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Firefox Explorer




I like standard interfaces. I like the consistency of having all programs look the same. That's why web browsers bug me a lot sometimes; They each have their own unique look. It's disappointing to me how Microsoft has gotten away from this idea. Why oh why can't Windows have skins? But I digress.


In terms of performance, my favorite browser would probably be Opera. In terms of appearance, my favorite is Internet Explorer 6. I know, web designers hate it for its quirks. I don't use it due to security issues. But I still like it because it is the only web browser out there with what I consider a simple standard interface. So I took matters into my own hands and found a skin that makes Firefox look like IE6. Then I replaced the program icon with the IE6 icon. I also edited some configuration settings to change the name of the program. I give you Firefox Explorer!:




In all seriousness, the reason I am getting away from Microsoft Office is the ribbon interface. I've been using it since 2007, but I still prefer the Office 2003 interface. If they still had that as an option, I would be happily buying Office 2010. Maybe I am not representative of the average customer, but I have my likes and dislikes, and consistency is a big one for me.



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This also proves how customizable mozilla-based browsers can be, and how flexible these kind of projects are. Have you tried/used openoffice? It might also suit your needs in terms of interface consistency :D


btw. Good work there with the Fireflorer. :D

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*head explodes* You seriously like Office 03 over 07? Wow. I don't think I've ever met anyone who wanted to go back, and I've seen several thousand people take it on.


I've for a long time now gone with a very minimalist and functional Firefox skin based off of Google's Chrome:

EDIT: Grr, image doesn't auto-resize. Linking URL instead.


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Consistency is a word you do not want to put on your resume if you intend to work at Microsoft.

Seriously though, their whole line of products lacks any bit of consistency. It's extremely deceiving, and I feel your hate (although I cannot get away from Chrome).

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The more like "good old times" it is, the more I prefer it. I not only prefer Office '03 to Office '07, But I also prefer Office 2000 to Office '03.


But you don't need to tell me that I'm a little bit strange... I already know that

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