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Steady Progress




Not much to say in this blog post, but I've had a very eventful past 2 days with coding and level design.


First I created a comprehensive test level that allows me to test almost every aspect of what a person would have in an fps. There are is a rifle range, areas to test line of sight / AI evasion, falling deaths and a super short goal oriented map section.


I have also started creating my own FPS controller. This controller is being designed so the controller can relinquish it's control to another entity allowing a ladder entity to take over keyboard input or a turret to control what you see and movement range. This will enable game play similar to other standard engines.


Work has began on companion AI such as you would find on Left 4 Dead 2, all it does so far is follow you. Eventually it will have the ability to find ammo and weapons on it's own, attack enemies independently, manage it's health and heal you and pick you up if you get incapacitated.


Finally I have managed to abstract the key configs away from the fps controller file and into it's own script. I can from anywhere use keybind.forward and not worry about what the actual keys are and just worry about the game logic. The keybind system also is able to save and load from a file. If the file doesn't exist the file will be created.


Spurring all this development is a game idea that I plan to put on the game player. It is based of the Left 4 Dead Custom Map, Questionable Ethics. Stay tuned for more developments.




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Interesting read, taking the key config out of the controller script is a good idea. Might do that myself now.


There's a part in my game where the player relinquish's control for a bit, fairly basic in my game but again I should put this in another script.


The more advanced my game gets the more I see bits that needs rewriting and done in a better way. Will update my blog.


Look forward to seeing your game on the Game Player

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