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Lua table gotcha




I recently was introduced to a bug in my game. I had 20 AI units and only 19 of them were actively doing something. Number 20 was just standing there. The problem eventually lied in using '#enemies' to get the amount of enemies.

Here is what happened:

A lua table index by default starts on index 1. This in contrary to many other languages where it starts at 0. However, you can assign a value to index '0' if you want. Since I use C# on a daily basis, I am more comfortable using the 0 index as a start. As a result this is my (simplified) code:

for i = 0, enemyCount-1, do
	enemies[i] = new Enemy()                          

In the AI script I loop over the enemies like this:

for i = 0, #enemies-1, do

This is really basic lua scripting with one tiny gotcha: The '#' is used to get the amount of consecutive keyed items in the list. This I knew. What I did not know, is that there is also the requirement that this order starts at index 1 (or at least not on index 0). It simply ignores the 0 index!

Here is a full script to try

local enemies = {}
local enemyCount = 4
for i = 0, enemyCount-1, 1 do
   enemies[i] = "I am enemy " .. i

System:Print("#enemiesCount: " .. #enemies) 

for i = 0, #enemies-1 do


I am enemy 0
I am enemy 1
I am enemy 2
I am enemy 3

#enemiesCount: 3

I am enemy 0
I am enemy 1
I am enemy 2

So what was happening? I did get the amount of enemies back, except for the one enemy that was located on index 0. I quickly noticed the lower count of enemies, but since enemy number 20 wasn't doing anything I was also looking in the wrong place. It was actually enemy number 1 that was the culprit, even though it's AI was being executed.

It can be solved in numerous simple ways, but I guess best practice is to just stick to Lua's standard and not assign anything to 0. This can really prevent some time being wasted on absolutely silly issues like this.

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You probably know this already, but another way is to use pairs() to iterate through all pairs in the table, or ipairs() to iterate through them in numerical order.

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13 minutes ago, Josh said:

or ipairs() to iterate through them in numerical order.

You have the same issue there when using ipair, the 0 index is ignored. Try it out Lua online.


create enemies: 4
I am enemy 0
I am enemy 1
I am enemy 2
I am enemy 3

#enemiesCount: 3    

I am enemy 0
I am enemy 1
I am enemy 2

1_I am enemy 1
2_I am enemy 2
3_I am enemy 3

Using PAIR
1_I am enemy 1
2_I am enemy 2
3_I am enemy 3
0_I am enemy 0


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I usually avoid indices at all. Instead, I insert items with Table.Insert() and iterate through them with pairs() or ipairs():

--Create a new table

--Insert some items into the table
table.insert(mytable,"Thing 1")
table.insert(mytable,"Thing 2")
table.insert(mytable,"Thing 3")


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2 minutes ago, Josh said:

I usually avoid indices at all. Instead, I insert items with Table.Insert() and iterate through them with pairs() or ipairs():

I guess for general tables that is a better approach. However when using a multidimensional array, I prefer indices.  I do find the Table.insert function a bit weird. I wish Lua did it more like below. It helps when using intelisense.

myTable:Insert("Thing 1") 


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I think it would actually work if you made mytable.insert equal to the function table.insert. ?

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Yep, it works:

local enemies = {}
local enemyCount = 4

enemies.insert = table.insert

print("create enemies: " .. enemyCount )
for i = 1, enemyCount do
   enemies:insert("I am enemy " .. i)                 

print("\nUsing IPAIR")
for key,value in ipairs(enemies) do
  print(key .. "_" .. value)                  

print("\nUsing PAIR")
for key,value in pairs(enemies) do
  if type(value)=="string" then
    print(key .. "_" .. value)                  


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13 hours ago, Josh said:

I think it would actually work if you made mytable.insert equal to the function table.insert. ?

That flexibility is the strong part of Lua (arguably also a weakness). I am sure you could even adept the default table behavior to do this automatically for all tables. It is a pity Lua doesn't do this by default.

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Well, notice above I had to add a type check because now one of the field of the table is a function. So you would probably not want this by default.

You could probably use a metamethod to hide the function from the pairs() iterator.

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