cool effects. smile.png

The pinkish doorshield is one of my animated spritesheets, which I was able to put in the game, thanks to our shader-guru shadmar. Thanks, man!!

I've plenty more cool animated spritesheets to add to the game, and I might also put a few free ones in the asset store later.

Here are more ingame screenies:








Next item I'm going to add to the game, is the first monster. Mwuahahahhaaha! biggrin.png

And...Roland has been working really hard on more awesomeness for SCOT. smile.png

Celly (teh main character) has been totally re-rigged by Roland, and he's done an excellent job at it! Thanks, man!

It's a combination of BVH and IK-rigging, and what I've seen so far looks awesome!

After that, it won't be too long untill actual gameplay will be added.

But, I'm sure Roland will tell you more about that soon. So, stay tuned, and thanks again for your interest.



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Wow that looks really great!! coming along nice :-)

Let me know if you need sand in that tube, the snow shader using sand texture could do that.


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Let me know if you need sand in that tube, the snow shader using sand texture could do that.

Hehehhe, coool idea, shadmar! Could be very useful, your snow shader! Thanks. smile.png

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Thanks, Rick! Much appreciated. :)

I'm creating Healthpacks atm, and so far, it's looking great! But, that's for a next blog. ;-)

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