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Week in preview-02/04/15




Let me start start off my apologizing for this being a few days late. Personal issues and stuff got in the way. Anyways, you're wandering what's been going on for this past week right? Let me start off with the BIG stuff. I hope you're not arachnophobic.


So this was a little thing I had in mind, you may not know this but, I'm arachnophobic. I know, hard to believe considering this thing is in the game, it does tie in to the story but it doesn't have a clear name yet(open for suggestions!)




It's kinda funny, since a lot of people told me that it would be good for my phobia if I challenged myself and put a spider enemy in the game. I accepted that challenge, and guess what? I'm now terrified of my own game. Go me. Here's a picture of it ingame!



Other than the sickening and absolutely adorable spider that's in the game, I got a bit more work on the dungeons and started making some new with some interactable thingies!






Another thing I started working on is the inventory system, which right now is very barebones, but it already archieves quite a lot.




It has 6 slots in total, and you will able to store, use, combine items however you want, giving you absolute freedom to completely ruin your chances of escape or making them better!



As a special feature, I recently partened up with the guys working on PAC(Pump Action Captain) and the Watcher is getting featured on their game! Check it out here!



Now last week I published a demo that was special to donators, since I spoke to the donators if I could put this out pubicly to get feedback and they all said yes, be on the lookout for a new demo this week!


Here's a playthrough of the new demo (shoutout to AaronThePaladin!):


And here's killoscott's playthrough of it!



I should mention that they missed a lot of stuff, so if you want to have a go at it. Check the demo coming in a few days!



There's a good new way to keep up with what I'm doing by seeing this page here:



Plans for next week!

  • Publish a new demo
  • Polish the already made levels
  • Complete Dungeon 2

  • Upvote 6


Recommended Comments

It's my taste, i don't like the Spider color full black , i would like red emissive eyes, and perhaps some red emissive furr or paint in the legs and foots of the spider.

* Fire effects are bad and will need particles (check some of my particle examples i made for LE3 wokshop)

* You have some strecthed horizontal texture on upper wall it seems, it looks not as good as others.

* Specular is too much uniform on textures, making real specular maps would help a lot

* shadows are too string and too black, as there is lightening in the room


I'll try your game later and try to post some other feedback for you smile.png


Good feedback :

great spider monster, really good level design, keep working on it.

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It's my taste, i don't like the Spider color full black , i would like red emissive eyes, and perhaps some red emissive furr or paint in the legs and foots of the spider.

* Fire effects are bad and will need particles (check some of my particle examples i made for LE3 wokshop)

* You have some strecthed horizontal texture on upper wall it seems, it looks not as good as others.

* Specular is too much uniform on textures, making real specular maps would help a lot

* shadows are too string and too black, as there is lightening in the room


I'll try your game later and try to post some other feedback for you smile.png


Good feedback, great spider monster, really good level design, keep working on it.


Thanks for the feedback! And as always I'll solve the issues right away!

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I noticed all your assets are not protected , even sounds, i strongly suggest you to encrypt your demo assets when you'll will go more serious about your game.


Trying your demo, while loading was long and i had a left corner not move able window , i switched to firefox, trying to switch back to your demo main menu when loaded , i got a full black screen when it tried to go fullscreen : AND IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO DISPLAY TASK MANAGER : BLACK not responding screen :(


Only that point shows a really serious problem : Any game i play i want to be able to close it down with ALT F4 or able to display task manager. I had to restart my computer, so i'll try it perhaps when this issue will get fixed.

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I noticed all your assets are not protected , even sounds, i strongly suggest you to encrypt your demo assets when you'll will go more serious about your game.


Trying your demo, while loading was long and i had a left corner not move able window , i switched to firefox, trying to switch back to your demo main menu when loaded , i got a full black screen when it tried to go fullscreen : AND IT WAS IMPOSSIBLE TO DISPLAY TASK MANAGER : BLACK not responding screen sad.png


Only that point shows a really serious problem : Any game i play i want to be able to close it down with ALT F4 or able to display task manager. I had to restart my computer, so i'll try it perhaps when this issue will get fixed.


I have no clue how that is happening, since it never happened to me or anyone else who played the demo, so I really don't know how to fix that issue...

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