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Where the Pedal Hits the Metal




UML diagrams, object-oriented frameworks, and beautiful modular architecture are great things to develop, but sometimes you just need to make an application that real people can use. For me, that means you start with the behavior you want, and work backwards to make the code that does it. In the past I've considered fancy object-oriented mouse tool classes, but the style of editing I want is intuitive, easy, and fast, using the fewest number of mouse clicks possible to achieve a task. I think that's why so many people loved 3D World Studio, and it's a quality I want to retain in the design of the Leadwerks3D editor.



I now have basic CSG editing working. The code that does this is a little more event-oriented spaghetti than the engine core, but sometimes that is appropriate. I can't wait to start working with a CSG editor again, with new features like smooth groups. Drag and drop materials onto objects is already working, and it feels so intuitive and pleasant to use. This is the stuff I programmatically live for.

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Nice work Josh, as usual. Personally I don't see CSG editing as a very useful central tool anymore. I understand that it's been part of the industry for a long time and Josh I don't think you've wasted any time doing the above - I'm sure plenty will use it.

But I think the focus of the editor of a game engine should be much different. I'm sort of making this up as I go here but you know I'd like to see game engine editors wrap themselves around the industry standard tools most developers use these days -> Maya/Max/Mud Box/etc.

It should be able to take any arbitrary model object and turn it into a useful game object with little to no intervention. It should know when the model is being edited and changed in the native modelling engine and update it in real-time when saved. Etc.




Note: I'm pipe-dreaming here. This isn't a complaint about the above article.

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But I think the focus of the editor of a game engine should be much different. I'm sort of making this up as I go here but you know I'd like to see game engine editors wrap themselves around the industry standard tools most developers use these days -> Maya/Max/Mud Box/etc. It should be able to take any arbitrary model object and turn it into a useful game object with little to no intervention. It should know when the model is being edited and changed in the native modelling engine and update it in real-time when saved. Etc.Thoughts?Note: I'm pipe-dreaming here. This isn't a complaint about the above article.

That pretty much describes the way Leadwerks3D assets work.


It's one thing to download Blender for free, but it's another thing to have a modeling tool you can use proficiently. Even if you're a 3ds max expert, level design is much much easier with unique CSG modeling, rather than trying to piece together a lot of pre-made components. You might not happen to have a hallway or floor the exact size you need, and scaling components to fit will stretch their texture coordinates. Good level design is a mix of unique CSG geometry and prefabricated details.

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Actually, I have some convex decomposition routines that will decompose any polygonal geometry into convex hulls, so it would be possible to implement that. Not sure when and if, but it's doable.

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