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In Like a Lion




I haven't actually had the Leadwerks3D editor running on OSX Lion until a few days ago. There were some underlying GUI issues that had to be updated to handle a few new ways that OSX Lion does things. The first run was pretty frightening, with random crashes and all sorts of visual inconsistencies. However, careful testing resulted in these issues being resolved one by one.


The most peculiar was a bug in which the editor would crash when a file request dialog was opened if, and only if, it occurred any time after a popup menu had been displayed. The error displayed read as follows:

SCFinderPlugin(114): Unable to get bundle identifier.

I initially assumed this was some weird Mac thing that got changed between Snow Leopard and Lion. Google didn't provide much help. Finally I came across this page which hinted that other applications may have a problem with this "SCFinderPlugin" thing. Following the instructions here to uninstall the plugin made the problem go away. Then I remembered that SCPlugin was a sort of TortoiseSVN for Mac I tried out, that I never got to work. Apparently, it causes EverNote to crash when viewing PDF files, and there happened to be a PDF in the folder the file requestor opened by default.


So now the problem is eliminated and the Leadwerks3D editor is working pretty well on Mac. The interface is still ugly and unrefined, but important functionality is working the same across Windows and Mac.



And now I am off to fix a few Leadwerks Engine bugs reported here...



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Do you think there is a business case for delaying the release of LE3 in order to have it available on Lion? I would think that you would sprint to a release on Windows and work on Lion after, much as many other software packages do.

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It's easier to develop for all platforms I intend to support at once. It would be much harder to go back after the fact and find out I have to change things around in a product that is already in use. Past a certain point, I can just write code and not worry about which platform it's running on.

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It should, but I am not going to mess up my Mac machines quite yet. It's not due out until summer.

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